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Rumble Build Guide by xIkkyx



Updated on June 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xIkkyx Build Guide By xIkkyx 2,650 Views 0 Comments
2,650 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xIkkyx Rumble Build Guide By xIkkyx Updated on June 12, 2011
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Hello guys, and welcome to my first guide. Rumble imo, is a really strong champ. I've tried solo, mid, and double lane with him. In short, Rumble is a really strong lane champ. His heat is quite nice, but it tends to overheat. He's also a champ thats worth his price. Thats all I got to say for the intro, read on for more!
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-Can outlane almost anyone
-IMO, best death animation in LoL
-Has alot of damage and hard to counter (flamespitter whenever opponent gets close to last hit, harpoon whenever their close, sheild to escape from agro)
-Has slow and a sheild/mini-ghost
-EXTREMELY LOW COOLDOWN ON ULT (yes i typed it in caps because its important)
-When overheated, it can be a pain in the ***
-When overheated, you stay visible in bushes (YES, you do; this has killed me several times
-Ult is somewhat hard to place?(or is it?)
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Self explanitory if you play tanky-casters.
Marks for early spell pen
Seals and Glpyhs for some tank attributes
Quints for early AP(believe me, it helps)
Also pretty simple.
Spell pen in offense and get dodge in defense instead of health regen. Why? BECAUSE RUMBLE DOESNT HAVE MANA!!!
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Your awesome Lux-like ult

By Lux-like, I mean the short cooldown and insane damage. Now this ult does require some mastering, but PLEASE do one thing alot of Rumble's dont. FIGHT IN YOUR ULT. Remember that your ult does impact damage and damage for anything standing on it. Alot of Rumble's tend to fight without their opponent standing on their ult. Oh and btw, you can prob take down a 200-350hp enemy champ with your ult. Just because of the DoT and the slow.(You can always flash in and take the kill if anything)
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Pretty simple, farm and harass with Q. Make sure your in the danger zone so it deals extra damage. In early game, charge your heat up and zone your enemies out of exp range. This works wonders and your opponent has only two choices, 1. Leave the exp range 2. Fight you head on
As you get higher in level, simply use a E-Q-W combo. I always love to run away with a mini-ghost and a sheild.
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Summoner Spells

Why flash and ignite? Flash for mobility, ignite for those annoying healers(Swain and WW) and to finish people off. Flash has ALOT of uses (flashing thru walls, chasing people, getting out of enemy champ's vision. etc.) Flash can do alot what ghost cant. Flash out of a Caitlyn's sigh= no ult for her. Ignite always works for me. Imagine you vs a Swain or WW. Yeaaaaa get the picture? (ww or Swain massive heal and eats your spells like nothing while you get destroyed.)
Ghost or Exhaust can also work. Ghost for extra speed and exhaust for extra slow.
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Item Selection

Well prety basic. Dorans sheild for armor and early health regen.
Boots and hp pots for extra survivability.
Hextech revolver for the spell vamp. (Flamespitter= MASSIVE health regen. Each hit= few % of health back, with the spamming and AOE damage)
Sorc boots for the extra magic pen.
Moonflair for the extra ap and tenacity(IMO you ALMOST always need tenacity. Almost every champ has CC)
Rylais for the extra slow
Deathcap for the extra ap and that kickass passive.(yea the passive doesnt stack, so dont think you can get 100% more ap)
Zhonya's for armor and ap + that passive. Usually the game doesnt go this far but if it does you can sell Dorans sheild.
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In conclusion, Rumble is a really strong champ with excellent skills. His ult cant turn a fight around, but it can help alot. I hope you learned a few things from reading this. NOW GO HAVE SOME FUN!
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