His turrets block your E, he pushes every wave fast so u have to farm under turret. its very hard to poke him down due to his movement speed around his turrets.
You can somewhat win this matchup by rushing merc treads and stacking mr. but thats not very optimal
Very hard to trade with him, can beat him early but you will always get outscaled
Camilles trading pattern is way stronger than Gragas.
You can't cancel her E2, instead you both hit each other which usually ends up in her winning the trade because of her shield, movement speed and W.
Tahm Kench
You can never rly kill him in lane, but neither can he kill you due to phase rush. Just only get close if you have phase rush up.🐸
I recommend Grasp in this matchup if you want to fight her, if you want to scale then stick to phase rush
idiot snake
Very easy vs a bad Riven. Can be tricky and actually hard vs a very good Riven.
Cancel her Q 3 with your E
dumb lady
Cancel his Q with your E, if he E's at you just push him back with your E when hes about to stun you.
He outscales you if he stacks mr so don't be surprised if you lose when he has mr.
I recommend going FULL ABILITY HASTE vs him
Don't fight him when he's off his chicken or he will murder you.
Very hard to trade with him, recommend building early magic resist
He can buffer his E into your E and then you basically die
Ever since they his mini rework early s11 it is harder to cancel his W with E, other than that pretty free matchup, just don't waste combo on his E
impossible matchup if he buys merc treads otherwise you can kite him quite easy
You can pummel him down early on but if you don't kill him he will never die and inevitably outscale you.
if he is idiot you can win, if he is not idiot you will lose 👍
this would be an easy matchup if Tryndamere wasn't this broken.
he can buffer his Q Auto into your E then hit his guaranteed E and murder you. Impossible to trade with.
she will outscale
hard to hit this tiny rat but generally not too hard
you can't rush early cdr anymore so this matchup just Stat-checks you
વેશ્યા ચેમ્પિયન મારા ડાબા અખરોટ ખાય છે👿🔥🔥🔥
his slaves block body slam gg good
You can cancel his Brittle auto attacks with E and you can cancel his E. He just kinda stat-checks you but other than that this matchups is fine
bastrd champ
Very easy to outtrade, just don't take extended fights you will always lose.
He does not rly do anything untill he gets any item. just fight hyper agressive and perma push
kite him very easy
you can somewhat outsustain his Q spam but it is very hard to win trades up close
this matchup is alot harder in toplane, because its a much longer lane so he has alot more room to play around and freeze on you
boring tank matchup just outscale and kill team
Dr. Mundo
very hard to kill and to use ur E
wp yiyi
Orianna can speed you up and then ult after you engage.
Easy gank setup.
Orianna can speed you up and then ult after you engage.
I am a Grandmaster 740lp peak Gragas otp with over 8 million mastery points. I have been playing Gragas since season 4 and have over 10k Gragas games. I mainly play Gragas mid as a full ap burst assassin but I do not recommend this playstyle to newer players as it is a very high risk playstyle. This is why i'm focusing more on Gragas top and Phase Rush Gragas in this guide, because this is generally speaking alot easier to play and more rewarding. Once you feel comfortable with the champion you can try Gragas mid, but it is a very different playstyle compared to Gragas top. Mid is bomba, top is boga.
Here is one of my most recent guides on my YouTube channel💣.
About Gragas
Gragas is a flexible pick thanks to his presence in 4 total roles. He has very high damage and utility at the same time. His CC and kill potential allow him to take control when ahead. Gragas is great for engaging and disengaging this makes it so that your enemies will always need to keep an eye out or else they will be thrown into your team with a DEADLY💀 Explosive cask. However Gragas requires some knowledge and practice to perform these deadly combos. This is why i highly recommend practicing combos in practice tool, so you will eventually be comfortable to do these in a real game. I will be releasing a combo guide in the near future so keep an eye out on my YouTube channel💣.
Pros and Cons
+ Build-in good sustain because of + Scales extremely well with AP + Can Bomba enemy carry out of a fight + Good waveclear after a few points in Q + Good peel for your carries + Good teamfighter + Very good gank setup for your jungler
- Gets countered by mr stack - Very predictable engage - Useless if behind early - Low damage and very high cooldowns early game. - High risk low reward vs bruisers - Ultimate has very long travel time - Combo gets dodged easily by tenacity + any escape.
Laning phase
Gragas is one of the weakest champs early levels, this is because of low damage, high mana costs and very high cooldowns. This is why you should be farming with W because this increases your attack range, gives you damage reduction and procs Passive for very cheap.
Avoid poking too much with Q because this ability costs 80 mana and if you spam it too much you'll be out of mana VERY fast. It is only rly worth to poke with Q if you lasthit a minion with it at the same time. After you got some points in Q and got more mana it is fine to farm and poke with it.
Once you're strong enough (usually after first recall or level 6) you want to push as much as possible to assert pressure on your side of the map. Usually if you get ganked you can run away or outplay it with Phase Rush. Even if you die, just tell yourself it is a good death and it will all be fine 🙏
KDA doesnt matter
Teleport usage depends on your given situation if your wave is slowpushing ->(Example) then you should almost ALWAYS tp back to lane because otherwise you will lose a significant amount of xp and can fall behind from an unrecoverable xp difference.
If the enemy wave is slowpushing towards you->(Example)then you should not tp because the wave will automatically come towards you and you will catch most of the experience even if you just walk.
Usually you want to keep Teleport to help your team win early fights, this could be game changing. So keep Teleport accordingly to what i just explained.
Once you got some points in Q you can really start fighting and playing as aggressive as possible in some situations you want to play safe, but that is very rare. just limit test as much as possible so you attract as much enemies to you. this is also the best way to learn if you're new to the champ.
When you're about to kill someone and want to take them by surprise, you should combo them with Flash so they can't react to it. Here is a good ->Example. You don't always have to do very fancy combos like this, but you just got to make sure it is very hard to react to otherwise you all in and have a risk of them dodging it.
Here is a more basic combo ->example
After laning phase
After laning phase Gragas excels at teamfighting and grouping up.
This is usually around 15 minutes but its different every single game. Around this time you should ALWAYS pick up an Oracle Lens. This is because engaging when enemies have no vision on you is 10x easier and 10x more effective so you should also buy control wards whenever you can
Try to catch someone with a fast E + R + Flash combo -> Example
Other than grouping up you should try to splitpush in sidelane (the lane thats mirroring the next upcoming objective so if dragon is spawning in 1 minute and you have tp up you should splitpush top to get pressure on that side of the map, and when there is a fight at dragon you should tp to that fight)
Tips and tricks
💣You can combo Body Slam + Flash to extend Body Slam range
💣 W and E animation cancel, you can auto attack enemy and use E during the W attack's animation. It will cancel the remaining W animation and let you deal damage faster.
💣 E animation cancel, you can cast Q and R during your E, this will give your opponents less time to react to it
💣 W + E + R + Flash + Q full bomba combo💣
Here is a video of several useful Gragas tips & tricks including some that i mentioned here.💣
💣 If you want to watch me play Gragas please drop a follow
Thanks for reading
If you have any Gragas question or other join to my discord <3
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