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Galio Build Guide by LuxVikAsol

Middle Season 11 UPDATED 🗿Galio Guide🗿 [S10 Master EUW]

Middle Season 11 UPDATED 🗿Galio Guide🗿 [S10 Master EUW]

Updated on January 23, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LuxVikAsol Build Guide By LuxVikAsol 781 40 2,930,100 Views 17 Comments
781 40 2,930,100 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LuxVikAsol Galio Build Guide By LuxVikAsol Updated on January 23, 2021
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Runes: Electrocute

Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Manaflow Band

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Hey there, you curious Galio lover!
I am Jochnes and have been playing League of Legends since Season 2! I put a lot of thoughts into the update of this guide so feel free to leave a vote and give me your feedback in the comments so I can improve this guide even more!

Click Here if you are only interested in gameplay related tips with short video clips! Otherwhise just scroll through the guide, it will also explain a lot of the new/changed items, answering questions you may have about them!

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Doran's Ring
Doran's Ring gives insane Mana sustain when killing minions and also help with last hitting due to it's 15 AP and 5 on-hit dmg against minions. Never buy 2 of them thought, since it's passive is unique!

Sorcerer's Shoes
Increases your damage against champions drasticly. When you are going for Hextech Rocketbelt you should definitly buy Sorcerer's Shoes for the exponentially increasing damage bonus.
With Sorcerer's Shoes you deal 11,6% more magic damage against enemies with 34 Magic Resistance.

Mercury's Treads
Against enemies with a lot of CC Mercury's Treads are a reasonable choice, especially because of Galio's MR scalings it becomes more valueable.

Hextech Rocketbelt
This is should be your first item! Use Hextech Rocketbelt to get close to your enemy, you can also cast it from further away now and make use of the 75% movement speed that you gte when walking towards enemies. Remember that Protobelt will be activated at your cursors location and NOT necesserarily where your Champion is looking at!

Rod of Ages

Demonic Embrace
Synergyzes with AOE Dmg spells and gives really strong sustainable Dmg. It makes you really strong for teamfights and enemies will have a hard time killing you with the bnous armor and magic resistence that's gained from AOE spells hitting the whole team!

Void Staff
It's really strong in combination with the flat magic pen from Hextech Rocketbelt and Sorcerer's Shoes and should be bought later on.

Zhonya's Hourglass
Seeker's Armguard can be build against physical damage dealing assasins though you don't need to rush for Zhonya's Hourglass!
Finish it later on but for early and mid-game the stacked up 45 armor should be enough. On Galio the active is always useful to wait for backup from your team after having used all your spells.

Banshee's Veil
Because of the Magic Resistance scalings on Colossal Smash and Shield of Durand and Hero's Entrance this becomes a very gold efficient item for Galio! The spell shield is apperciated as it can safe you from spells like Flay that would interrupt Justice Punch.

Abyssal Mask
Against a lot of magic damage in the enemy team you can build this as 4th or 5h item. Magic Resistance and Cdr is good for Galio as we already found out. It grants 10% benous dmg against enemies that have been immobilized by you for the next 4 seconds. Galio can easily hit CC multiple enemies with Shield of Durand and heroes entrance and gets a lot of value from this item!
Though don't go for it if the MR doesn't pay off enough, as Galio has also a lot of items that are efficient for him!

Only build this against heavy auto atatcking enemy team comps, makes you a very good tank against them and when they attack you during being taunted by Shield of Durand they will kill themselfes while your team also kills them! Sounds good I know.

Zeke's Convergence
You bound with an ally and he will deal bonus on-hit damage to any target that was immobilized by you in the last 4 seconds. This damage has an AP and HP scaling now and could be a good fit for Galio. Try it out and tell me how you like it :D

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Early Game

Galio wants to push, then enemy has to keep track of getting the CS instead of poking him!
Use Colossal Smash off cooldown on the minions, when using Winds of War try to hit the enemy champion and the mnions at the same time.

Position yourself so that Winds of War hit all minions and the second instance of it will be on the caster minions!

Later on you can also do it in the opposite way, by that you get a super fast push. Sometimes it's hard to hit all minions with everything, you have to adapt to their positions!

Try to catch your opponent by going in with Justice Punch when he wants to go for CS. Most players will tunnle for it and you can use that to get a lane deciding trade!
When you force him base once, you will always push before him and can roam while he is farming. That will tilt him and his team!

when being ganked or chased, use Shield of Durand to slow the enemies and then jump away with Justice Punch as they won't be able to interrupt you!
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Mid Game/Combos

Use a Control Ward in river or side lane bush so after pushing lane, when you leave mid lane, they won't know where you are going! Always look for Hero's Entrance opportunities and don't be scared to dive the enemy, as long as you got backup from your jungler. Sometimes it's just enough to pretend to go for a dive and damage their tower instead!

(Note Patch 9.19: Since you can't flash while chanelling Shield of Durand anymore, the combo options are far less. If riot changes this back in the future I will update the combo session back to as it was before with the Flash combos)

Lets go to the Combos now, there are a lot and I will try to point out when which one is best, as they all have a situation where they are the best to use! I made this whole information up for myself over the time I played Galio and don't worry, for me it was also confusing in the beginning:

1. Fast Combo: When you don't want your enemy to be able to Flash or jump away, this is a short cc chain with burst dmg.


2. Full Combo: When you need more dmg than the fast combo provides and got time for it.

E AA channel-W Q AA

3. High Damage Combo: This is the most damage you can deal in one combo, though it's only possible if you can get onto the enemy while charging Shield of Durand. Either by having a good flank or with the help of your team you will be able to pull this off.


Use Justice Punch backwards as you will hit the enemy on the little jump back, you safe a lot of time with that. You can also use that to dodge skill shots!
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Late Game/Teamfights

Try to use Winds of War on CC'ed targets so they get the full dmg from it and use Shield of Durand after big CC's from your allies to create CC chains!

You've got a lot of dmg aagainst tanks with Colossal Smash and the %Max Health damage from Winds of War! Also they won't be able to kill you especially if they are magic damage dealer like Maokai or Zac.

Try to stop jumps from champions like Kha'Zix and Jax with Justice Punch to get a catch on them and also to protect your team mates! With Shield of Durand's taunt you can peel for your main carry and also Hero's Entrance onto them so the enemies will have to back of from him! If you hit an enemy with your ult you have time to channel Shield of Durand and combo them.

You can also use Hero's Entrance as a follow-up for an engage from champions like Nocturne, Yasuo and Malphite to protect them and also catch the enemies!

Sometimes you also want to safe yourself with Hero's Entrance, it resets tower agro and let's you escape sticky situations while also supporting your team!
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I don't know how to name this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thanks for reading my guide, I hope you learned a lot about Galio and if you have any question you can ask me!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LuxVikAsol
LuxVikAsol Galio Guide
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Season 11 UPDATED 🗿Galio Guide🗿 [S10 Master EUW]

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