Smolder is hard to judge because he's incredibly weak at the moment but assuming you're reading when he's strong; Smolder's early game is completely non-existent so you can look to all-in him whenever you can, try to ping your support to trade or engage and just bully the little dragon so he can't scale for free.. get it..? "scale" because he's a dragon..
Jinx is very easy to lane against, try to play aggressively and ping your support to fight because Ezreal outdamages Jinx monumentally early. The only problem comes if Jinx is allowed to scale because Ezreal can never outdamage a Jinx in the late game, so it's up to you to make sure she doesn't get there.
Aphelios can snowball quite hard from getting ahead early but he's very immobile and focuses entirely on auto attacks to do damage, so if you poke with max range Q and don't walk into his auto range there's no way he can hit you.
Sivir is a very easy lane for Ezreal, her Q does a lot of damage if it hits no minions first so be sure to position in a way where she can't hit you with it but you should win every all in early due to her very low damage. She can also only spellshield one ability and ezreal's cooldowns are so short that it doesn't necessarily matter.
Kog'maw is a very predictable champion, he has to trade with his W (he glows) which lasts only a few seconds, after that his damage is incredibly low. His W has a very high cooldown of about 20s early so if you can bait it out, wait until he stops glowing and then trade with him, you should win most trades. Kog'maw is usually played with Lulu which is a lane that can prove to be an issue if it gets ahead so try to chill, not die and hope your support punishes their mistakes.
Xayah, much like Aphelios, has a lot of DPS but not much range. Spacing her is quite easy and it can be quite predictable when she will E to recall her feathers, which is a lot of her damage early, if you know that she's going to recall her feathers and get used to that timing, you can E preemptively in order to dodge them all with your E, if you E to the side. Usually Xayah is played with Rakan, which can be a HUGE problem at level 6 with Rakan's point and click CC, there's not much Ezreal can do about it so you have to play very far back after level 6
Caitlyn is very immobile so it can be quite easy to land skillshots on her. The only thing that Caitlyn provides is range so it can be quite difficult to space her. If she goes to auto you, hit her with W + Auto attack and you'll always outdamage her auto, be careful of net though and try to E smartly to avoid her burst.
Tristana lane is relatively easy because as long as you're hitting Q's, her jump has around the same cooldown as your E, if she ever jumps to bomb you, E away to disengage and then trade after the bomb explodes.
Varus has a low auto attack range but his Q range is very high, when you see him charging it try to move a lot to make it harder for him to hit and then abuse his range disadvantage when it's on cooldown. Take cleanse for his ult and instantly cleanse + E when it hits so he can't burst you down. If you don't have cleanse up, it can be extremely hard to react to his ult with E so it's best to stay out of it's range.
Miss Fortune
MF has a very short range so it can be quite easy to abuse her with max range Q's. Don't position with minions between you and her otherwise she'll get free Q's on you and you won't be able to Q her. Try to move with her around the wave so there's never minions between the two of you. Save E for her ult.
Draven is a very hard matchup for ezreal, he outdamages you hard early and if he gets a lead there's nothing your champion can do. The trick is to aim your Q's in lane where his axes will land and don't walk into his auto range. Ezreal's Q will always outrange Draven's auto attack.
Vayne is a very bad matchup for Ezreal, She has a lot of mobility to dodge your skillshots and has a lot of movement speed to catch up with you if you step forward too much. The only thing Vayne lacks is range, so as long as you space yourself to never be in her auto range after she tumbles and hit her with max range Q's, she shouldn't be able to touch you.
Lucian is the same as Vayne, he has the ability to dash in and trade whenever he wants, so you have to stand in lane in a way where he'll never be in auto attack range even after he dashes. Just like Vayne, Lucian lacks any kind of range so as long as you space and poke with Q, he should never be able to touch you. Lucian is usually played with Nami Milio and those lanes have absolutely insane burst so keep that in mind when you decide to step up.
Samira is a difficult matchup, her W stops projectiles so try not to Q into it or you'll have long cooldowns. She's usually played with an engage support so be careful not to get hooked/engaged on because that gives samira a free way to get on top of you and if she does ever get on top of you there's not much Ezreal can do to even slightly get close to the DPS samira can spit out. Samira, besides from being able to dash in, has very short range so you can poke her down to make it a bit more dangerous for her to engage.
Ashe lane is a very easy one to **** up in, try to position behind minions so she can't W you for free while also trying to max range Q her. If she ever gets to auto you the trade will be incredibly hard to win because of her passive slow, it makes it very easy to catch up to you even after you E. Once again quite the spacing lane. Take cleanse to cleanse her arrow.
Kai'sa is notoriously an Ezreal counter but I don't think it's as bad as people say it is. Her range is very short so try to space her early in order to poke her down while she can't reach you. Be wary of her W in the mid game because if she hits W and manages to ult you, Ezreal will never outdamage Kai'sa 1v1 in close range, but if you space her early and get a lead it can be very hard for her to play.
Jhin goes against a lot of what I've said because he has no inherent mobility but it can be very hard to hit him with your skillshots because of how much movement speed he gets. His range is quite low so try to hit him with Q's in lane when he goes to CS etc and after he gets boots of swiftness you have to aim your Q's slightly ahead of where he is because he has so much movement speed to dodge them.
Nilah has very short range so she can be easy to poke down with auto attacks, try to get advantage on the wave level 1 and bully her off of creeps. She has a similar problem to yasuo where her W acts somehwat like windwall where your autos and Q's won't hit her for the duration of it. When she casts W she gets surrounded in a blue cloud, the best thing to do is to disengage until it goes away and then trade after it ends because it has a very long cooldown. Also like yasuo, her dash is instant and if she gets on top of you she can deal a lot of damage so try to space accordingly and if she gets close enough to E you, E very early.
Note: your W+E combo or W+R combo will hit her W so you do have a way to get the kill in that scenario.
One of, if not THE hardest matchup for Ezreal, play very far back and farm what you can with Q, be weary of dodging any knockups that could allow him to ult you and E out as soon as you can when he dashes on you. If he wastes windwall, you have about a 30s window to trade with him but if he does windwall, run way and wait for it to disappear before trying to trade.
Kalista's constant state of mobility make it very hard to hit her with your skillshots, try to watch how she's jumping and predict where she'll jump to and Q predicatively as opposed to reactively. Kalista is usually played with engage so space very far away to avoid the Kalista ult + engage support combo. Sadly, this is a matchup you have to heavily rely on your support and one that takes a lot of practice.
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