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Runes: I prefer to take Conqueror as the main rune page, but you do have some flexibility depending on the matchup you’re in. You can take alternative secondary runes depending on the matchup too.
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand
Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter
Coup de Grace
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Look for trades pre 6, after that the lane gets way harder. You can go Verdant Barrier here if you struggle a lot vs an Akali so it's way easier to survive. If you're struggling, resolve tree is a good option (go Second Wind, not Bone Plating) to be more forgiving when she pokes you with Q. Remember that you can ult while Akali is in her shroud it's really useful to know that. When you're low hp try your best to play conservative and reset, she can easly dive with her mobility + shroud.
(Always go conq vs diana) You can easly kill her before her first back so lvls 3-6 mostly, but this is the only window you have and if you didn't kill her before that she will just win every trade thanks to her tankiness. You can go Wits Endvs Diana to survive WAY easier, however I would only recommend taking it if the enemy jungler is AP as well. If you look to kill her before her back make sure to E in when she uses her Q to dodge and prevent her double E. This should almost always win the trade and you can of course use this trick after her first back, but she will likely win with R and her raw tankiness. Else just wait for 2v2/3v3/4v4 fights or your bork and you can be stronger than her (better go 0-0 than risk 1v1 if u think u cant)
relia should have a hard favour in this matchup, but it's killable if you can dodge/avoid her E. If you use your dash to avoid her spells you can deny her Q resets (if you got hit by her E/R). If her E/R hits you will hard lose the trade and most likely die, that's why I put this matchup towards the Hard catagory. The better her mechanics, the harder the matchup gets and u won't ever win 1v1's if the irelia is not bad at her champion even if you'r 3-0.
f you don't kill this champ before his first back you can forget ever killing him again in a 1v1. Pre first back you have the upperhand and pressure for sure so make use of that. You can just combo him and let him waste his W which makes him easly gankable and killable, also going ELECTROCUTE can make this lane way easier early stages. Use mostly E>W>Q vs vlad pre first back. If he has no pool look for all in trades again. FF the game if you didn't kill him before his first back and you can't pull off roams after that cuz he will 1v9 the game most of the times (pull off roams after first back and dont bother trading him anymore beacause of his sustain/dmg/tankiness in health :D). Wits End/Verdant rush if AP jgl always.
Her W is really annoying so you have to make sure you're not fighting her while she has a summoner spell (she probably uses nimbus cloak) so she gets 1000 movement speed from it and just avoids your dagger damage or ult. Look for short harass trades 24/7 with zoe until shes a bit lower so you can look for the final all in (tip 2 on general kata tips) and dodge out her sleep by side stepping when beggining a trade like other cc champs. Never use your ult if she didnt miss her sleep yet. After that you have a free all in (if she doesnt have a W spell ofcourse with nimbus cloak). I like going electrocute into Zoe and rush Vardent.
This is the hardest matchup together with Tristana I would say, Go electro with resolve second: Second Wind, Overgrowth and double armor runes. Start Dshield or Cloth if you want a chance to survive. If enemy has heavy AD damage (jungle/mid especially) a seekers rush 100%. Dont go for trades unless you have teammates near. (I would dodge if they have elise/taliyah/karthus jgl cuz then you can't stack armor) Remember that surviving early is key with matchups like Trist/Panth/Lucian that's why not stacking armor can be really annoying.
Same thing as Lucian (see above for runes and item preferences). The only difference is that I prefer taking Exhaust into her beacause she can hard all-in with her W. Being able to reduce her kill pressure is a higher priority than increasing your own with ignite. (I would dodge if they have elise/taliyah/karthus jgl cuz then you can't stack armor.) Remember that surviving early is key with matchups like Trist/Panth/Lucian that's why not stacking armor can be really annoying.
Annoying as fk matchup because of his burst damage. Go Bone Plating with Overgrowth or Unflinching (depending how much cc they have). You always want to rush seekers or he will just oneshot you instantly, so even if they have an ap jungler you would want to buy that. When he E's in try to E out and prevent his stun combo. You can go for trades with renekton but I highly recommend only going in if u have Bone Plating up or you almost always auto lose the trade.
Go for trades the moment she Q's a minion or just go for Q poke. You can go for an all in as long as you're healthy enough to do so else she just Q-W ignite and you die. Be careful level 6 and onward, she has an advantage with R. Also make sure to not engage in a teamfight when you see that annie didnt use her stunned R yet because it can easly oneshot you + it cc's you which fks you hard. Verdant Barrier here is really good first item if you struggle a lot vs her because it removes her oneshot potential. Mercs is really good vs annie, if they have more cc's.
Really hard early due to his poke. Go d shield with second wind in secondary runes and try to engage after he uses Q, but mostly u wanna do nothing in this lane and wait for jungler/skirmishes. D uring an all in be mindful of his ability to R you into danger (tower, enemys etc) so always E infront of him and walk back. Try and make sure you have your E up by W'ing instantly when you go in and if he ults you there will be a dagger waiting to disengage. Do not all in until you have a health advantage.
Yep this matchup is just too hard after the first back even worse than Diana. Try to kill him before that by going for short trades (harass combo on important kata stuff no. 2) this is the most effective way to trade with a Fizz. Rush Verdant Barrier, Look for roams and don't even try to 1v1 him anymore if you didn't kill him pre first back
(always go Conqueror vs Galio) If he E's in and you're healthy at (mostly) all levels you can all him after he procs aftershock (you should have conq in this matchup). Being healthy when fighting is key! If you are both at equal health you will most likely lose the trade. If you can dodge his E with yours, go in after and you shouldn't lose (mostly killable pre first back). Lane gets EXTREME hard to kill once he has some component item and some levels, but you should still be able to kill it depending on his spell usage. Galio can set up ganks very well so keep an eye on the enemy jungler and how he is pathing. Follow his ult roam and try to move already when he is going to move so you're there way earlier. Mercs good vs Galio if they have more CCs
Almost impossible to kill her if she's good. You will just get hard poked early and she will have perma prio while you cant go for the cs, especially if she has barrier/exhaust too its hard to all in her. Ori's biggest weakest is probably ganks and if your jungler can force a 2v2 or gank mid and you can grab kills and snowball hard. If you get a lead she will be useless and can be oneshot for the rest of the game. Never go for an extended trade with an Orianna! Go in and out because of her passive aa's so keep it short always in lane or just dont go for trades at all which is the more safe option.
Impossible at lvl 6 to go in or you will just die. Killable pre 6 unless he hits Q+E, Try to go in when he looks to Q so you dodge and damage him at the same time. Only buy qss if your snowballing, else just position better and have patience.
Second Wind with Overgrowth and Dshield are needed. He will poke you out really obnoxiously and those items are the only counter strategy. Try to not lose too much hp early so dont look for trades really at all. Just play safe and regenerate up with dshield and your 2ndary runes. Look for jungler to fight with so you have a way more chance of winning. Only way to 1v1 a rumble is if you hard all in him, but I wouldn't suggest doing this unless his meter is low and if you have bork/ Verdant Barrier.
Keep track on the minion wave while you're laning, the more minions the easier it is for Yasuo to perma E around like a headless chicken making it hard to trade properly. Yasuo is really vulnerable to ganks because he enjoys perma E'ing in so ping your jungler. Try to always let him come to you when you go for trades so he takes minion aggro aswell, so just let him E in and then you use your W > E onto W (remember that your E resets your autoattack, you're gonna use this a lot in the Yasuo matchup) Try to hold onto your Q as long as possible so he can't windwall it and render it useless (also useful tip in 2v2 fight or if your jungler ganks you). Also remember that fights in the jungle/river are way worse yasuo, because he can't perma E like he can on a minion wave so try to force fights there with your team.
Zed will almost always try Q you and minions at the same time so always keep your guard up to dodge his Q. When Zed W's in just E him so he cant E-Q as easly also fighting him while his energy is low is really good to know. Pre 6 you should be able to beat him hard. After level 6 the lane gets way harder, because if he all ins you and hits his Qs you're almost dead already so play pre 6 agressive and post 6 safe. Resolve 2nd vs Zed is pretty good for Boneplating for his all in and so is Seekers rush.
Seekers rush and boneplating and just farm up u wont ever win trades vs a sett, so no point trading.
At first I thought Kassadin was an easy matchup after s11 changes, because of how squishy he became and Katarina can rush AD early, but if Kassadin rushes seekers u will do absolutely no damage and he will oneshot you. The only way to win this matchup is by going for trades with sword either all in with conQ or short trades into all in electro before he has his seekers, after he has it this lane is doomed 1v1 and he will likely hardcore outscale u.
Go resolve second here with Bone Plating (for his all in). Start Dshield or Cloth and rush Seekers. I would avoid fighting him early unless you're in 2v2 scenario with a health advantage since its so easy to get dove by Pantheon and there's no way you win any trades early game especially if he has full stacks. Once you have one or two items this game should be way easier since you're way stronger in teamfights, but there's a reason hes on the hardest, not inting a pantheon is the hard part since it's easy gank setup + his E makes it easy to dive you so be careful. (I would dodge if they have elise/taliyah/karthus jgl cuz then you can't stack armor) Remember that surviving early is key with matchups like Trist/Panth/Lucian that's why not stacking armor can be really annoying.
Impossible to ever kill 1v1 he has everything in his kit that counters Kat: (Sustain/CC/Burst/Mobility) Just avoid him 1v1 always or u will lose no matter how good u play it.
(always go Conqueror vs Galio) If he E's in and you're healthy at (mostly) all levels you can all him after he procs aftershock (you should have conq in this matchup). Being healthy when fighting is key! If you are both at equal health you will most likely lose the trade. If you can dodge his E with yours, go in after and you shouldn't lose (mostly killable pre first back). Lane gets EXTREME hard to kill once he has some component item and some levels, but you should still be able to kill it depending on his spell usage. Galio can set up ganks very well so keep an eye on the enemy jungler and how he is pathing. Follow his ult roam and try to move already when he is going to move so you're there way earlier. Mercs good vs Galio if they have more CCs
Skill dependant early game since it depends too much how you dodge her Qs. Never go for an all in if she hits one. You can utilize your dash to prevent her poke. If she is focused on poking you early her mana pool can be severly effected if you can dodge properly. Her W fks you really hard aswell so it depends how you can play around that (never Eing into a vulnerable position to get grounded). Once you have bork/Verdant Barrier its a really easy all in because of the ult trick ill tell next. Important trick vs Cass: When you jump in and used your W-Q etc slightly look back really quick the opposite way cass is standing at and then u press R, this way you will never get hit by her R, really easy trick and useful one vs Cass if u go for an all-in.
Careful for her Q expansion when she Qs a minion, try to play around that by dodging left/right. You can go easly for all ins, because her damage isn't that high especially if her aftershock is down. Her strong suit is a lot of cc so careful for gank setup. Mercs vs Lissandra is extremely good even if they dont have a lot of cc cuz it makes her W + R significantly weaker (adds even more with legend tenacity in runes) Sometimes I even like to go Resolve 2nd with Bone Plating and Unflinching if they have more CC besides Lissandra so you have like 61% tenacity.
Really really really annoying poke early and it's hard to go in if she holds on her root. Go dshield here and maybe even second wind to deal with her obnoxious poke. Once you have bork/harvest or more you should be 100000x more useful in fights unless she gets an insane ult with follow up, so try to survive the annoying poking early then scale in fights. Another great champ to buy Mercs into if more cc is in the game.
Almost unbeatable when he has points in his W. Try to kill him early levels while he has no items with d blade/long sword. Unfortunately thanks to his W trades are pretty unwinnable (3+ points in W) so look to play safe until jgler makes a play. He is really bad in 2v2/3v3 scenarios where as Katarina is really strong there. Once you have bork/wits end you can look for all ins, but only if he used his E else it's pointless to go for it. Make sure to always ult instantly as soon as possible when you go for an all in, because you will make his W only heal 40% which is really crucial.
Resolve with Bone Playing and Overgrowth and Sekeers rush if you don't want his E-Q to take 70% of your health. If he E's you just W-Q and hit both daggers to trade back. Never E>W onto him or he will just insta clone and then you waste your abilities. Remember that his R doesn't do that much damage to you so don't be afraid to fight back when he goes in.
This matchup is Hard once he gets some attack speed and is medium in the early phase, But even if hes 0-3 he will win trades which makes it a hard champ anyway. Go sword 1st always and try to look for trades when his Q empower isn't up or close to up (hit q 1x) OR u E in behind when he Q's in with his wind. E>W him and AA AA and E out is what u mostly wanna do to trade a yone. Always go Bork vs Yone for the strong autoattacks and all ins. Can go Seekers if u still struggle in the matchup early game. Careful for his R hitbox since its really bs, just E out if he ults or u will get hit by it and auto lose unless u 100% know u can dodge it by walking. In this matchup I love going Boneplating , because u can look for those E>W> AA trades whenever ur boneplating is up and u would win it most of the times in the early lane phase. Going Electrocute can really help too for short early trades to dominate him, so try to play around and see what fits u more (electro or conq boneplating)
His Q poke is the most annoying part of this matchup but you can counter this easly by going D shield and Second wind 2nd. However, I prefer to just go sword and domination 2nd cuz he is easly killable if you find optimal all ins (health adv and whatnot), but this is personal preference, I STILL GO DEFENSIVE RUNES VS THIS MATCHUP MOST OF TIMES CUZ ITS JUST TOO OBNOXIOUS. Also small tip on his barrels you can do is E'ing him or the barrel and then AAing the 1 hp barrel to remove it so you have a higher chance of winning.
You lose a lot of kill presure after lvl 6, his R can not only deny a kill but also your resets in fights. Play agressive pre 6, but make sure you wait until he used his Q on a wave which he will likely always do. Tell your jungler to play agressive aswell to abuse the pre 6 2v2. After level 6 you should avoid focussing him a majority of the time so he doesn't deny your reset while you waste spells on him. For example, in a 2v2 at 6 you would always want to focus the jungler no matter who it is. Mercs good into ekko if more cc.
Pre 6 it's really easy to kill and have prio/pressure in lane. All in him when he uses E on minion or you could just all in when you're healthy enough. Once he has Lost Chapter it's more annoying because he can perma push the wave. Pre 6 you should just look for trades all the time becasue you can't lose them, but once he gets 6 and lost chapter you can never walk up and you have to accept his push and just push after. Careful for his silence even after he uses it it's still active for a second so you can still get hit by it. I dont like to buy qss because it hinders your dmg too much unless you're snowballing then you should go for a qss else just position really well and dont go in too early and have patience(which you should always do once he has 6)
Hard early if she pokes you out with Q without autoattacking (minions wont aggro her then). You can look for basic combo trade when she goes for a Q. Once she does you should look to E>W her. This is the best opportunity to trade as her combo rotation will be on CD. Verdant Barrier extremely good if they have an ap jgler else I'd suggest rushing Bork for easy oneshot potential on her. Make sure to not use ult if she didnt use her E yet. Mercs are really good aswell vs Syndra.
Kinda skill matchup hard-favoured for Talon if he plays correctly. Never go for a trade if he has his W-Q up or you just auto lose it thanks to his passive and you will be 10% hp. Out of experience from playing 100000x vs Talon I can guarantee you he will use his W or Q on wave or to poke you with W. Once he uses his Q/W on a wave then you can look for an all in or trade. Bone Plating 2nd into Talon is really good. Also rush seekers if they got an ad jungler. Make sure to never fight a talon if he has his spells up, especially he has ult.
His early poke is unbearable. Go Dshield with Second Wind if you struggle a lot. If you're healthy enough and survived at lvl 3 and he doesnt have barrier/exhaust look for all ins. You will win them for sure if he doesn't have barrier/exhaust, but make sure once again that you're healthy enough and that you don't let his W stun you. You could go for regular conqueror runes and sword start instead of resolve 2nd too, but then you coinflip the fact that you're gonna kill him early on without being poked to oblivion so it's up to you and your playstyle. Also remember that his R cancels your R so dont use your R when he didn't use it yet.
In the long run Cho will always win cuz of his sustained passive. This is why u should always look for hard all in's once you're level 2/3+. This matchup is gonna depend enterily how u play the all in. For example at level 3 with ConQ you can kill him depending if he's pushing or not (U always want Cho to push so u can always look for the all in) If u go for the all in make sure he doesn't hit all his spells on you, u can make it easier by waiting for him to use Q/W or E on minions or waste to poke on you then u can also look for an all in and it should be easier. Mercs vs cho is really good if more ccs elsewhere.
Try dodging her W with your E when she Qs, she becomes pretty predictable with her combo rotation. At lvl 6 you can look for more all-ins but make sure to keep your R for the end or you're gonna end up wasting it thanks to her W - R mobility. At 1/2 items you should have the one-shot advantage on her. If they have an ap jgler go Wits End. Mercs fine if they have more cc's.
The Poke on his Q is really annoying, you can go Dshield and second wind to make his poke 1000x less annoying. If you go Wits End into rift , his kill presure drops pretty significantly, Cuz MR ****s AP Malphite hard.
This matchup is quite interesting, because I didn't play often vs it. Make sure when you go in that you always have the ability to escape when he uses his fear on you, if you do get feared you just automatically get fked in the trade. So ALWAYS go for the harass trades (tip 2 on general kata tips) Resolve 2ndary is good vs nocturne with boneplating for his all in when he has ult or when you go for the short trade. Just make sure you match his roams and follow it so you can be there asap, beacause nocturne likes to perma roam after 6.
Go Bone Plating/Overgrowth or Unflinching (depends how much cc they have) always vs Qiyana for her all in trades. When she goes in just W-Q her and trade back. If your boneplating is up, you should win this most of the times. Remember to never all in her near a wall to prevent her chain cc from R/blue Q. If they have an AD jgler its a really easy matchup if you just rush seekers. Make sure to use the short trades harass (tip 2 on general kata tips) with qiyana aswell in lane if you want to be the one that trades first.
Really annoying poker when solo lane Soraka is in meta. Get Dshield with Second Wind if you struggle too much vs it. Her silence counters Katarina really hard so make sure to look for all ins after she uses it.
Ziggs' base dmg is really fking high so if he hits 2 Qs early you're already 60% hp, so obviously not getting hit by his poke is key in this matchup. Dont stand near minions because his Q aoe explodes on minions so it's way easier for him to hit you. All ins aren't that easy too cuz of his knockup when you go in, but you can still do a fairly decent amount of damage by just standard trade comboing him and once you have Bork/Wits end you can probably look to perma kill him aswell. So just make sure you survive his early high dmg poke. Also dont roam too much vs a ziggs or he will take ur inhibitor tower in 15 mins.
Always go for short trades, Aatrox will beat you otherwise. For example: Q minion > E on Q dagger > W out Go for short trades and E out always (look tip 2 on important kata stuff) until hes lower HP by your poke and then you can go for an all in. Walk left/right if he w's so you can get out easly. You can go Resolve second with Bone Plating and Overgrowth it's really good vs Aatrox.
Always go for short trades, Aatrox will beat you otherwise. For example: Q minion > E on Q dagger > W out Go for short trades and E out always (look tip 2 on important kata stuff) until hes lower HP by your poke and then you can go for an all in. Walk left/right if he w's so you can get out easly. You can go Resolve second with Bone Plating and Overgrowth it's really good vs Aatrox.
Always go for short trades, Aatrox will beat you otherwise. For example: Q minion > E on Q dagger > W out Go for short trades and E out always (look tip 2 on important kata stuff) until hes lower HP by your poke and then you can go for an all in. Walk left/right if he w's so you can get out easly. You can go Resolve second with Bone Plating and Overgrowth it's really good vs Aatrox.
Just dodge her skillshots 4Head. Might be stupid but that's a big part of the matchup since all her damage = skillshots. You can easly dodge with your E mobility and W movement speed if she throws a Q or you could E her the moment she Qs. If she holds her Q for so long (which is the correct play for her), you're gonna have way more prio in lane so you can easly roam. Mercs vs lux is really good (you can go out of her Q with mercs before her R activates), but I still pref sorcs vs squishies unless they have more cc's. Vs higher elo's/good lux mains just go D Shield and play safe and outscale hard in teamfights/skirmishes.
Easly killable and gankable especially if he goes conqueror instead of phase rush. Kinda annoying lane pre 6 while he has root up, so try avoiding it until you are level 6 or until you make a play with your jungler (your 2v2 is 1000x better than ryze early so keep that in mind). Once you have Bork/Wits end it shouldn't be hard so look for all in oneshots when you have it
Can treat her like other poke champs. She can be oppressive to new players that struggle with dodging and CD management. If you struggle with this, take DShield and second wind. Mind her stun and Q, which she can easily hit through minionwaves, much like neeko. Much like other poke champs, as the two of you get items and levels you will begin to outdamage her and build a lead if you haven't already. Also all ins should be easily winnable so look for those only if you're healthy enough (didn't get poked out hard)
Twisted Fate
1v1 this lane is not a problem at all. You can look for him to load up his W and he will probably blue card for mana on minion or red for shove. If u walk up a bit forward and backward while he loads up his card you can make him waste it on a minion and then you just go in and auto win the trade (I use this a lot, because most tf's dont want to waste mana and they only want the gold card if you walk up too far). The reason I give this a medium is, because his gank set up is really annoying 1 stun while enemy jungle is near and you're dead so be careful for that before you go in. Mercs vs TF is really good and I even go Unflinching 2nd if they have even more CC. TF is also the only laner where you could go cleanse, but never go mercs if you go cleanse.
Only a bit hard, because he can keep distance and poke you out hard early game. Try to always dodge his spells and always walk in front or backwards when he Qs. Really vurnable to ganks and in 2v2/3v3 you should be way stronger so use that to your strength. Careful for his passive true damage if he hits his spells it can hurt a lot.
Same as Velkoz, but tiny bit easier. His poke is just as annoying, but way easier to all in. When you E>W>Q in always make sure you continue to move around to avoid his E. This matchup depends a lot on how good you are at dodging and how good Xerath is at hitting. Dont be afraid to go for all ins after level 6 and in 2v2s you should hard win unless you take too much poke. Mercs vs xerath is good if they have more cc's.
You can almost always go in in this matchup and be stronger in 2v2/3v3 situations. Only thing you should be careful of are his double bombs so make sure you have your E up when he tries to hit them or if you go for a trade to just move around to avoid it and not be hit as easly. Once you're both 6 his ult is really fking annoying because it cucks your resets so hard. Thats why in 2v2/3v3/4v4 situations you should never look to all in 1 single person, but rather be patient and look for the aoe dmg or the frontline kill with your team, if u do look for that backline kill and he ults it you're left with no spells and you sit there awkardly.
Aurelion Sol
Always look to play agressive since you can almost never lose an all in once you're lvl 3+ (always E behind him), but careful with his stun if you're fighting in a minion wave, the best way for him to beat you is with a well placed stun. Try your best to match his roams. He will always be there first thanks to his E, but if you move instantly you should be able to influence a skirmish harder than he can.
Should give u no trouble unless she perma hits her roots and burst, if u struggle in this just go D shield and play laning safe and wait for jungler/skirmishes (she is extreme easily gankable), look for E's when she uses root in or out.
Play very agressive. There's no way you can lose trades anytime if you combo correctly by dodging his w (unless u maybe fight in a huge wave?) U can even wait for him to use spells on wave cuz he wants to perma shove then u can strike aswell. His combo should do little to no damage if all he can hit is his Q. Don't let him take your jglers camps so try to stop him by hovering the camp he wants to take or getting your jungler to move with you for easy 2v1. Him extending into your jungle should cause him to be in a vulnerable map possition for an easy kill, especially early game.
Dodge her Q :). You can poke her out easly with the harass combo (2nd tip). You make it easier for yourself if you do the combo inside a minion wave or between so she cant hit her Q as easly. Also mercs is extremely good vs morg if they have other cc champs.
Dodge her Q :). You can poke her out easly with the harass combo (2nd tip). You make it easier for yourself if you do the combo inside a minion wave or between so she cant hit her Q as easly. Also mercs is extremely good vs morg if they have other cc champs.
Really easy. You can't have troubles vs a Swain unless you eat every E and Q he uses (If hes good at hitting it its gonna be hard to cs tbh). He should always be vulnerable to an all in and your mobility fks him hard too if you go in and out while he uses spells and your R cuts 60% of his R healing. Just make sure he used his E before you ult
Probably easiest matchup in existance just go in and win, but serious :). Your mobility is really insane even if she tries to knock you. You should never be able to get hit by it unless she is cheesing in a bush and you walk up. 2v2s are an easy win unless they have a chain cc jgler which is really good with taliyah, but even then you shouldnt ever lose it if you focus same target with your jungler. Once you have Bork/Wits end just perma oneshot her.
You can literally E out or in while he cages so if you lose 1v1 you're doing something extremely wrong. You can always look for basic combo on veigar when you're in E range and you cant lose. Just make sure to not get hit by his stun or you're fked, but with your mobility you really have to fk up hard. This lane should be perma kill pressure for you, only way to lose is if enemy jungler camps u.
Pretty easy matchup thanks to your mobility so always move sporadically when he tries to hit his spells. Mercs vs brand is really good if they have more sources of CC. All in if he doesn't have his Q up.
Fairly easy matchup because you can almost always look for an all in trade and if he w's away he is way more vulnerable to ganks. His kill pressure mostly comes from his abilities (Q and W early, R later) so try your best to play around his cooldowns. Anticipate his use of Qs on the wave and when you walk up to last hit, if you manage to do so properly you can confidently poke him out. Always follow his package roams since you are way more useful in skirmishes than he is even if you're a bit behind.
Just play agressive at all times, only time you can lose is if she has consistent accuracy with her Qs. Dodge those and you should be fine. Once you have bork/wits end, you should be able to all in over and over. Mercs is good vs Karma if they have more cc's, but pref sorcs due to her vulnerability to getting solo'd.
Insane presence on the map with his R shield and CC (insane for skirmishes with a strong skirmish champ like kata)
Best jungler with kata (snowbally just like kat + hes strong as hell early game so u can almost win every skirmish with reksai)
Just good frontline cc champs (not just ornn)
Jarvan IV
Really good with kata cuz of his CC engae and his ult which locksdown people.
Like Jarvan , insane frontline cc engager.
Strong early game and he likes to fight people , so does Kata.
Same as graves, Rengar likes to fight people and so does Kata.
Frontline CCer like j4/zac
Frontline CCer like j4/zac
Insane engager for Kata + u can go in and he can follow you by E'ing you into R-W for a great setup.
Like all the other tanks , frontline cc
Just op dueling and he can facetank ccs
Nunu & Willump
Frontline cc engage
Insane engage champ combined with his ult he can stall + cc enemies really nicely for Katarina
Insane engage champ combined with his ult he can stall + cc enemies really nicely for Katarina
Kha likes to fight and pick enemies and so does Kata so its a nice combo.
Extreme good with kata, insane Engage/Tankyness/CC
Extreme good after kata's on hit changes (your E/daggers/ult apply his passive)
Even though you're both ap , Elise is a monster in the early game and she has CC + mobility so u can easly snowball (not ideal cuz both heavy ap dmg)
Even though Lilia is AP damage her cc and mobility really makes up for it, just like Elise she is still a strong paring with Katarina even though you're both heavy AP dmg (not ideal, because of it tho)
Lee Sin
Strong 2v2s with a good Lee Sin on your team.
Really insane cc + engage (not ideal cuz both ap damage)
This one is really tricky, Kindred's ult can both win u games and lose u games if used good or bad so I'll put it on strong, cuz if used correctly u get free resets.
AP dmg + Ekko needs time to be strong which Kata doesn't like since u wanna fight people early game, but atleast he has good cc and his ult.
AP dmg + Eve needs time to be strong which Kata doesn't like since u wanna fight people early game, but atleast he has good cc and his ult (same as Ekko)
Both ap dmg, but karthus does insane aoe dmg so u synergy good, but only if karthus is fed farm/kills wise.
Wants to afk farm and do nothing early game and take objectives, just bad combo with Kata + she is AP aswell (not none like taliyah/nida cuz she atleast frontline scales in fights)
0 synergy cuz taliyah needs cc setup to play her champ easier which kata doesn't have and u both are AP damage.
0 synergy cuz Nidalee needs cc setup to play her champ easier which kata doesn't have and u both are AP damage
Insane presence on the map with his R shield and CC (insane for skirmishes with a strong skirmish champ like kata)
Best jungler with kata (snowbally just like kat + hes strong as hell early game so u can almost win every skirmish with reksai)
Just good frontline cc champs (not just ornn)
Jarvan IV
Really good with kata cuz of his CC engae and his ult which locksdown people.
Like Jarvan , insane frontline cc engager.
Strong early game and he likes to fight people , so does Kata.
Same as graves, Rengar likes to fight people and so does Kata.
Frontline CCer like j4/zac
Frontline CCer like j4/zac
Insane engager for Kata + u can go in and he can follow you by E'ing you into R-W for a great setup.
Like all the other tanks , frontline cc
Just op dueling and he can facetank ccs
Nunu & Willump
Frontline cc engage
Insane engage champ combined with his ult he can stall + cc enemies really nicely for Katarina
Insane engage champ combined with his ult he can stall + cc enemies really nicely for Katarina
Kha likes to fight and pick enemies and so does Kata so its a nice combo.
Extreme good with kata, insane Engage/Tankyness/CC
Extreme good after kata's on hit changes (your E/daggers/ult apply his passive)
Even though you're both ap , Elise is a monster in the early game and she has CC + mobility so u can easly snowball (not ideal cuz both heavy ap dmg)
Even though Lilia is AP damage her cc and mobility really makes up for it, just like Elise she is still a strong paring with Katarina even though you're both heavy AP dmg (not ideal, because of it tho)
Lee Sin
Strong 2v2s with a good Lee Sin on your team.
Really insane cc + engage (not ideal cuz both ap damage)
This one is really tricky, Kindred's ult can both win u games and lose u games if used good or bad so I'll put it on strong, cuz if used correctly u get free resets.
AP dmg + Ekko needs time to be strong which Kata doesn't like since u wanna fight people early game, but atleast he has good cc and his ult.
AP dmg + Eve needs time to be strong which Kata doesn't like since u wanna fight people early game, but atleast he has good cc and his ult (same as Ekko)
Both ap dmg, but karthus does insane aoe dmg so u synergy good, but only if karthus is fed farm/kills wise.
Wants to afk farm and do nothing early game and take objectives, just bad combo with Kata + she is AP aswell (not none like taliyah/nida cuz she atleast frontline scales in fights)
0 synergy cuz taliyah needs cc setup to play her champ easier which kata doesn't have and u both are AP damage.
0 synergy cuz Nidalee needs cc setup to play her champ easier which kata doesn't have and u both are AP damage
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