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Riven General Guide by HsgAstareia

Top Riven build

Top Riven build

Updated on May 25, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HsgAstareia Build Guide By HsgAstareia 2,288 Views 0 Comments
2,288 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HsgAstareia Riven Build Guide By HsgAstareia Updated on May 25, 2014
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i chose TP ( teleport) and ignite because in my opinion riven doesn't really need "Flash" why? because riven can use her E also her Q i know that flash can make you jump over the wall. but riven can also do that by using her 3rd "Q"... however if you feel noob because everyone's using Flash you can use what ever you want. also teleport can make you TP on minions,tower and ETC. because if example the enemy( other champs) has low health obvs you want a kill and also you dont want them to live so all u gotta do is TP on them minions or wards and you can kill them easily...
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i might messed up on this one. and im sorry. i honestly dont know since im not in a game. but.. to make it easier just read this Get Q first and then E and then W and then R max Q and E and R or Q > R > E > W :')
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hi I'm HSGAstareia im Level 30 Silver Div 3. and i basically main RIVEN because i think Riven is Fun and yes. im a smurf :). i hope you like this build or atleast you learned something on it.
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What is runes ?
A rune is an enhancement that the summoner provides for their champion before a match on a field of justice begins to augment the champion's abilities.

There are four kinds of Runes, with three levels each, a Summoner can use:

Mark: Offensive.
Seal: Defensive.
Glyph: Magical.
Quintessence: Utility.

The Tier of a rune represents its relative power (i.e. the extent of the bonuses it offers), and is visible in the top-left of the pop-up when mousing over it.

Tier 1 or "Lesser" runes are dark and faded with visible scratches and chips except for Quintessences, which are simply purple.
Tier 2 don't have prefixes, they are slightly brighter and are not tattered; Quintessences now have gold faces and purple backgrounds. You can buy them starting at level 10.
Tier 3 or "Greater" runes are brightly lit; Quintessences are completely covered in gold. You can buy them starting at level 20.
It is important to note that you cannot buy a Tier 3 rune before you reach level 20, and that you can acquire random ones for less IP than buying them outright by using the Rune Combiner.

Five "Lesser Seals of Mana Regeneration" cost 75 IP (5 × 15 IP), while one "Seal of Replenishment" costs 80. This equates to a saving of 5 IP.
Likewise, a combined Tier 3 rune would cost 375 IP (25 × 15 = 5 × 75), cheaper than Tier 3 runes of costs from 410 to 2050 IP. This equates to a saving of 35 IP minimum and 1675 IP maximum.
The cheapest Tier 3 rune costs 205. This equates to a 170 IP loss.
Keep in mind that combining 5 runes of one type will not guarantee you a better (Primary) rune of that same type. The Rune Combiner may also give you a Secondary Rune.

It is possible to combine runes to higher tiers and use them freely even if you are too low a level to buy them directly. However, it is not recommended, as most runes aren't that helpful (e.g. hybrid penetration runes, which are very specific, or secondary runes), thus the best long term strategy is to start buying them at level 20 and saving up Influence Points before then.
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Farming ( last hitting )

You need to watch for friendly minion attacks on enemy minions.
Ranged minions deal more damage, so watch their attacks hitting enemy minions, and attack after them, if you expect enemy minion will be on low health. So sync your attacks with friendly minion attacks.

Also important is to note what your tank minion is attacking, cause he deals large-ish damage. So be extra ready to last hit it's target, or to use ability on its target.

Practice last hitting by creating custom game only with you and 2 bots against 3 enemy ranged bots. Go on mid lane and last hit until 10 minute mark.

also practice alot the more u practice the more you get better :).
Watch this video if you want to get some More tips :
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HsgAstareia
HsgAstareia Riven Guide
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Riven build

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