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That being the case have you tried to find out if DFT procs on Turrets auto attacks?
Secondly, you gain more of an advantage (in my experiences) from the Precision (Flat MPen / ArPen). Reasoning behind this is your want a good solid advantage/first buy. By taking the flat your wrenches and spells do more earlier allowing you to lead up to that. By "late" it doesn't matter which you have because you are already ahead.
In my opinion the Thunderlords is for your early kill/pressure that allows you to get ahead that it won't matter. I've gotten tons of first bloods thanks to Thunderlords.
Thirdly, DFT Does 8+ 25% of your AP over 4 seconds. Half as effective for AoE. That means your Turret Laser and your stuns are half as effective (rockets should still be full effect).
I don't poke with rockets much, Heimer is mana hungry if you throw spells out all the time so you are really only getting your AA harass off constantly (and mainly only if it's a melee). You want to farm.
Fourthly and probably most important, If someone rushes Spirit Visage against you DFT counts to give them more health over a longer period thus making it worse off.
So the reason why Wukong is an easy matchup is he is very telegraphed on what he will do.
He will E in and Q + W or post 6 E + R.
In both situations you would just stun (or stun after the initial knock up) and walk away. Alternatively you can stun and rocket/ult+rocket his face.
If he builds Hexdrinker first item (which is rare unless they are D+ players and know to do that and even then they won't always). then you just whittle him down slow and steady. Just have to be cognizant of his damage output.
My guide isn't for someone that plays heimer randomly. It's for those that actually know how to land skillshots and understand the game a little more than most ;).
I'm always willing to answer and follow up on anything though.
You need Rylai's first for kiting/slow (getting away/kills).
You want the Haunting Guise second (pen + health + ap).
After that if you really wanted to you could go Rod of Ages, but it's better to push your lead with Sorc Boots + Upgrading Haunting Guise into Liandry's. Followed up by morello.
Rod of Ages is scaling and by the time you get it (even if you got it second item), the game should be over before it completes stacking.
His AP build isn't that strong and the split push build doesn't work unless you get your team behind it. Yes the split push build is annoying buy you don't bring the damage/objectives to your team quite as well as this build.
This guide is current as of this patch and since it's pretty much the main champion I play to climb, I'll be keeping it updated as it comes out.
I've an account in Gold that this works for.
It works in Platinum and has been working in Diamond.
If there are match-ups that I see or as items/meta's change that require me to update the threat level I will.