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Janna Build Guide by GustepEU

Ranked Janna Build

Ranked Janna Build

Updated on December 9, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GustepEU Build Guide By GustepEU 5,527 Views 0 Comments
5,527 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GustepEU Janna Build Guide By GustepEU Updated on December 9, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Clairvoyance


Pros / Cons


Can slow often.
Can shield + damage boost often.
Great laning and positon controling spells.
Extremely fast and can pass trough creeps.
Can interrupt, screw leaps and charges and divide the team.
Tough with very few items.
Distant healer.


Dont really have a good way to farm early.
Cant deal much damage early/mid game.
Cant play alone.
Kinda wasting the heal of Monsoon.
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Ranked Play

Early game

Lvl 1-3 - Avoid to fight without having your full combo.
Lvl 4-7 - Lvl 8 is about the level that the team fights begin. Dont leave your lane much before you have your ult. Harras mostly after lvl 5 and use your shield everytime you attack or defend from your opponents.

Mid game

After lvl 8 the team ganks and pushes start to emerge. Thats where you get your ult. By the mid game you must have Rod of Ages and if you are good farmer you must have some of the Aegis of the Legion. If the game goes well you will be tough. If you are tough be sure to harras them often and when team fight emerges just go and cast Dividing Monsoon. If you are not tough limit your harras and keep the distance but dont stop casting Eye Of The Storm. Always have Howling Gale charging up somewhere so if a fight emerges you can disable them.

Late game

Late game you should be tough enough to lead the way sometimes. Using the Dividing Monsoon is essensial to dominate the enemy team. Spam Zephyr and Eye Of The Storm non stop but pick your target wise. And like the mid game have a Howling Gale always charged so you can disable if needed. Also if you made good items as caster you should target their main damage champion so your team can easier take him off.
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Team Work

Basically the same champions that you are good in lane with are the same that you are good against.
You are good with champions that dive with charges/leaps. If they are dependand on damage its even better.
You are good against the same enemies cause you can interrupt their charge/leap and after this you can slow them. They basically cant reach you or your mates if you play good.


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In general

I play well but I'm not pro
I take this item in each game

My last games


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Gl hf in the game!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author GustepEU
GustepEU Janna Guide
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Ranked Janna Build

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