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Nothing as you seen before
Good day fellow rat players, here is y guide how to build an massive dmg dealing tank roller rat ! You prefer to build normal carry builds? You shouldnt. This build is for you. People wonder why the hell i am building twich like that and flame , but when they realise i melt down enemy champs , eat them alive and feed on them like hell, they cant argue with anything. Sooooo.... Check this out !
Spells- For some agressive lanes that will try to poke you back ( but i know you wont give them that opportuninty ;)
- depends of what champs you stand against( good on taric, leona)
- am. not needed seriously
- look at nr1.
- one of my fav burst with your slow, expunge and ignite will rock their hp down to zero in no time !
- next one of my fav. twich has no escape mechanism, only your 1 but that is a 5 second stealth. dont risk it
- depends of what champs you stand against( good on taric, leona)
- am. not needed seriously
- look at nr1.
- one of my fav burst with your slow, expunge and ignite will rock their hp down to zero in no time !
- next one of my fav. twich has no escape mechanism, only your 1 but that is a 5 second stealth. dont risk it
Lets get down to business
x2-*Other good start
but only in a situation when you have a good support with stun, heal,
**After first trip back
if you can buy two then after a while try to get avarice
- with the starting armor penetration, and the one provided from the brutalizer you will drop them to zero in a matter of seconds
- nothing to add, movement and atk speed
- i think i dont have to explain how this works, its just a started like garlic bread in a pizzeria
- yep yep, crits and passive gold, who doesnt want that ?
**Mid game
- Here you should focus to finish off a warmogs and a SOTRK- That ammount of hp and regen will help you to bruise them back where they came from. Really, you wont regret this !
- atk speed, life steal, dmg ? yes please ! back it up and give it a go !
- armor crits and dmg. dayum seriously you are getting good if you are able to get this so fast !
**Late game
- this is the last sector of this build, you can do whatever you want becouse you eat them like an angry kid eating lollipops when his mother didnt buy him nothing- NOw when you have so much penetration the only thing you can do is to roam the map, dont worry if you are getting ganked by two ( you eat them without sweat)
- boom. gran finale. The most usefull item on twich with his passive, armor pene and his E , you just nuke the **** out of them and kill them with your expunge
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