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Lee Sin Build Guide by Lala079

Jungle {S7} Lee sin Guide

Jungle {S7} Lee sin Guide

Updated on January 13, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lala079 Build Guide By Lala079 7,576 Views 0 Comments
7,576 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lala079 Lee Sin Build Guide By Lala079 Updated on January 13, 2017
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Normal Games

Try to improve on lee by trying combo's over and over.
Here are some ganks combo's :

Gank 1 : Ward Jump
Ward jump to the enemy click e (sometimes they instant flash away) you click the second time on e for the slow so its easier to hit your q.

Gank 2 : if you see that the lane is in the middle (it also can be done when your mid is
Pushed) you q to a minion ward jump to the enemy (do not ward behind them) you ult and flash him to your mid laner this is harder on lee and it must be done in a quick succesion
If you do the combo correctly its very nice and with style

Gank 3 : Smite Gank
You ward jump or walk to the lane and you see that the enemy is behind minions you q smite
(So the minions dies and your q coreetly hit the champion. You can ward behind them or to them and rf ( Dragons Rage + Flash)
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Ranked Play

Try to gank your mid as much as you can cus they 9/10 hard carry's
If your helped your mid good enough you can help the other lanes
Also try to make good contact with your midlaner and make a good synergy plan
Like you have a orianna mid and then you kick them in to the ult of orianna
Its a lil bit hard but its very awarded when you succes
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Unique Skills

Most people know that lee is one of the most mobilty champs in the game and that very usefull in season 7 riot made plants in the game try to creative with it her are some examples

Example 1 :
You Ward right next to the plant you use the plant to steal an baron lr drag if you did you instant ward back

Example 2 :
You chasing someone and sees he is running to the plant you ward jump to the plant and you both will jump its soo much easier to chase someone with it
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lala079
Lala079 Lee Sin Guide
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{S7} Lee sin Guide

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