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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Junkyard Titan (PASSIVE)
Rumble Passive Ability

Flaming Rumbler is your quintessential
Flamespitter spammer. This is your close up and personal warrior who tears your targets apart. Your first thought when reading this should be 'why the hell would I get up close with, what appears to be, a non-tank?' The answer is two fold, and probably the best advice you'll ever hear ABOUT
Rumble. It's because he -can- be, but is not a natural tank. 'What the hell are you talking about'?
Scrap Shield is one of the most commonly used skills and most often overlooked by all
Rumbles, giving him a deceptively higher health than what most would assume just looking at him, and combined with the armor and magic resist of later items, can make him survive some very heavy handed blows that would crush everybody else.
First off,
Flamespitter is probably one of the scariest skills to face. This is because it's range is higher than it looks, it's extremely high, and hard to avoid once you're caught in it without a leaping skill such as
Flash or
Leap. Despite this, don't think you're immortal. Your skill is scary and deals pretty good damage, but it's a very close up weapon that puts you toe to toe with close up enemies such as
Amumu and
Talon. Despite your first thoughts,
Flamespitter is not an all defeating skill, regardless of how it feels, and you need to keep in mind that if you're losing, your only way to win may be to run, using your
Electro-Harpoon to keep them down and using a last minute
Scrap Shield and
Flamespitter when they've just about given up, or using a
The Equalizer to to even the damage out, putting them to fight on your territory or retreat (which, because of
The Equalizer's slow and
Rylai's Crystal Scepter may be hard to do.)
His second skill,
Scrap Shield gives the user a two second long shield that gives him a boost of speed for one second. Such small numbers, you would never expect much from something so simple, right? Wrong. The cooldown on the skill is so small that it can be used anywhere from two to an amazing FIVE times in long fights. It gives Rumble an amazing ability to soak in damage that would normally kill him, and when you master
Junkyard Titan's Danger Zone, you'll quickly find that those shields are twice as effective giving you that time in battle to put an enemy down. Not just this, but when you find you're in a downward slope against a
Fizz or
Scrap Shield is your quintessential escape tool. You -need- to use it early on, or your fate will be sealed.
Rumble's third skill
Electro-Harpoon is your 'chase'/'harass' skill. When somebody runs, you hit them with it, and then lay in with a second. By the first one, they're slowed enough for a second shot to reach, and by the second, they're crawling for that inch. Just because it's a chase, however, doesn't mean you should be stingy. While the skill has the longest cooldown of any of the basic abilities, it's still a -mere- ten seconds, and overheating with it won't take away from your second shot, making it even more effective when you have to chase somebody down, since it'll pump up your close up damage that much more when you lay more hits against the near immobile opponent.
Rumble's ultimate skill is
The Equalizer, a rather epic ultimate skill with as many bonuses as it has weaknesses. While most would complain that the initial effect of
The Equalizer is minor compared to most skills, that's only because the power of his ultimate technique isn't in the initial damage of (at level 6-10) 150 + (.5)AP, which is rather small compared to most others, but rather in the 100(.2)AP... Per second... for FIVE seconds. even with only 300AP, that's 800 damage if you manage to keep a person on the burning land, as opposed to the 300 from the initial effect. Your first thought is 'why would somebody stay on it?' and you'd be right to question this, however you aren't using the
The Equalizer as the long range nuke it was probably originally designed for. As the Flaming Rumbler, you're using it to catch those runners, to slow chasers, to cordon off an area from passage without consequences, and to rain on a melee fighter's parade when they decide to take you on head to head. Let them try to fight you head on. Even if they succeed, there's a -very- good chance they're going to be dieing with you if you aimed your equalizer down their path of escape.
The Flaming Rumbler. A favorite among
Rumbles. A beast in melee, a tank against towers, and a CC that can, late game, crush most one on one enemies in a heartbeat before moving on to the next one. If your heart is set on the pure power of a good brawl, the Flaming Rumbler is perfect for you.

First off,

His second skill,

The Flaming Rumbler. A favorite among

As you can guess from the name,
The Equalizer is the main theme for this build. This is a very harassing build, one that focuses hard on the ranged aspects of Rumble's abilities, being a lead foot to @$$ when it comes to the harass of
Electro-Harpoon, heavily relying upon it throughout the entire game as their main source of burst damage. And why shouldn't they? Not only is it just long enough to hit those turret huggers we all love to hate, but with two shots, a heavy slow to trap those flighty types, and a rather good chunk of damage. The problem with this? Defense.
Unlike the
Flamespitter's Flaming Rumbler build, as the Equalizing Rumble, you need to focus on your ranged game, which means you need more AP, less defense, and more cooldown, and balancing your
Junkyard Titan as carefully as possible to keep those tasers coming in at full power. As you're probably wondering 'what does this have to do with
The Equalizer?' Well here's your answer.
The reason you need that AP, piercing from the
Void Staff (as opposed to a close up reduction aura), and that cooldown is so that you can pump out everybody's favorite move. The cooldown of
The Equalizer is, at level 6, a heavy 105. Not -too- bad, but not too good either. But hold up a second, you have the
Ionian Boots of Lucidity which cuts 15% off of that for 89.25 seconds. At 11 it goes from 90 to 76.5 seconds. At 16 it goes from 75 to 64.25.
Now, you probably know this already, but there's only a few heroes who have a cooldown that low on their ultimate, and of them, three are extremely popular.
Ashe, and
Lux. And if you're wondering, the reason I bring this up is because all three also share a common theme with
Rumble. Their ultimates have -absurd- range. Rumble's ultimate is, with the exception of full map covering techniques, the longest reaching technique in the game. It can start within the range of one turret and reach the next, showing an already long range, but on top of that, it's own directional, adds another full screen of coverage, allowing a player to strike targets who are far outside of their reach normally, and on top of this, the slowing effect from
Rylai's Crystal Scepter gives another stacking slow of 15% on top of
The Equalizer's natural 35%, all of which, an enemy could spend inside the painful damage over time.
Your main focus as 'The Equalizing Rumble' is to use your skill as often as possible, beginning every battle with it, hunting weak champions with it, and turning a 4 or 5 person brawl into a sizzling arena of pain from what would be considered an uncounterable range, giving your allies the edge while circling around to join them, or even simply giving them a chance to run.
Flamespitter and
Scrap Shield take a backseat because of the focus, you're still going to use the two every engagement, but you -must- keep in mind that you are more vulnerable, and even with the extra AP for
Scrap Shield, you still lack the armor and resistance to give that shield as much distance.

Unlike the

The reason you need that AP, piercing from the

Now, you probably know this already, but there's only a few heroes who have a cooldown that low on their ultimate, and of them, three are extremely popular.

Your main focus as 'The Equalizing Rumble' is to use your skill as often as possible, beginning every battle with it, hunting weak champions with it, and turning a 4 or 5 person brawl into a sizzling arena of pain from what would be considered an uncounterable range, giving your allies the edge while circling around to join them, or even simply giving them a chance to run.

This is something you need to keep in mind. As put in the movie '21', 'always account for variable change'. Sometimes you might want to build the Flamer, taking advantage of a team's squishables, and ripping your way through tanks who like to try to put the moves on you. Other times you might want to go the way of Equalizing guide, to battle those darned mages on their own ground, flinging harass around, or keeping those chasers at bay for more support. MAYBE you will want to do both. If you're finding one strategy isn't working, find what fits best, from swapping out a
Rylai's Crystal Scepter for a
Deathfire Grasp for that superior initiation power when you're finding your opponents too quick for some crowd control. You could swap a
Guardian Angel out for a
Zhonya's Hourglass when you're finding your AP lacking, but want that armor.
I personally have found that I always grab that
Abyssal Mask, even when using the Equalizing build, because it gives me a chance to crowd mages quickly when hunting, and then grab a
Deathfire Grasp for the cooldown and powerful initiate.
The lesson I'm trying to teach? Don't stick rigidly to the presets of the guide. Allow yourself to change which order you buy in if you're desperate for an item earlier than the next. This guide is made, more or less, for constant growth of power in the order of importance that MOST COMMONLY fit the situations you'll run into.

I personally have found that I always grab that

The lesson I'm trying to teach? Don't stick rigidly to the presets of the guide. Allow yourself to change which order you buy in if you're desperate for an item earlier than the next. This guide is made, more or less, for constant growth of power in the order of importance that MOST COMMONLY fit the situations you'll run into.

This is a page addressing the item choices, why I chose them, and why they're so necessary for
First off, why the
Hextech Revolver before
Boots? Your main focus before anything should be to fix the number one problem you're going to have early on. Sustaining yourself as a melee AP when you use your flamethrower and tasers. While not as helpful as a
Rabadon's Deathcap, it is a cheap item with some level of sustain, something you'll need if you want to survive in a lane without pots (something I have a dead cold bias against ever using outside of jungling.) If you're extremely extremely sure of yourself, you can replace this item with
Mejai's Soulstealer, however, you -better- be sure you're dominating the match, because as you can guess, it's a gamble item, and while Rumble is very good at getting more kills than most (and in some cases even stealing kills... I do not condone this, but it happens), so it's viable, though not suggested unless you know -exactly- what you're doing, and have alternate methods for early and mid on sustain.
The next is the obvious
Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Why these boots? Three reasons. 1. Rumble's
Flamespitter and
Electro-Harpoon are devestating, especially back to back, which with a lower cooldown means they're more common and you get a steadier high output. 2. Your
Scrap Shield has a -low- cooldown, of about six, which drops to almost four with the boots and masteries combined. 3. It'll give you one
The Equalizer to begin (and maybe even end) every fight. Another option instead of these is penetration if you're fighting people who are getting some magic resist in their pocket, however that's partially the purpose of the runes, which I'll go over in the next chapter.
The third item is where the builds start to shiver a little. If you're finding that you don't quite have enough HP to survive fights right now, you'll need to invest in a
Giant's Belt or finish your
Will of the Ancients. However, if that's not an issue, this is where you start saving for your first major item,
Rabadon's Deathcap. Why so early? Well despite Rumble's dependence upon on AP, the numbers for his skills are actually quite low since (with the exception of
Scrap Shield which is defensive) all of his skills are multi-hit attacks or AoE attacks (or both). Getting this early on will ensure that any AP item you buy will give you a consistent growth feel, and give you a large initial boost when you buy it. Hopefully by now you're using
The Equalizer, and you'll notice that your damage will jump up high from this.
The fourth item you'll be looking for is something to give your crowd control more... Well... Just more Crowd Control.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter will turn all of your powerhouse field controlling skills into even more effective and intimidating monsters. Even a 15% on your AoE skills is deadly when that initial slow bursts on
The Equalizer to practically stop an enemy.
The fifth item comes AFTER you finish
Will of the Ancients so that you can upgrade your survivability. When you've finished that you'll be at the point where you'll typically want to start switching stuff up. If you're having a hard time against AP fighters, or know you'll be close up alot of the time, get your
Abyssal Mask. Believe it or not, alot of physical fighters use more magic based skills than you would think.
Jax is a prime example of this, having his
Grandmaster-At-Arms and
Empower, all of which would give a close up
Rumble added defense, destroy the magic resist of nearby enemies, and give (to a smaller degree than some other 80AP items) a decent amount of AP. Another option for the less close up and personal types is
Void Staff for it's % Magic Penetration and 80 AP. Simplistic straight up more damage without needing to be close like the
Abyssal Mask.
The sixth item is the 'survival' item. By this point of the game, you're mostly going to be close to killing people or plain out killing people. To ensure your survival, let's break out two 'death stopping' items.
Zhonya's Hourglass is the first option for you people who don't have that extra armor. Why? Because it 1. Gives you that oh so sexy armor for those melee fighters. 2. Gives you more AP than the other items (an exception for the Deathcap.) 3. It's active ability is -extremely- useful in buying those last seconds during which your enemy is trapped on your
The Equalizer, when you're waiting for those oh so precious seconds to use another shield or ultimate, or when you have allies fighting alongside you who can finish your deathblows. The other option is
Guardian Angel. Why? Because let's face it, as a melee and close up fighter, you're bound to die at least once, and you're going to need armor and magic resistance. So why -wouldn't- you buy an item that gives you more survival, costs less than most other 3rd tier items, and comes with the added bonus of anti-death when it's cooled down. More survival is a must and bolstering his already handy shield with some armor, resistance, and a skill is just that much better.
Other fifth and sixth items that are good choices are
Deathfire Grasp obviously a really strong initiate is scary, especially on a
Rumble who's covering the field in
The Equalizer and Firespitter at the same time for evne more damage. Adding a near 50% max health in magic damage is just plain cruelty.
Nashor's Tooth... Not quite as popular as some of the other options, but it gives you more AP, lets you use skills more often, and gives you a more dangerous Overload from his passive. If you're going to be getting into alot of scraps, this is a good option, and the fifth item should be replaced with something containing armor and HP (or the
Guardian Angel.)
Lich Bane is one of the more fun options. Not just because of the AP Sheen, but because of the resistance, speed, and power that goes into it, though the mana feels like a waste for obvious reasons.
==Keep in mind one major fact. Rumble. Is. Melee. Regardless of whether you like it or not, there will be times you'll be in an enemy's face, and you'll need to
Scrap Shield and Firespitter to survive. No matter how much you hate it, you're going to either need more armor and resistance, or you're going to need to get the hell out alot faster.==

First off, why the

The next is the obvious

The third item is where the builds start to shiver a little. If you're finding that you don't quite have enough HP to survive fights right now, you'll need to invest in a

The fourth item you'll be looking for is something to give your crowd control more... Well... Just more Crowd Control.

The fifth item comes AFTER you finish

The sixth item is the 'survival' item. By this point of the game, you're mostly going to be close to killing people or plain out killing people. To ensure your survival, let's break out two 'death stopping' items.

Other fifth and sixth items that are good choices are

==Keep in mind one major fact. Rumble. Is. Melee. Regardless of whether you like it or not, there will be times you'll be in an enemy's face, and you'll need to

Runes for Rumble are almost necessary. Why? Because until late game, he will have no armor or magic penetration with this build until the fifth item. A painful truth. The runes you'll want are the following, all 'per level' for the most effect by mid/late game. The -only- downside to doing this is a 'weak' early game.
Marks: Magic Penetration or Ability Power
Seals: Armor / Magic Resist
Glyphs: Magic Penetration, Cooldown, or Ability Power
Quintessence: Magic Penetration, Cooldown, or Ability Power
Masteries are, for lack of better words, tough nuts. You have a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' style with Rumble. You'll normally want to maximize your offense as hard as possible, AP and attack speed most of all. However, the downside, obviously, to this is that if you invest in attack speed, you'll be forced to choose between armor or resistance. If you absolutely need that extra attack speed for unloading while overloading, keep in mind that armor will protect you in melee fights, and magic resist will protect you in ranged fights. As for why the 1 in utility? Flash. If you decide not to use flash, you can put that one point into your armor, resist, or health in the defense tree.
22-7-1 or 26-3-1 are your best bets for fighting since much of your fighting will be ranged and conservative until you can confirm a kill, and that harass before a strike is your bread and butter, be it a melee fighter or ranged striker.
Marks: Magic Penetration or Ability Power
Seals: Armor / Magic Resist
Glyphs: Magic Penetration, Cooldown, or Ability Power
Quintessence: Magic Penetration, Cooldown, or Ability Power
Masteries are, for lack of better words, tough nuts. You have a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' style with Rumble. You'll normally want to maximize your offense as hard as possible, AP and attack speed most of all. However, the downside, obviously, to this is that if you invest in attack speed, you'll be forced to choose between armor or resistance. If you absolutely need that extra attack speed for unloading while overloading, keep in mind that armor will protect you in melee fights, and magic resist will protect you in ranged fights. As for why the 1 in utility? Flash. If you decide not to use flash, you can put that one point into your armor, resist, or health in the defense tree.
22-7-1 or 26-3-1 are your best bets for fighting since much of your fighting will be ranged and conservative until you can confirm a kill, and that harass before a strike is your bread and butter, be it a melee fighter or ranged striker.
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