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Caitlyn Build Guide by just a banana

ADC Satan Caitlyn

ADC Satan Caitlyn

Updated on November 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author just a banana Build Guide By just a banana 2,128 Views 0 Comments
2,128 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author just a banana Caitlyn Build Guide By just a banana Updated on November 17, 2013
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just a banana
na servers. Donate me riot points if you liked the guide. Actually, i'll simplify this sentence by only saying donate me riot points. There's no way you won't like my guide.
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Early game

Early game is the interval between the start of the game and when the first dragon is killed. You want to go for as many ganks as possible during this time. Contrary to popular belief, killing the minions is not that effective of a gold acquiring method. If you were to kill minions, it would take you roughly 15 kills to obtain as much wealth as killing 1 enemy player would give. That's a whopping 14 kills less! This makes killing minions obsolete. Killing enemy players is also less boring than killing minions. If you were meant to kill minions, why would Riot name their game They would name it if that was how the game was supposed to be played. Silly noobs.
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Mid game

At this point, warding is an essential tactic. I see a lot of people warding the buffs, dragons, etcetera. This is an error. I've been playing a lot lately, and I've discovered 2 ward positions that eliminate all need for other wards. By simply placing wards in the ENEMIES base between the bottom inhib and middle inhib, and another between the top inhib and middle inhib, you'll get the jist of your enemies movement patterns. At times when they recall from base, they'll be unveiled by your wards, and whichever direction they're facing is a good indicator for where they're headed. As caitlyn, warding in the enemy base is an easy task. By mid game you should have mobility boots, so reaching the enemy base will be quick. Head up to the wall of their base and use your e ability to infiltrate their wall undetected. Slyly place the wards, and if you're lucky, you'll make it out alive. That's really all you have to do mid game. If your team can't benefit enough from the immense assistance that enemy base vision brings, then they're just bad and you'll have lost no matter what you did.
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Late game

Late game won't ever happen when you follow my guide, because you'll have won in the early game, and if a rarity happens and you don't win in early game, you'll surely win in mid game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author just a banana
just a banana Caitlyn Guide
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Satan Caitlyn

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