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Still some mistakes, like the texty wally parts from early- mid- and lategame chapters.
But hey, I gave you advice and you used it, that is more worth than 50% :P
Ty means a lot getting an upvote from you, knowing you always criticize the bad guides, constructive criticism that is
But hey, I gave you advice and you used it, that is more worth than 50% :P
I didnt lie on my elo :3 Im bronze IV?
I think he's referring to the fact that for some reason your guide is displaying under the high Elo authors tag (which I believe is for diamond Teir not sure) because the Elo you have on your profile says your 2k. The system shows you are at bronze 4 but it still has an after effect of that Elo being set. People may troll downvote because of it =/ If I were you I would go remove it in your profile or ask an admin to help you if you can't do it yourself.
Someone's never seen Maknoon before.
No lol, someone is trying to get thier jayce guide to go up
2 Bloodthirster?
I'm not sure if your blind, or are just trying to get your jayce guide to go up, I clearly said, and put in the build that your can have trinity force instead of BT, but either way BT is a very good item to put on jayce, 2 Bt's give him incredible sustain, against all champs
Please stop trolling
Nice lying on your ELO. But serious talk, your guide is okay at first glance.
I didnt lie on my elo :3 Im bronze IV?
The most disturbing is the fact that you didn't even post a single item explanation.
I'm sorry, I can't upvote this.
Why would anyone put pros and cons as one of the final chapters :O
It is really basic, and should be put in the front.
You are missing an item explanation :O