Bramble early. Flash/tp. Spellbook can be good. Riftmaker first if he goes lethality, liandries if bruiser. Cosmic can help dodge his abilities. Dont go tabis unless he builds lethality. You can r to make his w disappear. Abuse His high cooldowns early and dont Play to far back. If you can bait his r and disengage with e and ult him afterwards you win easily.
You win until 2 items if you dodge enough of his q's but he outscales you eventually. If he is smart and buys maw first item you are just kinda ****ed. You can never kill him If he does that.
Ghost/tp. Spellbook. Bait her q by walking up and then backwards. Play early careful, you beat her after 6. Just wait till she uses smoke Screen and ult her after that. Smoke Screen will not follow into death realm and you can just Run her down with ghost. Be ready to tp if she roams
I rarely see akshan but dont have troubles. Ghost/tp, spellbook and rush tabis/rylais. Play early safe and run him down once 6
You hard counter her. Flash tp, conq, tabis riftmaker. Early is a bit rough. She will likely roam after 6.
Flash/tp, conq. Liandries rush. You win at any point in the game.
This lane is very swingy. One of you wont be able to play the game. You can either try to fight the lane with flash/ghost and conq or Play it as farm lane with flash tp and spellbook
Key is to poke with q and dis engage with e. You can also use e to **** up his q sweetspot. Flashing into him when he uses q is also Clutch. Save w for his r. Cosmic helps kite him as this matchup is mostly won through spacing.
I recommend to limit Test this lane a few times to Not be overly scared. you also outscale him.
Dr. Mundo
Conq. Rush liandries, buy anti heal after that and dont ult when he has passive up and its free. Swifties are good here.
Rare matchup. Ghost/tp spellbook. She wins till 6. Her miasma wont follow in death realm. Force of nature second item can be good. You dont need rylais/cosmic first item. You wont be able to kill her without ult or ghost.
One of my main bans. Spellbook cheese with exhaust and ign can work.
She beats you early and out scales you. She can parry your r but most fioras dont Seem to know this.
Bramble and tabi rush. Cosmic or rylais can help deny her vitals but then you lack stat checking if you go one of these first.
I sometimes go exhaust to cheese them if i forgot to ban her.
I dont see many gp. Flash/tp. Conq. Can flash barrels to surprise him. Barrels dont travel into death realm, the Explosion and his r neither, you can really **** him over with that.
Ghost/tp and spellbook. Annoying in the early game. One of the rare games where dorans shield is worth. Rush tabis and rylais and you can run him down. Wait out his mega, dont underestimate it. If you r him mid jump he wont get his second jump. His Boomerang also wont follow so he doesnt get reduced cd. Completely ****s him if you do it.
Ghost/tp and spellbook. I find this lane pretty easy. You need to build mercs and land e though or He will run circles around you. Cast it when he uses e and he will end up behind you without e up=dead.Rylais rush.
Flash/tp and spellbook.
You need to space and kite this matchup. Engage on her when she has no stacks, then e her back or Dodge sideways once she reaches 4. Dont throw e and q together at range she will just immune both.
You beat her in all in's after lvl 6 if you dodge well but she outscales you. Dont wait to long on mr item buy she usually goes full ap
Ghost/tp and spellbook
You beat him in all ins at any stage of the game but you need to kite his e. Use your e right when he is in q Animation so he doesnt get to spin on you for free. Use w against his e or his r. Rush riftmaker but Go cosmic instead of rylais, he cleanses slows with his q and always builds deadmans.
Flash/tp, conq. bramble early. Morde used to hard counter her but with the changes to her it changes from patch to patch.
Generally speaking fight her early in the wave, she is weak early. Dont let her freely push into you and harrass you under tower/take plates. Flash her r or use r after her r/e. Tentacles dont follow into death realm. Cosmic helps dodge tentacles.
Flash/tp. Conq
This matchup is highly dependant on your wave state. Dont let her get 5 stacks of minions and then e you. She beats you till 6. Dont throw 2 spells into her w. Her r and e dont follow into death realm. Build bramble after she has botrk. She spikes really hard with botrk but you outscale her
Flash/tp, spellbook. Tabis early. His only chance is to cheese you early with lethal but that got nerfed. After 6 you Beat him at any point in the game. R after his r for extra stats!
Ghost/tp. Spellbook. tabis early.
Annoying early but you outscale him. r him after he transforms Back to range so he cant knock you Back immediately. I would say this matchup is easy but usually only rank 5 global smurfs Play him.
Ghost/tp, conq
yes you would think morde hard wins this since k'sante is a tank but he is too tanky, can kite to well with his slows and has 3 unstoppables to block your r.
Dont r until he uses w. Usually he will use it if you e. Dont use w until he uses r. Be mindful of him ulting you away from Tower into River.
Ghost/flash. Spellbook
Annoying but you can run her down with rylais and r. Her w doesnt follow into death realm. Time your spells to use them after her shield. You outscale her massively. Swifties are good.
Ghost/flash, spellbook Swifties rush. You need to stomp her, she outscales you. She wins lvl 1 but loses until lvl 16. Wave Control is very important here.
Zhonyas is good for her ult.
Ghost/flash, spellbook. I hate this rat. Buy mercs early. Dont use e or r until he used his e. Tenacity in runes. You can only kill him with r. Great target to r in team fights
Ghost/tp. Conq
Rush tabis. Dont build riftmaker early he gets free anti heal with his q.
He beats you hard till 6. Poke with q and disengage with e. Dont trade If he has w up. After 6 you outscale him
Flash/tp. Conq
He wants to build armor so its pretty free. Early he wins with q poke. You need to extend trades beyond his passive shield to win. He can surprisingly burst you lvl 6 if you dont flash or w his ult. Dont r his r. Generally this is free though. Swifties go brr
Literally never seen mao top but its free as america
Ghost/tp. Spellbook. Okay this lane is weird.
If he maxes e with dorans ring he actually wins early because he out ranges you. Wave Control is key here. Dont give him a massive free way under tower. Poke or dive him.
YOU DO NOT WIN LVL 6. His ult powespike is bigger than yours if he isnt giga behind. You need to bait out his ult first or get him really low. Swifties is really important. With swifties and cosmic/rylais you can kite him very hard. Dont go rylais if he goes swifties. You do outscale him funnily
Ghost/tp, spellbook. Dorans shield. Very annoying. Just try to deny grasp procs. You actually dont need rylais to kill her in ult. Just dont give up to much farm, she becomes giga useless once you get riftmaker and rylais you outheal her dmg
Ban or Dodge. Spellbook If you are a maniac and want to Play this lane, you need to hard poke him. Like Literally every q off cd needs to hit. If he goes onto you e him away and run laterally away from his axe. Rush cosmic and you have a Chance to kite him if you dodge axes.
Flash/tp. Conq
You outscale him but early is playable as well. E him away to deny brittle auto or w it. Your poke is better and costs no mana. Dont r before he used w, its unstoppable. R him after he starts his r. It wont follow into death realm. Dont wait though, his hit Animation is unstoppable again.
You outscale him
Flash/tp. Spellbook
He wins early pretty hard but after 6 its free. Use w to deny q execute. If he uses e walk into him and e to pull him behind you. Be mindful of his roams
Ghost/tp. Conq
A good poppy is a nighmare.
She hard wins early, you need to really respect. You think she is a tank but she is an assassin. She can kill you from full health lvl 3 if she hits you against a wall. In General her e hitbox is ********. If you think you are far enough away from your tower and the angle doesnt work for an e, you are wrong and dead, that **** always Connects. You outscale her, so you just need to survive early. If possible dont walk up if she has passive or w it.
Ghost/tp. Spellbook. Annoying early but you outscale her hard. Once lvl 6 its a free kill. Walk up to her until in auto range, she will e you and you e at the same time. She cant dodge it in e Animation. Dont r her if she is in valor.
Ghost/tp. Conq
You outscale him and can play it safe but early is winnable as well. You need to deny him empowered q hits on you and poke him. If He uses e onto you, use your e centered on yourself. Since he aims to Dash through you to get his second dash this will always hit him. Dont use your w if he hasnt used his. His w will destroy your shield, this is the only way he can win.
If you absolutely have to use it, use the heal immediately.
This matchup gets worse the better the riven. Take bone plating and rush tabis. If she is good she can dodge or e shield all your poke. Lvl 6 do not fight her unless you have tabis and max w. She will oneshot you. You can take exhaust for cheese but tp is better since most rivens play ign so you just have to outscale (2 items) She does beat you at 5+ items though.
Flash/tp. Spellbook. early you can not do anything vs him. Rumbles early lane is one of the most busted. You need to get mr early vs his mr shred. Spirit visage rush honestly not even troll, your base dmg is good.
You can and should r after his r, the flames on the ground dont travel to death realm. You Out scale him
Flash/tp. Conq
Sett ***** on morde till 6. Be very careful he can burst you quickly and most sett Players are degenrate perma fighters (i Play him too)
You need to flash or e/w his w. You giga outscale him, once you have tabis its already in your favour.
Ghost/tp. Conq
Free lane. Dont underestimate His dueling pre 6. After that he is food. Your r cancels his r.
Ghost/flash. Spellbook
Havent played much vs singed but if he is good its challenging. He is useless till he gets some items but if he gets a successful proxy, its a problem. Ward your tri/jgl to prevent this. You can go banshee to deny his fling. Buy swifties
Ghost/tp. Conq
His early lane power is decent but if you e his q its free for you. You massively outscale him with liandries riftmaker rush. Dont r his r.
Ghost/flash. Spellbook
Pretty free. Dont let him free stack. Wait with your e till he used his.
Swifties and run him down once 6. He kinda outscales you eventually. Save flash for him flying over terrain
Tahm Kench
Flash/tp. Conq
His q poke is annoying and you need to watch out for him eating you and throwing you under tower. You can cancel his r with yours if you time it perfectly. Save e for his e.
Liandries rush and its free
Ghost/tp. Spellbook
Annoying till 6 then its free with rylais rush. His mushrooms dont travel to death realm.
Ghost/tp. Conq
He wins early. Rush tabis and dis engage if He uses w. His w and e dont travel to death realm so this is key to beating him. You can also r after his r or wait out his r. Dont ooga booga melee him in death realm, you Still need to somewhat kite him. You outscale him but need to perma match him in lane. Dont go with your Team and tp to trundle. Go to trundle, kill him, then tp to the Team Fight
Ghost/ign/tp. Spellbook
He wins early really hard. Dont risk losing lane to 3 rng crits. If he e's onto you pull him behind you. Rush tabi and bramble if you didnt take ign.
R usage is key here. You cant use it late when he is low. You are ****ing yourself over. He will use his r and you have nowwhere to run and kite him because of death realm. You need to ult super early so when he is low and has to r your r Times out, allowing you to kite. Alternatively save your r till the end of his r so he cant run away.
Randuins third or second item.
Twisted Fate
Ghost/flash. Spellbook
Wait till 6 lane. Then you can run him down. Wait till he picks a card then r him. His Card will get deleted, it wont travel to death realm even if its mid air. He kinda out scales you though if he is good
Ghost/tp. Spellbook
He will r spam you out of lane and you cant do too much against it.
He can also block your r with his empowered e but most udyrs arent good enough for that.
Usually they will just empowered w to out heal your r. Bramble would be good but he usually does mostly ap dmg so its eeeeh.
Only chance to kill him is lvl 6 right after he uses empowered r, ult him. It wont follow into death realm.
You do outscale him but its still difficult to 100-0 him. Just survive lane, you are more useful later. Dont r him in team fights.
Flash/tp. Conq
Dont get cheesed by an early e. You just need to bait out his e and you can poke him for free. You out range him. You need to flash his r later. This is very difficult if you are in melee. Save w until you get low to prevent r execute. You outscale him.
Ban or Dodge. You can never kill her. Never. Okay there is a very fine point in the game if you have banshees to block condemn, flash and ghost up(spellbook) and she isnt 4 items+ where you can kill her. Defensive items are useless vs her outside of tabis so go dmg dmg dmg to kill her as fast as possible.
Ghost/tp. Conq
Dont see much vlad top. He wins early because he out ranges, out sustains and out kites you. A kill at 6 is not guaranteed. You giga outscale him with liandries, riftmaker, spirit though. Good ult target in Team fights.
Flash/tp. Conq
He hard wins early but you can poke with q and heal with second wind of his passive bounces on the wave.
Remember that his r is unstoppable and disables turrets.
Use r early when he uses e, it wont follow to death realm.
Build bramble early, you giga out scale him
Flash/tp. Conq
Bramble rush. Dont fight him ever till 6. Dont even trade much, its what he wants. Ww top is useless if he gets no lead and you out scale him.
Not a good ult target
Flash/tp. Conq
Dont see much wukong. He hard wins early, you outscale him mega. Rush tabi. You can ult after his w, his clone will disappear but its risky as you can accidentally ult the clone
Flash/tp. Spellbook
Yone is a skill Match up that is slightly Morde favoured.
Your q has slightly longer range than his and you dont have to worry about pushing the wave because he will push it harder. So q him everytime you can. If he uses his e back off and e him Back. Use your w early while he is directly on you. Dont r him when he has e up. He can use it to cancel your r or just run away from you in death realm. R him right after his e is over. Lethal tempo got nerfed so most yone's go fleet. This way they can actually out sustain you if you go riftmaker first. Seriously dont think "ah he is dead, ez "when he gets low and get lazy. I have died many unnecessary deaths when yone survived at 50 hp for 5 seconds because i got lazy. I like to go liandries first vs him to just overwhelm him with the dmg and for better poke. Yone likes extended fights where he can kite you with q/r/e and sustain with w and fleet. Use flash for his r or 3rd q. If he tries to escape with r you can block it by standing inside or slightly behind him. Also his r is unstoppable but i think your ult still goes through.
If He goes botrk first buy bramble early.
Yone somewhat out scales you but very very slowly. Until 4/5 items you should have the edge.
Flash/tp. Conq
Can be annoying if yorick is good but you hard counter him since maiden and wall dont follow to death realm.
Ghost/ign. Conq
Morde is one of the few champs who can win vs zac.
Rush liandries, use ghost to step on his passive bubbles to deny the heal.
Dont greed to kill him in his revive If you dont know where enemy jgl is.
It takes forever. You can cancel his e with yours or r him when is mid air an d he will bounce of the death realm. You outscale him hard
Mordekaiser is a really good duelist thanks to his stat stealing ultimate and tank shreder because of his max hp dmg passive. Morde is really good pick into tank teamcomps and champions that fights in melee range. Mordekaiser has built-in bonus movement speed from passive basically allows you to stick close to enemy but if it's not enough Mordekaiser also got his ultimate to lock down opponent. Generally speaking you want to go Spellbook and/or build rylais if the enemy has more ranged/mobile champs. If there are enough melee or immobile enemies to fight you go conq and don't need to build rylais.
Who to Ult
This is probably the single highest skill ceiling that morde has. And imo it is one of the highest skill ceilings in the game. In lower elo it's fine to just ult whoever comes into ult range, kill him and use the stats gained to fight afterwards. But in high elo deciding who and when to ult will win and lose you games. Here are some general rules to keep in mind for teamfights:
1. Is there a very fed enemy who is their win condition?
can your team kill him without you? can you kill him in your ult?
If you can kill him in ult but your team can't, this is your number 1 ult
target,ulting anyone else is trolling. It can also be fine to ult him even if you aren't sure if you can kill him, if this enables your team to win the rest of the teamfight and collapse after your ult ends. You can ulse use zhonyas to just keep him and yourself alive in ult until your team collapses.
2. Do you have a fed carry on your team who is the win condition?
does he need protection? can you protect him? are you the only frontline?
If all your gold is on your adc but the enemy has a diver or assassin, it can be very good to just sit by your adc and as soon as you see the zed for example go onto him, ult him and he is just screwed because he likely used mobility to go in so you get a free kill and your adc can play safely. An exception here is kha'zix. Don't ult that guy. Do keep in mind that if you are the only frontliner it is more important to be in front of your team so they can play. You can really screw your team over by ulting the enemy adc for example and allowing enemy diana, nautilus and camille to just dive into the rest of your team.
3. Are you fed and the win condition?
Is there an enemy you need ult to kill? Is there a high cc champ or enchanter that will prevent you from being able to play? Do you need ult to escape a collapse on you?
Very often it can be worth to just ult the enemy support like nautilus or seraphine. These champs make it impossible to play teamfights as morde because you are constantly cc'ed or slowed by them and they protect their carries. They are also free kills and guaranteed stats. Often valuable stats as well since supports usually build full tank or ap. If you are getting collapsed on by the enemy team its important to ult the first target you can get your hands on to buy as much time as possible for yourself and your team and maybe turn the fight around.
4. Is there an objective fight like baron or dragon?
In this case almost always ult enemy jungler. That way he can't smite and your team will most likely pick up the objective.
5. Are you really behind and can't fight anyone?
Either ult the weakest enemy like the support or go zhonyas and just buy time for your team by ulting the biggest enemy threat.
6. Can you dodge an important ability?
There are a lot of effects that do not follow into the death realm. Some are known well like yoricks maiden or illaoi's tentacles. But there are also rarer ones like syndra ult or tf card. It can be worth to ult in a split second decision to dodge some of these. I will cover these interactions in the next section.
Dark technology Ult secrets
work in progress
Effects that don't follow into the death realm are usually placed effects like a GP barrel, nasus E, akali shroud or summons like annie tibbers. I will not mention these but rather in the matchups.
Then there are some secret/rare interactions that only work by good reaction time:
Twisted fate pick a card. If you ult him when he throws the card it disappears and will not hit you. This counts for all projectiles if you fast enough and the projectile is slow enough.
Syndra ult is another example of this. The first balls might hit you but the latter ones will not, seriously cutting her dmg short.
Tahm Kench ult can be canceled by ulting him right as he ults you. It will put his ult on cooldown. Tricky to pull off.
Sylas's morde ult will transfer you to morde's death realm if it is active so it will be 2vs2 for a few seconds (and the other way round)
Karthus ult does not transfer to death realm.
Using R on a Sion during his Q charge will make it miss you in the Death Realm. No damage or knock up. I'm pretty sure it actually hits in the normal realm when it happens.
Using R right before a turret shot hits you makes it miss, but the same will happen on an ally turret shooting an enemy.
R health increase (for mord) is actually a HEAL, so it is increased by stuff like revitalize, spirit visage, chemtech drakes, supports, etc. This can safe your life if you are low.
Ulting champs after they have gotten a big stats buff can be really good. For example lethal tempo users once they stacked it (actually gives a LOT of attack speed, don't underestimate it), ulting Darius when he gets passive, Jax, Nasus, aatrox, Renekton after they used their ult.
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