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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Spellshields are ******ed. Also, if you are splitting and he uses his ult you always have to backoff, which is annoying
Gotta go fast together
Gotta go fast together
Champion Build Guide
The most important part of why this is better than split pushing using a top lane is vision: Pyke can roam everywhere and with the scannersword you easily get 100+ vision score in games of 30 minutes. This is a huge help for your team. Because you are running all over the map you can ward everything.
Get. Control. Wards. Many of them, always have one on the map. Put them in bushes around bot first, then late game one in bush near drake. If the enemy clears everything, just put one in a bush nobody ever looks into.
Using the blue perma wards, try to ward in the bushes where almost nobody ever comes. Ward possible routes that enemies might use to flank you when you are split pushing. Same applies for your ward item.
Dont forget to drop a ward at baron and drake.
This sounds like a troll build and it probably is. Therefore it's super important you ward for your teammates, otherwise you are a complete idiot and it's 4v5 for your team
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