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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
I got a couple of complaints about how my build didn't have enough defense in it, too much attack damage, so I went ahead and fixed that. I replaced some of my attack speed items with more reliable items. first I replaced the Phantom Dancer with a Last Whisper and moved it to more early game, this is so that when facing a tank (or even when your not) you can still take them down without having the stress of your attacks hardly phasing them. Second I took out the Infinity Edge and replaced it with a choice of any of the defensive items I put in the build, this is so that you can have more sustain in battle.
For masteries I did something vary unusual... I had all my points spent in one tree, this is because I feel that Ezreal would benefit a lot more with the extra damage. I also put the points in what I find necessary, I focused on enhancing his basic attacks with masteries like Spellsword and Frenzy. For runes I focused on getting more out of your basic attacks and getting your basic attacks to go faster, for Seals I went Seal of Attack Speed so that you could more frequently attack getting the most of your damage, for marks I went Mark of Hybrid Penetration this is because this build does have a little bit of magic damage so you can still get the most out of those skills too, for Glyph and Quint's I went Glyph of Attack Damage and Quint of Attack Damage for obvious reasons, so you could do more damage in general.
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