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Ability Order
Unseen Predator (PASSIVE)
Rengar Passive Ability
Items i choose was for movement speed in early, pots are ofc for making him more sustain, and later on building the kage's lucky pick
for extra gold while in laning phase. The will of ancients
is for healing each time you use battle roar, and spirit visage
increases the healing from 15% to 30% of his max health. The other items in the end of their builds are mostly for DMG dealing.

The skill sequence is having early Battle Roar
for early armor bonus for 3 sec and dmg dealing. Savagery
is for being able to last hit minions and hit the enemy. Even as AP rengar your Savagery still do lots of damage. Bola strike
is the 3rd skill i take, taking all the 3 diffrent skills in early at lvl 3 will give you the chance to increase ferocity faster, this will give you the chance to earn ferocity fast and be more flexible when using diffrent abilities. And ofc take your Ultimate at 6,11,16 as every ultimate. But remember you can get to use a 3rd Battle Roar with the Ultimate after you've used battle roar 2 times before.

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