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Nami Build Guide by Jovy

Support PROGRAM: Bubble Pop - Nami Support

Support PROGRAM: Bubble Pop - Nami Support

Updated on October 29, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jovy Build Guide By Jovy 1808 55 4,672,321 Views 147 Comments
1808 55 4,672,321 Views 147 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jovy Nami Build Guide By Jovy Updated on October 29, 2020
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Steve57 (7) | May 6, 2020 7:26am
Do you prefer ignite or exhaust?
Jovy (954) | May 6, 2020 8:06am
Ignite for sure, Exhaust is a pretty niche choice. It's useful against certain enemies like Vayne, Jax, Zed and other assassins.
Steve57 (7) | May 6, 2020 8:12am
Thanks for response :)
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PsiGuard (1495) | August 21, 2019 5:31pm
I want to say "looks much better with the new guide view" but I honestly don't remember how it looked before. It's probably better. Good job. :D
XxBlenderxX (1) | August 4, 2019 3:40am
Should'nt you include zhonyas for assasins
Jovy (954) | August 4, 2019 4:43am
It's very rare that I buy a Zhonya's (due to the price) but it does happen against particularly fed assassins. Will add it!
XxBlenderxX (1) | August 9, 2019 11:40pm
ShockStrikes (9) | May 17, 2019 6:16pm
Very nice guide. Remember using this way back when it came out! Come a long way, I used to main support. Quick question, however, would you prefer shoes or CDR, that extra CDR on Nami's abilities would be great, especially the ultimate. Should I take resolve at all, and in which matchups?
Jovy (954) | May 18, 2019 11:00am
Hi ShockStrikes!

I thought Shoes were fine before but now that they take longer to pop, I'm not sure it's worth it. If you have a bad game and can't get many takedowns, you'll have to wait a really long time to be able to actually become mobile. Whereas the CDR is useful in every game.

I do like Resolve now and again and when you should use it is essentially when you're against big daddies on the enemy team. For example if they have a lot of bruisers, assassins, maybe in a losing match-up like vs Draven and Blitz or against pokers like Zyra and Brand. Though these are champions that'll probably sushify you no matter what. Besides, although you will be tankier and Second Wind/Bone Plating does negate some damage, the biscuits from Inspiration also achieve this and then you don't have to take Resolve if you don't want to. Just be sure to pick up some tanky stats from the stats stuff.

And thank you for the compliment! How come you're not playing support anymore though?
ShockStrikes (9) | May 18, 2019 5:33pm
No problem, great guide! It really sucks, the community moved me away from playing support. I kept on getting flamed and baited in lane, this was happening no joke every game. I retaliated and got a 14-day ban. It was just a bad experience. But I love playing Nami and Bard, my favourite supports! If I were to get autofilled support I would play either of those two. For now I have found my lanes in Top and Mid. They are very isolated and I cannot tilt.
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catearsis | May 6, 2019 12:26am
Great guide. Thank you for this!
Jovy (954) | May 18, 2019 11:01am
thank you for reading/commenting catearsis! :)
ItsKanae | April 23, 2019 11:29pm
Hello, I wanna ask if its better to take inspiration or resolve as a secondary runes. And When it's more effective take inspiration and when resolve when playing nami? Nice guide btw :))
Jovy (954) | April 24, 2019 12:33pm
thanks! 🍣 I'd say Inspiration is a better option on the whole. I'd only take Resolve if I thought I'd really need extra tankiness in a particular game. For example, if I'm going up against a high poke bot lane, high burst bot lane or if the enemy team has a lot of assassins.
Hanzel Stormborn | April 3, 2019 5:17pm
I am glad to found this guide. It's really sensible and works like wonder on Nami! <3
Jovy (954) | April 3, 2019 6:04pm
thank you! glad you like it :)
Tritan (4) | March 16, 2019 9:39am
Thanks for the guide! I enjoyed playing her. Although I would opt for the shoes instead of 5% cdr.
SiirSeverim | March 2, 2019 2:50am
Why do you choose Absolute Focus instead of Transcendence? It gives the same amount of AP + bonus CDR.
Jovy (954) | March 2, 2019 4:24am
I don't like it that Transcendence only kicks in mid game after you've exceeded the CDR cap. I think they're both fine options though. I see that some pro players use one and some use the other.
George1313 | January 26, 2019 4:50pm
Is it possible for you to upload your .json files? i really like your guides and would like to paste them to my game :D
Jovy (954) | January 27, 2019 7:29am
I would if I knew how to
CuteMeeow | January 20, 2019 9:33am
Ah thank you. Definitely my favourite one :)
Jovy (954) | January 22, 2019 9:08am
PAMBIKOS | December 14, 2018 4:10pm
Really Nice guide about nami i really tried it out and worked fine about me and also made me see bot lane as nami abit different with your tips as support
Jovy (954) | December 14, 2018 4:58pm
glad it helped! hope you enjoy playing her :)
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PROGRAM: Bubble Pop - Nami Support

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