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Ivern Build Guide by Contryx

Jungle 🌇 [S14 Challenger] Contryx's Rank 1 Ivern Guide 🌇

Jungle 🌇 [S14 Challenger] Contryx's Rank 1 Ivern Guide 🌇

Updated on May 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Contryx Build Guide By Contryx 355 8 210,636 Views 1 Comments
355 8 210,636 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Contryx Ivern Build Guide By Contryx Updated on May 28, 2024
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Runes: Option 1

Summon Aery
Nimbus Cloak

Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

🌇 [S14 Challenger] Contryx's Rank 1 Ivern Guide 🌇

By Contryx
Hello and welcome to my guide!
My name is Conny and go by the IGN ''Contryx''.
I'm currently Rank 1 Ivern in the world holding the spot as Rank 70 on the EUW Ladder with 518LP Challenger S11.
You can check me out on to watch and learn my ivern:
Insane Scaler and outscale most of the junglers in the current meta
Iverns Pathing is hard to track due to no leash
Strong Ganker
No Leash needed
Really good pick if you have teammates that can play around you and enable you
The champ has alot of good synergies especially w/ most Bruisers

Weak, first clears and very vunerable
Vunerable in jungle if enemy jungler perma invades with full prio.
Needs a carry
Hard to learn to his full potential
There is 2 pathings I do, depending on the teams win condition and enemy jgl.
Red - Raptors - Blue Smite - Gromp - Wolves - Claim Raptors - Claim Red - Claim Wolves - Claim Gromp - Into gank / scuttle.
Wolves - Blue Smite - Gromp - Raptors - Red - Crugs - Claim Gromp - Claim Wolves - Claim Raptors - Claim Red - Claim Crugs - Into Gank/Scuttle

So how i decide what path to chose depends on if enemy jungler is a heavy invader, If so you need to play smart about your pathing trying to avoid him on the map, he starts blue you start blue, Try to avoid on map like forexample Rengar, Graves, Nida ETC. Then you need to analyze your team comp and look for the wincondition and play strongside for that lane.
[*] Moonstone Renewer and Staff of Flowing Water are the core items of Ivern. These are the items you want to rush every single game, after you rush the core items there's alot of options you have. It all depends on the game and you will have to analyze the game situation for yourself. Some options are Ardent Censer, Redemption hard engaging teams on enemy, Mikael's Blessing Alot of CC on enemyteam, Zhonya's Hourglass is for hard assasins so you can stay alive in teamfights and even Chemtech Putrifier against teams with alot of healing.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Contryx
Contryx Ivern Guide
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🌇 [S14 Challenger] Contryx's Rank 1 Ivern Guide 🌇

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