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Use your heal to speed yourself up to dodge her jump then use your q to dodge her w and you will find this lane quite easy
Easy to vs. Just build the early game build into him :)
Depends on how good he is honestly and your reaction times. If you can stay out of his pull then u will be fine. I suggest building the early game build into him :)
Free win if you see someone pick this in champ select pick kayle you will win 99% of the time. Build normal and just have a better reaction time to his barrels and you will win :)
Skill based. I suggest to play safe early game. You can win early if she miss plays you want to use your ult when she ults you. Remember to stand next to a wall to deny her the heal from her ult. Wait till 21 minutes when you get your Nashors tooth and rageblade then you can begin to win. Call for a gank early game to get ahead. Dont get cocky if you're ahead
Easy all game build the early game path and you will find yourself having a fun time :).
Depends on the gragas build path. If he builds full damage get ready to clench your asshole. If he builds tank then you will be fine.
Freelo. Kill tentacles when the show up and remember to dodge her E. Early game poke her and it will be easy. Use your early game build and ult yourself when she ults you.
Hard matchup you will lose she will tower dive you and everything. Wait till 22 mins to even bother to fight her. You will need your nashors, rageblade and a QSS to 1v1 her.
Dodge his combo and you will be fine when he comes to all in you use your ult once he switches to melee form and is in his Q animation you will block alot of his damage
You're looking at my guild against another kayle? You will win :P
Kled has a few spots were he power spikes one being at about lvl 5 so you want to be careful about that if you have unmounted him then you want to watch that bar of rage if its around 50% and he goes in on you he knows he will remount and kill you. So be careful of that. Apart from that build your early game buildpath against him.
You shred tanks so easy win but be careful of his E it reduces your attack speed and thats what you need.
This is a matchup where i always think about maxing Q second but i still dont know. Because you're both doing to be slowing each other 24/7 so you most likely wont outrun him if he takes ghost.
You can easily kite him but i would suggest being careful and build normally since thats the safe route to go. Remember to stay out of his e range early game cause it does quite abit of damage to you.
You're going to lose all game have fun. Your ult is useless so have fun
You're going to lose until like 30 mins have fun. Your ult is useless have fun. Unless you get your jungler to camp you then you might have a chance.
This is an extremely hard match up. You want to play safe until 21 minutes when you get your rageblade and Nashors tooth. Try out the early game build.
You're going to lose have fun
Skill matchup dodge his e so you wont be slowed otherwise he will come up to you with his q and melt you and he will repeat this over and over until you die. You want to wait until 21 mins to get your nashors and rageblade to face this evil monster
Easy win suggest doing early build with rageblade first item
Singed easy lane if he proxies you dont worry you can wave clear very well. If its a lane singed then be careful lvl 5-7 as he will slow you so slow him back dont let him fling you or you will lose so much health. Your ult is pretty much useless against him aswell cause its constant damage
Kite kite kite easy win Build normal.
This is a big skill matchup and will test your csing skills try to stay out of his birds range as soon as he puts it down move out of it. Maybe this could be a time to build your Wits end but you will then be weak in teamfights.
Tahm Kench
Dont let him get in melee distance of you or he will start to stack his passive make sure to use your heal to give you movement speed to dodge his tongue or you will get stunned then eaten then spat out for breakfast and will lose alot of hp.
Bruh you will be blinded poisoned and in pain this litte angel will fk u hard and you cant even get your junglers help because of his invisible nukes.
This can be an easy lane if you're on the blue side keep him pushed under tower and keep your river warded. If you're on the red side then you will have trouble because you will need your tri and river warded. Build normally try not to fight to much until you get your 2 items.
Your ult is like useless against him his lasts longer and its so hard to kite him. He even out heals you early because he doesnt have mana.
I dont even know man just dont bother
Xin Zhao
This guy is interesting ask for jungler help cause he will hurt. Look to fight him once you have your two items.
Dodge that q or you're in for a hell of a ride. Build normal try not to fight cause he does alot of damage and people who play him usually know whats up.
Hey everyone my name is Nexz i play on the OCE server and i have over 300 games on kayle so far in s7 all being in Diamond+ elo. I reached my peak at Diamond 2 so far in Season 7. 5/04/2017.
I stream 4 days a week on so come watch me i will 99% of the time playing top lane and about 50% of the time playing kayle now.
I would like the fellow community to learn kayle and play kayle as good as i do.
My winrate on kayle is 60% and my overall winrate in ranked solo is 52% and flex is 60%. I use to be a mid main until 3 months ago when i changed to top lane and here i am.
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