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Master Yi Build Guide by CreamCookies2224

Jungle Pre-Season OP Build

Jungle Pre-Season OP Build

Updated on November 24, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CreamCookies2224 Build Guide By CreamCookies2224 1,699 Views 0 Comments
1,699 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CreamCookies2224 Master Yi Build Guide By CreamCookies2224 Updated on November 24, 2017
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Why not on-hit in this preseason

It's just bad. Not much to it. Attack speed is not very good as there is not much tanks in preseason due to the new runes. Critical build is also much better late game.

Attack speed has synnergy with alpha strike as it reduces it's cooldown, but with no AD it doesn't do that much damage and crit build offers cooldown reduction so it's better.

Attack speed is NOT important! Statikk Shiv is mainly purchased for the critical chance (to give CDR from essense reaver) and the lightning passive. You have enough attack speed from:
Highlander + a lot of % depending on level
Bezerkers +35%
Alacrity +18%
Domination +18%

You don't need 100% critical chance late game. However, you do at least need 40%

Will add more detail later, anyways remember it's gank meta not wank meta. Go for ganks early on, despite what other yi mains say, Yi ganks are actually quite good from level 3.

Teamfighting: Don't dive the carry if they have peel, remember you are a adcarry yourself with no range. Alpha dodging is very important, not as important as following blinks/jumps though (like tristana). Yi is quite good at teamfighting despite common belief he is only for 1v1. Once you get a takedown your alpha cooldown will almost be reset and you will gain another 7seconds of highlander. Alpha is even better than aoe abilities because it always hits 4 enemies in teamfights and it does a lot of damage because of crit + AD build

Jungle Clear: start bot side always. red/blue doesnt matter. Once you hit level 3 from 3 camps go for gank if possible. Don't go for gromp/golems on first clear.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CreamCookies2224
CreamCookies2224 Master Yi Guide
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