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Here is his champion spotlight:
Jungling is a position that is essential for the game to function as it does. It gives top lane extra experience. It helps lanes that are not doing good. When jungling you need to find the balance of ganking and clearing camps. As the jungler you can't always go to a lane and take their farm. You still have to kill your camps for farm. As a jungler with fast clear times like lee sin, you need to find a good balance. You should be ganking, taking maybe two or three minions, and leaving. When you gank a lane, you almost always want to try to give the lane the kill, it'll put them ahead. Bottom lane, adc wants kills, mid lane wants kills, midlane is almost always a high damage carry. If you think you will do better with kills than your top lane will, take the kill in most situations. Top lane doesn't usually have too high of carry and damage output.
- AoE
- Very sustainable
- Slows
- Attack speed with every ability
- High damage output
- Good at poking
- Energy
- Can deal damage based on enemy health
- Can shield to team, shielding him and his target
- Skill shots
- Blind
- Initiates ganks with skill shot
- Slight squishiness
- Silences destroy Lee Sin making you die immedietaly

This Mark is a must. It lifts your attack damage. You need this to make it so you can have high damage output. While poking you are able to do a lot more damage with these marks. This mark helps all of your abilities do more damage.

This Seal helps defend you. It highers your defense. This is good for jungling, because you are taking a lot of physical damage from monsters. This also helps a lot with champs with AD like

This Glyph will save you from many champs. Champs like

I take this Quintessence for more damage over all. All of them together give you a good amount of AD. I also take one Greater Quintessence of Life Steal. What this does is give you an amount of sustain for early game, and the sustain that might just save your life.

Right after

Well, this is my guide on
Lee Sin. Hopefully you learned a lot. Please upvote or downvote, but if you vote please explain in the comments. I hope you will like my guide and i think it was very helpful. Thanks!

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