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The worst matchup. You can win this until he don't get the first item. Care for his stun and care for ganks. If he used his stun or the q then go in trade him.
So hard to win this matchup. His q is the key for this matchup. If he used his q then go all in and you win. But if he don't use q and wait until you go in better to not go in cuz he trades you and you can die.
no one plays brand mid but he is strong. His ult is good for wave clear. try to dodge his w and q and you win
His early stronger than yours pick armor rune cuz he probalby start with dagger and with basics he trades you. If you win early until lvl 6 you can kill him just care for his ult.
This matchup is hard but still winnable. You can kill him until he don't buy mana if he buy tier you can't win the trade. Just try to dodge his q and stay out of range farm with q. If you go in you can't press w or e in his w go out then w and win.
Looks hard but its not. In early you can kill him with simple trades combos until lvl 6. After lvl 6 he is strong but if you killed him befor 6 you can kill him always. Don't let him scale.
no soul
good matchup you win this just try to heal the maximum and trade him every time. Care for your mana. Steal his ult and win
Easy matchup just dodge his e with your e and trade.
Dodge his q and go in trade him and win. His ult good for slow him and wave clear
easy matchup. Dodge his first q and go in trade him. You win this,
Corki early is so weak. Dodge his q and go in kill him
No one plays azir mid. But still easy matchup. if he uses his q go in and kill.
this matchup only trade then kill impossible to kill him becouse he has e but don't forget your ignite deal dmg in his e. Don't let them dodge your second e with FIZZ E
******** champ. trade with q's and ask your jg's help to kill him. You need to kill the turrets with q. MAX Q THEN W
Pick armor runes early so easy with armor runes. You can't lose trades.
after he used his q+w combo or his w go in. Don't let them trade you.
You can't lose this matchup. Use your q for his shield or dash basic attack. Dodge his q and then go in.
Dodge q and trade him. Easy matchup just trade him and kill him
bad matchup. Still winnable just don't give him kills early. You can trade him early until 6.
Dodge q and e then trade. If he used his e go in.
Easy matchup dodge his q.
Use your dash to dodge his second w. You can trade him after dodge.
Twisted Fate
50-50 IF he build ap tf you can win just dodge his q. If he build attack speed tf then poke him and wait until he use his w.
So easy to dodge his q after go in and trade him. you win this. Lvl 6 veigar ult deal so much dmg. just one shot him.
Dodge his q and e then go in and trade or kill him easy.
Only fight. Go in after he used his q and you can't lose it.
No one playes viktor in s10. Care for his e just dodge it with e and go in.
He is strong but with trades you win this matchup. dodge dodge dodge
Pick armor runes and can be easy, Dodge his q. You can use his ult with your second e.
You can dodge his ult dmg just steal his ult and after he used ult you should use your's too and dash away.
He can escape with his w. Stay away from your minions. Dont't let them poke you.
Dodge the stun and the q dmg. After he casting his e you can go in and kill him.
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