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Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Honestly I can't think of any cons. You'll be able to place wards until the internet goes down.
Pros: This is the best way to get a lot of wards.
ONE SLIGHT CON: Some people might sarcastically cheer the other team for killing your wards, but that just means you're doing your job.
Keep calm and keep warding the same spot.
Pros: This is the best way to get a lot of wards.
ONE SLIGHT CON: Some people might sarcastically cheer the other team for killing your wards, but that just means you're doing your job.
Keep calm and keep warding the same spot.
OK, so this is the pro as heck way of playing Janna.
Once you have boots and 2x GP10, you can just put wards everywhere. Be sure to keep everything warded. Caution: if you run out of wards, something might happen in the game, so try to avoid that. Always buy more wards.
Don't worry if the other team has a Tanky Malphite with Oracles, just keep placing wards. Your goal is to simply out last the other team and/or the internet connection. You can be sure not to lose.
Once you have boots and 2x GP10, you can just put wards everywhere. Be sure to keep everything warded. Caution: if you run out of wards, something might happen in the game, so try to avoid that. Always buy more wards.
Don't worry if the other team has a Tanky Malphite with Oracles, just keep placing wards. Your goal is to simply out last the other team and/or the internet connection. You can be sure not to lose.
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