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Renekton Build Guide by Mephistofury

Top Renekton - Got Top Lane In My Teeth!

Top Renekton - Got Top Lane In My Teeth!

Updated on October 5, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mephistofury Build Guide By Mephistofury 1,777 Views 1 Comments
1,777 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mephistofury Renekton Build Guide By Mephistofury Updated on October 5, 2012
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Can Anyone Fuck With Him Topsies?¿

I have clearly found out everytime I play Renekton up topside I never seem to lose no matter what champ I fight. I wanted to share my build and explain how I play Renekton and see if it works for you, too lil' niggy! Cuz when peeps see NekNek top lane he make niggas go nightnight!
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Exhausting & Burning!

I use the Exhaust spell because once you slide in with your E-dash, you stun and do your combo, then hit Exhaust so they can't run after the stun wears off. Pretty damn simple, easy kills all day. Ignite for the extra kicker incase that scared mark-*** trick runs behind his tower in fear of dat gator.
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Armor,ArmorPen,MR,Speed. Since your masteries will be mainly offensive, but you will be building a bit tanky, this works out great with the extra armor and MR. The speed quints to keep on top of your victim if some off chance they can even last that long against this ****ing brute task force they allowed to be in the game.
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Buying these Shit Items? Why??

First of all, none are **** and they all work well with Neknek. Boots off-**** so you can snag cs without getting hit, and to catch your opponent. Brutalizer just punishes early off and there isn't much you can do to stop it. Renek's stun and combo with a bruta is too hot to trot! The rest of the gear is to bulk him up while still maintaining great damage. Youmoo's for teamfights and its not bad if u run into a 2v1 and it can turn it around with the ult pop for this crocofile.
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Order of the Skillz

I go with the stun W first because you can do some awesome early harass and also snag a kill or two in the first few level-ups by yourself. Around level 3 once you have all 3 moves you can probably kill your opponent, or do enough to make him back off and stop farming. Basically if you wanna win the game just get stun first, max the Q, E, then W, and Ult points every chance you can as usual.
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Who Needs a Team...

Although many games are won with teamwork, Renekton doesn't really give two ***** about his team and will run into battle without hesitation. He can take down champs pretty quick with his burst, and sustain in the fight and last forever with his Dominus ult. Your team has plenty of time to run across the meadows to the 1v5 you are in.
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-He eats *****es alive
-Hard to kill
-Awesome early game harass/dmg
-All-around Powerhouse

-Relies on ult in fights
-Can be out-ranged if played right, despite his dash/stun/exhaust
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Closing Ceremonies!

Now go eat *********as alive with Nekton, cuz he ain't no puppy! Let them check if Nekton's got any cavities
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