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Mel Build Guide by millysenpai

Middle [S15] Arcane AP Mid ♡

Middle [S15] Arcane AP Mid ♡

Updated on March 12, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author millysenpai Build Guide By millysenpai 5 3 32,705 Views 0 Comments
5 3 32,705 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author millysenpai Mel Build Guide By millysenpai Updated on March 12, 2025
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Runes: Sorcery

1 2
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4 5
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S15] Arcane AP Mid ♡

By millysenpai
About Me:

Hi my name is Milly. I'm British born Chinese.

~I try to stream as much as I can on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and ask questions if you're unsure about anything!

I started playing League in Season 4 :)

If this guide has helped you in any way please Vote up & Share, I hope to make more guides in the future! :)
❥ Also if you didn't know I have a Soraka Guide >here<
❥ Sona >here<
❥ AP Lux >here<
❥ AP Lulu Support >here<
❥ Miss Fortune ADC >here<
❥ AP Mel Arcane

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Other Info
New character for Mid/Support (maybe)

Mel Medarda from Arcane has finally been brought to League Of Legends! "Once one of the most powerful in Noxus". Will begin at 7800 Blue essence or 975RP then lowered later.

Currently has 1 skin, called Arcane Councilor (1350RP) and this skin also has 8 Chromas.

❥ Some Mel quotes

During champion select:
    - Shatter their expectations
Banning champion:
    - My countermeasures are ready. Even if you are not
First Move (some listed below but not all)
    - Perhaps its time for the era of Arcane
    - Medardas are know for our strategy and strength. Follow my direction and we’ll emerge from this victorious
    - If blood must be drawn to secure our safety, so be it
First move with Ally Ambessa
    - I never thought I'd see the day. Let us fight together, mother… as equals
First move with enemy Ambessa
    - My mother is willing to sacrifice anything, anyone, If you value your life, do not hold back
    - The foolish need not approach
    - Mel scoffs. “My apologies - I don’t recall asking for your input
    She’s beauty and she’s grace, she’s… OH! (Mel clears throat)
    - Empty platitudes provide little comfort
Basic AA:
    - Feel my light
    - Do not test me
    - So little effort
    - You’re in my way
    - Bother someone else
    - I cannot be undone
    - Disgraceful
    - Does my family… fall with me?
    - I did my best Kino…
    - Mother, I couldn’t
Pros & Cons
    ❣ Powerful CC
    ❣ Reflect ability
    ❣ Versatile champion
    ❣ Synergizes with a lot of champions

    ❣ Lack of mobility
    ❣ Difficult for beginners because of her kit
    ❣ Vulnerable if her rebuttal is on cd
    ❣ Unable to use her ultimate unless you have her passive applied to the enemy
    ❣ Easy to use stacks by mistake on minions
Searing Brilliance (Passive): Her Auto Attack and abilities applies a stack to her passive, so basically her passive can be stacked infinitely. She has two parts of her passive, the first being getting enough stacks which can be executed when reaching the threshold (eg. like the elder dragon buff kill animation). The second passive (innate) is when she uses an ability her next Auto Attack will throw from 3 to 9 bolts at the target dealing 5-20 AP damage (based on level).
Radiant Volley (Q): This launches a barrage of luminous bolts that explode upon reaching the target. Each explosion deals magic damage to nearby enemies.
Rebuttal (W): Spell reflect abilities, she forms a protective barrier around herself for 1 second and gains 30% movement speed that decays over the duration. Any enemy projectiles that hit her will also reflect back targeted abilities back at their original caster and non-targeted abilities back in the enemy’s direction.. You can reflect more than one ability during its active, you're not limited to 1.
So for example Yasuo windwall, Braum shield would block incoming abilities/skill shots; whereas Mel will reflect back.
Imagine Lux throws her bind and you use Mel's W and any targets that are infront of Lux will also get binded as the skillshot would reflect back to her and getting anyone that is in that direction.
Solar Snare (E): Mel fires a radiant orb forward, rooting those at its center while the area around it slows enemies and deals damage over time.
Golden Eclipse (R): Mel strikes all enemies masked with overwhelm regardless of distance from her, dealing additional damage for each stack of Overwhelm. The higher the level of the skill, the higher damage of the fatal after image mark.
Summoner Spells
❥ I feel like Flash is default to have, no explanation needed.

Ignite might be good early depending on your matchup or early kill. But also it may be good for late game too.

❥ I choose Barrier because it gives a small amount of shield or so to survive from ignite or last hits. It feels like a little bit of insurance (hehe)

❥ I guess Teleport would be an option too, fast back into lane after basing, even use in late game.
Arcane Comet: This rune synergizes well with Lux's abilities which give additional damage after hitting spells on targets. Arcane Comet damage ranges from 30-100 based on your level.
Manaflow Band: In my opinion this rune is a good choice for Lux as she requires a lot of mana when casting abilties even during early laning phase. With more mana = more damage or harass in lane; as stated after reaching 250 bonus mana it will restore 1% of the missing mana ever 5 seconds.
Transcendence: At level 10 you will receive 10% cooldown and when you hit 40% cooldown, you get AP (Ability Power) for any extra CDR. Since you are building and rushing cooldown reduction, you would probably find yourself overcapping in cooldown, so this would transition well into your build and does not waste any extra cooldown reduction.
Scorch: This rune allows the next damaging ability hit that sets champions on fire for 15-35 bonus magic damage based on level with a 10 second cooldown. This would work well after using Lux Q or E then hitting the target afterwards.
Magical Footwear: Free "slightly magical boots" at 12 minutes, these boots give you an additional +10 movement speed.
Cosmic Insight : This gives 15 summoner spell haste and 10 item haste which means you will get a small CD reduction which is helpful for using your skills sooner.
Offense x2 + Defense x1: 1st Adaptive Force for +9 Adaptive Power over attack speed and cooldown reduction. 2nd Adaptive Force over Armour and Magic Resist. Last rune is Health Scaling (+10-180 health based on level).
Mid Item Build
- Do note this is the standard build I’d go with Mel, after some more experimenting i’ll update more item builds.

Should be a standard first item and 2 Health Potion, I think this is a typical item build for AP users in mid.

You gain a charge every 3 seconds and holds up to 6 charges. Damaging abilities/skills will use up al the charges and deal an additional 40 (+8% AP) m-dmg to the target. Honestly I see this item being built on AP champions mid or support since it has come out, must be the change from luden's echo to this, still poke damage I suppose.

Commonly built on AP users, these boots provide 18 magic penetration and additional movement speed. If you build AP damage dealing items then these boots will suit as well as if the enemy team has AP users.

I commonly pick up shadowflame as a item as it gives a lot of Ability power and has a small bit of magic pen. M-dmg and true damage critically strikes enemies below 35% HP and deal 20% increased damage.

If you want more AP Magic Damage then this item will provide 120 AP as well as a great passive which is increase your ability power by 35% You may build this if you don't need any other items to help support your team or if you have no AP users on your team vs comp which will come in handy.

Provides 65 AP and 40 Magic Pen, recommended if you're building more AP items than items to support the team and if enemy team is not building MR which can be quite useful and effective.

Dealing Abilitiy damage to champions at 600 range or greater reveals them for 6 seconds. Deals 10% increased damage to enemies revealed by this item.

~ So these next items listed can be used in the final build. I have listed a few depending on the matchup.
Banshee's Veil as it grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability and is refreshed after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds.
Lich Bane may be bought for additional damage, it has 70 AP and 10% movement speed on the item. This item may be built early which would give an advantage to your lane as well as roaming purposes, the passive actually grants magic damage after casting an ability on a target.
Mejai's Soulstealer Personal preference on this item, but early game you don't need to upgrade to Mejai's straight away with it being Dark Seal is fine as you can start stacking stacks. Provides a small amount of health and AP for Dark Seal, after upgrading it, it will have an increased amount of health and AP. You gain 4 stacks for every champion killed and 2 stacks for assists, you can gather up to 25 stacks but upon dying you lose 10 stacks, also gain 5 AP for ever stack and added 10% bonus movement speed if you have at least 10 stacks. This item is commonly used for roaming champions, If you decide to build this item try not to get caught and lose the stacks gathered as late game your allies might question why you have it if you cannot stack it as its pointless.
Zhonya's Hourglass Upgraded version of Stopwatch which you can use more than once with a timer, this provides ability power, armour and 10% cooldown reduction. A better choice over Banshee's Veil and useful against champion ults such as Zed, Kayn, Fizz, etc.
Liandry's Torment grants 70 Ability power and 300 health. Damaging abilities will burn enemies for 2% max health magic damage per second for 3 seconds.
Morellonomicon I normally get this item for some anti heal? It is necessary if you're vs champions like Soraka, Sona, Seraphine, etc. This gives 80 AP and 250 HP, the passive deals magic damage to enemy champions and inflicts them with 40% grievous wounds for 3 seconds, and it increases to 60% if the target is below 50% of their max HP.
Boots of Swiftness is ideal as the passive reduces the effectiveness of slows by 25% which is extremely helpful if the enemy team has a lot of CC champions. These boots also provide an additional 60 movement speed.
Mercury's Treads these boots may be built if the enemy comp has AP dealing users as these boots provide 25 magic resist, 45 movement speed and 30 Tenacity. These boots are similar to Plated Steelcaps but for MR.
Change Log / Updated
24/02/2025 - a month later we hit 30.1k views / still need to put together a support build
23/01/2025 - Mel Guide created~
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