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One thing that I noticed, is that this guide is marked as a general guide, which will not get as much attention as a champion one. Also, wouldn't be better (in my opinion) to change the appearance to the new guide style? It looks a lot cleaner and you can switch to it by unchecking the "use legacy style" in the guide setup.
Nonetheless great guide, don't bother people who just rage on the comments, if it's your style, then who can say this build is wrong at all?
Some builds will work better for some playstyles
like bananas seems to work better for monkeys than cows
You can use other sites with more counter picks like:
Havent updated it for a while but yes xin is absolute one of lee hardest match ups. His dps and skill set is pretty good against lee. Khazix stealth and ultility can get in lee hands if played right. Easy to reveal stealth and totally destroy if you got your ultimate up.