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Yasuo Build Guide by ssricky

Support Preseason Yasuo Support Guide

Support Preseason Yasuo Support Guide

Updated on December 31, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ssricky Build Guide By ssricky 13,036 Views 0 Comments
13,036 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ssricky Yasuo Build Guide By ssricky Updated on December 31, 2022
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Runes: Standard

Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Normal Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Preseason Yasuo Support Guide

By ssricky
Who am I? I am a Gold OCE support. My mechanics aren't the best and I play on autopilot most of the time so I couldn't care any less about macro. I mainly play Yasuo and Belveth support because it's fun.

Your mechanics are the key to Yasuo support. To truly be able to transition into the middle game easily, you must be very aggressive early on and secure leads. Play like a regular Yasuo, not a support Yasuo. Steal all the kills and carry the game yourself. You are the only one with actual hands and eyes unlike your team mates who are bots. If you int, then just say you thought you were mid lane, but a true yasuo main wouldn't care about flame. Adopt the mentality and you will see yourself florish in the support role. As Yasuo Support, you must remember that you are a brokie, a man wanting to have an infinite edge and shieldbow in your item slots but you can't afford it since you don't CS. Hence why you should KS at every opportunity and make plays in botlane, the money isn't just gonna come to you, you have to go get it. You didn't choose Yasuo support to be like those submissive feminine lulu twink mains, you chose Yasuo because you wanted to escape the Support trinity - mage, enchanter, and tank, you must aspire to be greater to show that you're the better player regardless of champion and role. You must become Yasuo himself.

So how do you win lane?

As Yasuo support, you're greatest strength in lane is your passive and windwall; these are what grant you survivability in lane.

Try to avoid using your support item on the minion at level 1. Do Q the mage creeps to gain the push edge if you can, but don't go overboard otherwise the minion wave will be pushed too near to the opposing tower. You, as a melee support without a hook, are essentially more useless than a mage minion if the wave is overpushed so don't overpush it.

At level 2, if the lane looks killable then go for an all in, level E. Make sure you stack Q once or twice for Q3 before going in. You can either aim for the support or ADC, it doesn't really matter even if your ADC dies, as long as they dish out enough damage for you to clean up. A regular support doesn't benefit that much with the clean up gold compared to an ADC getting it but as Yasuo, you will be able to creep closer to your crucial T2 Boot Powerspike.

If you didn't go for the level 2 all in - you leveled W @ level 2, then you can go in @ level 3. Level 3 grants you windwall which can be used for really good trades and your all ins.

Before level 6, you can try find good trades with your W and Q3. Alternatively, just wait it out if the enemy duo is very oppressive in lane eg Draven, Kalista, or Lucian/Nami

Level 6 is when you're at your strongest. Many of the ADCs and Support ults can be blocked by your windwall. With your R, you can finally do most of the Yasuo combos such as E Q3 Flash AA R or Q3 E Q R etc.

Yasuo suffers a lot outside of laning phase since he can't get enough gold, that's why it's necessary to stomp your lane. That said, Yasuo can still 1v1 the enemy ADC with his windwall.

After turrets get knocked down, try steal enemy jungle camps since they don't go towards the support item gold debuff. Tax minion waves like the little gremlin you are, trying to get your IE or whatever secondary you're going. Yasuo is a really great split pusher since his wave clear is fast and he can E away if you prepare your minions correctly.

Ideally you'd want to play with your other lanes and jungle to combo your R if they have a knock up or just team fight since he's a great teamfighter and skirmisher. Shadow them and wait till they land their knock up; wait till the very last millisecond of the knockup then chain it with your R for full damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ssricky
ssricky Yasuo Guide
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