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Choose Champion Build:
Tank - AP Udyr
Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability Level Order
Bridge Between (PASSIVE)
Udyr Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide

DISCLAIMER: I MADE THIS GUIDE FOR THE TANK UDYR WITH AP BUILD BUT NOW I THINK AD ONESHOT IS BETTER SO I MADE THE PRIMARY BUILD THE AD ONESHOT BUILD - But I will keep the description for the tank AP build because it is also very good and a lot of the notes apply - I will tag my video explaining AD Udyr to this guide.
Recent games - ON SMURF ACCOUNT
Hey guys welcome to my challenger

I'll list some of my achievements as a player :)
- Rank 8 OCE
- MSI 2021 - Pentanet
- Pro Player for 3 Years
- High Mechanical Champ Pool
- Played on the worlds stage - Korea 2018 - Direwolves Jungler
So...if you want to see how I do it...come check out the stream if you haven't already! I'm still improving my

This is a new chapter to my guide and I think it's the most important one.

Ways to stall these fights out is by using your

I take

For my secondary runes I like to take

My plan for every game I play on

If you have weak really weak laners like

**Powerfarming early game**
Powerfarming in season 12 is very valuable as killing your cammps puts them on cooldown which then makes them more valuable on their next respawn, so if you farm more camps than your opponent does they will get further behind if they're not able to gain equal gold and XP from taking objectives and getting good ganks off.
Below are a list of champions you are happy to play against, and can pressure if you have strong laners.

What commonalities can you guys see in that list? I can see a few to be honest...
-> Tanks
-> Farm heavy
-> Slow clear
-> Weak 1v1
Generally, if the enemy jungler is/has at least one commonality listed above then we definitely want to be using your strong laners to take objectives or steal away camps when possible.
Some tips for early pathing:
Most junglers start bot side of the map for an easier leash, especially in lower elo, so you guys can easily predict where the enemy jungler is starting and look to path in a way that protects you as the weak

As you may have noticed, some champions are not on that list, and these include:











Again, what do these champions share in common?
-> Strong duelers
-> Fast clear
The junglers just mentioned are to be avoided at all cost. Even if you have a strong laner

For champions like

Those champions in the second list, most of them at least, will get their 2 buffs and level 3 as soon as possible and gank a lane. So always ping your laners and ward when it is possible. Ping your laners also if you need help, pull your support out of lane and use them to your advantage in early invade situations.
Mentality is a key part of being a professional player wether you want to be a soloqueue player, amateur player, platinum player any type of player having good mentality will always better you. Ways to improve on these can include focusing on the external parts of your life. Things I did was only play a maximum of 6 games per day, eat only healthy food and worked out every second day. My schedule and life was incredibly strict around performance when I was a professional player and I recommend all people who love the game to also take care of themselves.
Sleep deprivation can easily disrupt concentration, not to mention other cognitive functions, such as memory and attention.
Occasional sleep deprivation may not cause too many problems for you. But regularly failing to get a good night’s sleep can affect your mood and performance at work.
Being too tired can even slow down your reflexes and affect your ability to drive or do other daily tasks.
A demanding schedule, health issues, and other factors sometimes make it difficult to get enough sleep. But it’s important to try and get as close to the recommended amount as possible on most nights.
Many experts recommend adults aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
Improving the sleep you do get can also have benefit. A few quick tips:
Turn off the TV and put away screens an hour before bed.
Keep your room at a comfortable but cool temperature.
Wind down before bed with soft music, a warm bath, or a book.
Go to bed and get up around the same time each day, even on weekends.
Exercise regularly, but try to avoid a heavy workout just before bed.
How can taking a break from work or homework increase your concentration? This idea might seem counterintuitive, but experts say it really works.
Consider this scenario: You’ve spent a few hours on the same project, and suddenly your attention starts to wander. Even though it’s hard to keep your mind on the task, you stay at your desk, forcing yourself to keep going. But your struggle to focus just makes you feel stressed and anxious about not completing your work in time.
You’ve probably been there before. Next time this happens, when you first feel your concentration drop, take a short mental break. Refresh yourself with a cool drink or nutritious snack, take a quick walk, or go outside and get some sun.
When you return to soloqueue, don’t be surprised if you feel more focused, motivated, or even creative. Breaks can help boost these functions and more.
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