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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Leveling
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Mages are usually a pain botlane, but Swain is even worse as his base hp are quite insane, his 1 item spike is stunning and you won't be able to 1v1 him ever. If hits his claw you'll just get bursted with no counterplay since his dps range is higher than yours. Cleansing his cc won't cleanse his ability to pull you to him. Zhonya costs 2500 gold now, and it destroys your ult engages. Avoid at all costs.
Attack speed based builds synergise heavily with pixie. Lulu can possibly give even more attack speed.
Attack speed based builds synergise heavily with pixie. Lulu can possibly give even more attack speed.
Champion Build Guide
Hello and welcome to my Vayne Build Guide, I'm Pandore, peak 650 LP Grandmaster season 2020 on EU West server, adc main for now 4 seasons, playing the game since season 1 and as you guessed it, a huge vayne addict. I started streaming a year ago and a lot of people have been asking for coaching, so I decided that I'll instead write a guide so everyone can profit from the knowledge I acquired during all this years and particularly in the pre-season ! I stream in french but will answer any question you have in english so feel free to ask ! |
+ Great solo carry potential + Extremly good scaling + Tank melter + High skill, high reward |
- Hard to play, hard to master - Relies on reflex and positionning more than other adcs - Mistakes are severly punished, squishy - Easily abused early game - Weak to high ranged mages and heavy crowd control - Extremly bad blindpick |
Triumph can be a second choice. I personnaly don't like it, but it does serve its purpose of surviving ignites ! Presence of Mind is just straight up bad |
There's something that everyone needs to understand is that you won't be able to get the champion full potential out in a few tryouts. It might get frustrating, hard to perform, bad scores/games one after the other, but take each game as a step to improvement, do not focus on your immediate result, as you're definitely improving just by playing ! Vayne need quite a lot of games to really get around the champion and realise it's potential.
First things first, we need to clear the basics.
- Night Hunter is not to be underestimated in laning phase and extended trades, because even if Vayne doesn't have many match ups, if by chance you manage to get the upper hand in a trade, this ability alone can force the ennemy to flash as they can't escape just by running due to the movement speed difference.
- Night Hunter works in quite a big angle in front of you. Even if you're not running straight to an ennemy, you can still proc the bonus movement speed, good to note when both botlanes need to move river to help a fight, it can give you an edge
- It is an auto attack reset, that means that you can attack faster when you use this skill at the right moment/frame/just after an auto attack. This helps tremoundously to proc Press the Attack and surprise the ennemy with burst damage.
- It is an excellent engage/dodge tool, you can really abuse its low cd and scratch ennemy hp here and there
- The animation of the skill is lowered if you do it against a wall, and even faster if you do it backwards or sideways against a wall ! Try it in practice tool to get used to it and the feel of the autos, understand what is going on and how the animation cancel works.
- The hitbox of your champion gets bigger during your vault until the animation is over, don't be surprised if sometimes some skills look like they're not in but you still get it !
- As a general visual aid, Silver Bolts last slightly less than Press the Attack marks. 3.5 seconds is way longer than it looks like, gives you lot of spacing. Abuse this by faking out disengages when ennemy has at least one stack, to try and turn for auto + auto reset with Q for maximum damage.
- Silver Bolts doesn't spread on all targets with hurricane, but does not reset either, it will only apply to the target you are attacking.
- Every third guinsoo attack gives you 2 Silver Bolts stacks instead of 1, you can use this to surprise the ennemy by autoing minions, wards or even plants to stack it preemptively.
- Lastly, Silver Bolts procs omnivamp, which makes Ravenous Hunter and Ravenous Hydra EXTREMLY good sustain choices.
- It is important to know that your Condemn adds a stack, so you can do fast combos where you auto two time a minion. hold onto the Guinsoo's Rageblade+ Kraken Slayer proc, auto an ennemy once and condemn him for instant heavy burst damage.
- Your Condemn can also be cast just before a Flash to change the direction towards which the target will be pushed. It is a bit hard to get used to it but will serve its purpose. Can be used to guarantee a stun against a wall
- The movespeed bonus value of your Final Hour is just has important has the bonus damage, keep it in mind early game when you're chasing someone off that was greeding your tower plates and hasn't back yet. An ennemy without flash cannot escape Vayne's grasp under Final Hour.
- It's duration is longer than it seems, you can easily get 3 to 4 invisibility in 1 Final Hour with your Tumble. Now what's left is to use those invisiblities to your advantage.
- DO NOT AUTO RIGHT AFTER Tumble UNDER ULTIMATE UNLESS YOU'RE CERTAIN THERE'S NO DEATH THREAT, and I can't stress this enough. Stay as LONG as possible invisible, either to gain distance on ennemy, to reposition yourself, to be able to condemn and stun the ennemy, to dodge a skillshot, to avoid point and click damages and much more. Your imagination is the limit.
Thank you for reading and good luck in the rift !
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