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Rengar Build Guide by Dream nK

Top Rengar, The Op Solo Top

Top Rengar, The Op Solo Top

Updated on October 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dream nK Build Guide By Dream nK 2,079 Views 0 Comments
2,079 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dream nK Rengar Build Guide By Dream nK Updated on October 30, 2012
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Rengar, The Op Solo Top
Hello Summoners, My name is Dream and like others we were disappointing with the Rengar nerf AGAIN but I found a way around it, This guide is all about being able to take any champ out with a couple hits so you can dominate every game you play.
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Okay So the Reasons for all the runes I chose was so you can Burst every one down to no health early game and late game so you get fed. Sorry for no pictures of the runes but I thought they where not needed because they all do the same thing.
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The Masteries I chose are for good burst damage and all around damage to your enemy's. There isn't much to talk about on the masteries so lets move on to the next chapter
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Okay so the reasons I chose these items are below
You need Boots because of the speed it gives you
You must need health potions to survive early game
I Decided to add the Phage early game cause i noticed with the build you need some hp and early game strength AND you get the chance to slow someone who is running if your e is on Cool Down
You need these boots to close kills and get around fast
You need this obviously cause of the buffs from all those kills you will be getting
You need this item because it will give you even more buffs as you get kills and assists so it is like you got double the Bonetooth Necklace
You need this item because of the amazing cool down reduction for your ult and if you got 3 trophy's with this your ult will be off cool down so fast making you unstoppable
Okay you will need this for the even greater cool down reduction and for the attack speed when you activate it.
I Had to choose a Frozen Mallet for the Slows and the Survivability you get cause of the damage and health you get
This is the best item for life steal and you will need some life steal so you can take on groups of people attacking you
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Summoner Spells

I chose the summoner spells Ignite and Exhaust, Ignite can close some kills that you cant get when your lower level and Exhaust because you can slow people who are running to get the kill
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Skill Sequence

You want to build this first because of the great damage you can put out
You need to build this 2nd because of the damage you can do to clear minion and heal yourself so you don't have to recall
You need to build this last because it is not needed to be build early because it gives a decent slow low lvl
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Well that concludes my Rengar Build, if you like it vote, if you have any advise to change something in the build then comment and send feed back so i can fix the build to be better. Good luck and Happy Hunting!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dream nK
Dream nK Rengar Guide
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Rengar, The Op Solo Top

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