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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
The best way to play as twisted fate middle is by ganking top and bottom as much as you can early game, this will give your top and bottom a higher push rate which is whats needed to make your team closer to winning, with twisted fates ultimate its best to use when an enemy is really low health and you can teleport their with destiny and get the easy kill, or if someone isn't as low health as you thin k you can take you should choose a golden card just before you teleport so then when you do teleport you can stun them and get the easy kill.
attack speed is needed for twisted fate. armour is also very useful for early game fights in middle lane because you take reduced physical attck which can be very helpful, also you need magical resist for the start of the game just in case you aren't fighting against a physical damage champion in middle lane. finally movement speed is also useful to have so you can chase enemies and run away from enemies if you know you will lose the fight.
twisted fate is a very powerful ADC because you can upgrade his attack speed and attack damage to make him as overpowered as possible, boots are also very useful to have as twisted fate because he can stun the enemies with his pick a card attack ( only if you choose the golden card ) and then you can move towards the enemies to gain more damage, in my opinion having ability power inst needed but you do get some from guinsoo's rageblade which can give you a small advantage, the higher attack speed from all of the items give you a higher chance of getting the stacked deck, which when fully upgraded does about 200 more damage for that Attacks.
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