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I do wonder about your 6/6/18. How do his clears (and health) look with 12/18/0? I see the middle tree as being fantastic for Ryze. How does 12/18 compare?
Good job, thanks for your work.
It's important to remember that in the unfixed video I started with 2 smites so I didn't take a lot of damage from the golem. In a real game you finish with about 200-350 hp, so running 12/18 might be impossible.
I think that if you replaced the mana+ap runes with spell vamp and got blessing as your keystone, it could be possible leashless, esp if you take Vampirism over Talent. Heck maybe you could even take Thunder Lords/Stormrider's if you have 6% spell vamp. But I can't test these things because I don't have the IP required for all of these T3 runes.
Over all if I had to recommend a mastery build for 12/18, and you had the runes suggested by this guide but with spell vamp instead of mana and ap quints, I'd suggest something like this:
If you like you could swap out CDR/Meditation with their counterparts, but you'd definitely need a leash for your gromp. Again I can't test any of this so it's all speculation.