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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Sunlight (PASSIVE)
Leona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He can use his E to counter your E all but you can still Q him after but not ADC probably. So just wait for 6 then ult him or ADC.
Miss Fortune
Strong early game adc, can follow up your engage before 6 and after 6 you 2 are killing machines. You can set up her R with your R.
Miss Fortune
Strong early game adc, can follow up your engage before 6 and after 6 you 2 are killing machines. You can set up her R with your R.
My name is Rale im S9 Master Support main.I been playing league since season 3 and maining leona since season 7. I feel like she is free-elo in solo Q right now. She is really strong in the lane she can also roam pretty well. She can stun opponents for so long and make tham uselles and start fights with her R. She is also rly tanky which will make your opponents rage for not being able to kill you :)

Any damage dealt by allies (other than herself) consumes Sunlight, dealing Magic damage 25 − 144 (based on level) bonus magic damage. Thats why Leona does so much damage and can 1v1 enemy ADC sometimes on her own.

Shield of Daybreak resets Leona's basic attack timer which is really usefull for one shoting enemys wards and destroying there vision on the map.

This is defenetly the most broken ability on Leona as a tanky support she gets ever more Tanky and you can go in with no scares also you do some damage at the end of your w to finish of the kills.

Leona is unable to move or attack while Zenith Blade is in flight.
Zenith Blade is used for going in but you can also use it to push the lane faster and damage creeps or even relic stack tham if you cant get into auto range.

This is your R this is your way you win your games by catching people off guard and starting a fight or even pealing with it your adc so enemys who are trying to kill tham cant get to tham.

You go Knights vow 2nd item after Mythic usally when you are playing from behaind and want to be more tanky and help your adc survive until you and your adc get more items.
If you are intrested add me on discord or message me when im online on pro guides.
Discord: Rale#3924
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