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I thought Shoes were fine before but now that they take longer to pop, I'm not sure it's worth it. If you have a bad game and can't get many takedowns, you'll have to wait a really long time to be able to actually become mobile. Whereas the CDR is useful in every game.
I do like Resolve now and again and when you should use it is essentially when you're against big daddies on the enemy team. For example if they have a lot of bruisers, assassins, maybe in a losing match-up like vs Draven and Blitz or against pokers like Zyra and Brand. Though these are champions that'll probably sushify you no matter what. Besides, although you will be tankier and Second Wind/Bone Plating does negate some damage, the biscuits from Inspiration also achieve this and then you don't have to take Resolve if you don't want to. Just be sure to pick up some tanky stats from the stats stuff.
And thank you for the compliment! How come you're not playing support anymore though?
I also LOVE Bard and Nami :) although, I have a pretty big champ pool in the support role. You can't afford to be picky when your role only has like a dozen champs. Nami, Bard, Thresh, Lulu and Morg are my favourites I think. Anyhow good luck in Top and Mid, pretty heavy duty roles! I can play ADC and jungle outside of support; switching to a solo lane after years of playing support is quite intimidating.
I personally find mid and top much more intimidating because there are so many champions you suddenly need to be intimately acquainted with. Way too many match-ups to learn. Not to mention, the burden of carrying each game on your shoulders! Kudos for the boldness to main these roles :)