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Quinn and Valor counters:
Quinn and Valor and with witch supp :
Nami, Sona and Taric!
Comment below why you donĀ“t or why u like this guide!
IĀ“m taking this Runes, because itĀ“s normal vor a Ad Carry to pick Ad Damage and itĀ“s totally Op with Quinn and Valor, because of her Pasive!
Why maxing the Blinding Assault Q first? The Blinding Assault Q is blinding your Enemys, and dealing Damage. Why maxing Vault E as second Skill? The Vault E is slowing your enemys and activate the Harrier Pasive in a instand!
Harrier is your Pasive skills itĀ“s dealing extra Damage to your enemys if you hit your Enemys with Vaults or if your Bird will hit randomly the Enemy.
Blinding Assault
Blinding Assault is Blinding your Enemys so they canĀ“t attack you for 1,5sec! It can hit more targets if u Hit your Blinding Assault, while your blind the Enemys, you dealing Physical Damage and itĀ“s really much Physical Damage
Heightened Senses
Heightened Senses is a skill which is increasing your att speed in the Human and Hawk, one tipp itĀ“s useless in Human form!
Vault is a Epic skill! The skill is slowing your Enemys and while they are slowed they gonna get your Pasive in a instand so you can attack them and dealing Damage so the Enemy knows that he have no chance against you in a 1o1 - 2o2 Lane!
Tag Team
Tag Team is a Tactical skill, you can use it to run away or to sprint to your Enemys! In this form you get High movement speed and High att Speed!
Harrier is your Pasive skills itĀ“s dealing extra Damage to your enemys if you hit your Enemys with Vaults or if your Bird will hit randomly the Enemy.
Blinding Assault
Blinding Assault is Blinding your Enemys so they canĀ“t attack you for 1,5sec! It can hit more targets if u Hit your Blinding Assault, while your blind the Enemys, you dealing Physical Damage and itĀ“s really much Physical Damage
Heightened Senses
Heightened Senses is a skill which is increasing your att speed in the Human and Hawk, one tipp itĀ“s useless in Human form!
Vault is a Epic skill! The skill is slowing your Enemys and while they are slowed they gonna get your Pasive in a instand so you can attack them and dealing Damage so the Enemy knows that he have no chance against you in a 1o1 - 2o2 Lane!
Tag Team
Tag Team is a Tactical skill, you can use it to run away or to sprint to your Enemys! In this form you get High movement speed and High att Speed!
Farming as a Quinn and Valor is not that Hard, while your Blinding Assault is attacking much targets, you can Push easy back! And with your Harrier you canĀ“t miss many Creeps :)
Farming Skills:
Blinding Assault
Farming Skills:
Blinding Assault
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