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Ryze Build Guide by Lycho

Middle Ryze through the Ranks

Middle Ryze through the Ranks

Updated on June 9, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lycho Build Guide By Lycho 3,642 Views 0 Comments
3,642 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lycho Ryze Build Guide By Lycho Updated on June 9, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Ryze
    AP Ryze
  • LoL Champion: Ryze
    AP/Tanky Ryze
  • LoL Champion: Ryze
    AD Ryze / Bot or Mid
  • LoL Champion: Ryze
    The Forbidden Double Tear Ryze


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Howdy Ho Homeslicarooni. I'm Lycho, Liko's Alt, which was Licho's Alt.
On this account I mess around with Ryze and Azir and stuff.

Ryze is probably my favorite champ. Just how much damage he can output after getting his point and click W down is a amazing, and hopefully, after trying out my builds, you'll agree.
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Who are you?

A gold 5 Ryze One Trick Pony that's been playing since Season 4.
And guess what, all that time ago, I was still melting with Ryze, back when all of his abilities were point and click.
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AD Ryze?

Yep. AD Ryze. The reason I take AD Ryze sometimes is due to how unbuildable against you are. In order to fully build against you, a tank has to sacrifice AD for more Armor and MR. That pesky Garen won't be able to get his Youmou's, and will instead have to get MR.

Your basic attacks proc so well with lich that it's just fun to watch your enemies panic as you basic attack them for 400 damage, and that's not even considering Double Tear yet. You legit just Delete their health bar. You're able to 1 shot squishies if you land your W, E, Lich Bane Basic Attack, Q, Lich Bane Basic Attack easily.
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Why Ryze?

Know how cool it feels to have a 65% Winrate on a Champ that has an average 42% Winrate?
Ryze at the time of making this build is the lowest win rate champ in the game.
So when you win that game, especially against a Talon, or Zed, or Yasuo, you just feel so accomplished, so proud, that it's impossible to shake the feeling off you.

Until you lose against an Orianna AD Mid.
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How to Play Ryze

Ryze is a good champ, but if you get killed in lane early, prepare to get steamrolled. If they get their items, and you still don't have your items, prepare thy anus!

It's not that you don't dish out damage - Because you do - But it's that you don't deal enough.
Those of you that have been destroyed by a fed Ryze before can agree that your damage is stupid high, but you need that stupid damage, because you have no escapes other than your Ult which takes a while to work, and can be stopped with any CC.

So you finna go to lane, and you finna play safe.


HAHAHAHAHA, just kidding. Play INSANELY aggressive. BE INSIDE YOUR ENEMY. You CAN melt them, and you WILL melt them, if you play right. Don't let them get minions, don't let them ward, don't let them breathe. Just shut them down with your W as much as humanly possible.

Oh yeah, and back early for Tear.
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What about the double tear build?

Keep your bloody voice down. You want everybody to hear about it?
It's like Shyvana, but viable. You are impossible to build against, and 1 hit combo everything thanks to Lich Bane if you land your W, E, Q.
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