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Jax Build Guide by godh4nd

Top Samurai Jack's Epic Ninja Jax Guide (ninjax hehe) IN DEPTH

Top Samurai Jack's Epic Ninja Jax Guide (ninjax hehe) IN DEPTH

Updated on October 14, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author godh4nd Build Guide By godh4nd 4,950 Views 0 Comments
4,950 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author godh4nd Jax Build Guide By godh4nd Updated on October 14, 2018
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hey, i am level 12 jax main "godhand" ("my right hand is a lot stronger than my left" ehheheh. thats what egirls call me), lost 5 normal games season 4. i have no clue how to play league, but i saw guide on jaxmains subreddit that it looked sick so i will copy it over here and pretend like i do. ilove jappan so much i have five whole bodypillow- enjoy nakama

pllease up vote if enjoy
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Summoner spells

like a proud nationalist are, we have a burning desire to reinstate japanese empire. we take ignite to express. as a samurai like naruto , we also have to have ability to instantly teleport to our sworn enemies, which is why we take flash as our secondary summoner spell.
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Starting items

for starting items were grabbing our katana and our sake. going with anything else would be disgraceful toward our spiritual japanese ancestors.

Doran's Blade

Health Potion

First back

for your first back we wanna get our extra shank and some fresh creps so we can flex our mom's credit card cash on those gaijin peasant mf up top

Serrated dirk

this gives us some extra early game damage, and armor penetration hehe. we buy this over sheen or phage because wee not gonna build triforce like soy boy cuck, this is league of leagues not zelda. tho this is just discount sword, with our superior japanese katana skill that we got from great website wiki how, we still make our honorable lane opponent suffer.

Boots of speed

in addition to looking damn sick we also get some early consistent mobility, which is something we need until we finish You's moos.


everybody know the samurai needs swords, and to show off our mastery of thhe Blade, were gettng at least two.

Youmuu's Ghostblade

our first real samurai blade is going to be the You's moos Ghost Sword, which makes us run fast like a samurai and gives us some epic sakura flowers to give true samurai vibe

Blade of the Ruined King

well be getting blade of the Botrk as our second blade because the icon looks epic and its purple and jax is also purple so this fits our build. thanos is also purple and i love thanos he is my favorite marvel charater

note to self i should renae guide to thanos jax

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

like anyone with knowledge of both Legue of egos lore and japenese history like us know, ionia is like the league japan. we get these boots and these boots only. do not even consider buying ninja tabi's. ninjas are cowards and ***** and and probably smell like soap or smt, so we want nothing to do with scum


if our team bad samurai and int eneym laners and / or jungler we will most likely need defensive item. these are our option

Infinity Edge and Statikk Shiv combo

you might think im stupid and be mad with

these are not defensive items? are you dumb jax main?

but listen: if you kill you r enemy before they kill you you cannot die. simple logic and with samurai skill champion jack you will defiantly kill.

Death's Dance

like true samurai dancing with death on the battlefield we can also dance if we want. we build death dance if we think we can master three whole :o :o sword

Frozen Heart

samurai are staine d by battle and war and fights and have cold hearts. in samurai spirit buy frozen heart.

Adaptive Helm

samurai wear helmet too. pick helmet i f you get bonke on head by enemy laner too many times. headaches hurt :)

Offensive items

if you get ahead or are very good samurai jack you ca n get more sword. more sword is alway good

Guinsoo's Rageblade

to signify rage aagainst enemy team that want to destroy great homeland nexys you buy this. big sword with epic flames. thank you riot game, very cool.

Phantom Dancer

samurai are all about dueling and assasinating so

Guardian Angel

symbol of your role as oprotetor of great homeland. very good every game trustme

Hextech Gunblade

japanese samurai do not like guns but superior technology sometimes have to be used to win game. not to mentio it is also sword two in one deal. buy if behind buuy if ahead buy if losing doesn't matter gun very powerful weapon.
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we take the runes i nthe guide its not that hard okay
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if you play this your tieam will flame but you stron g samurai heart will overcome bronze v friend. build wil lcarry you too victory every game.

you want tto kill mid laner many times because he is middle lane, very important lane. kill early and kill again late. like samurai you want to wait in bush and assasinate mid laner when he ward. jump on head and bonk with your five sword.

thganks for reading and have fu n of course :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author godh4nd
godh4nd Jax Guide
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Samurai Jack's Epic Ninja Jax Guide (ninjax hehe) IN DEPTH

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