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Runes: Conq
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Most Matchups
Ability Order Standard Skill Order
Runic Blade (PASSIVE)
Riven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ban if New to Riven
Champion Build Guide
Hey, I'm MrMacMelon, and this is my MasterClass Riven Guide! I figured, since a lot of people hoping to main Riven are low elo, why not provide my low elo opinion. Therefore, this simple guide aims to help you learn the champs items and runes. If you have any follow up questions, there are several other guides and streamers more equipped to help you than I. I also highly reccomend the "Beginner Quesitions Mega Thread" on
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
Why Riven?
Because once you get good at her, she's one of the most fun champs in league of legends. I myself am only starting to truly understand at 130k mastery on her. If you want a champ that you can just pick up, and start to win with, I would recommend another choice. Once you put in the hours, Riven is fun, can carry, and will help you climb. So don't get discouraged if you lose a lot at first.
Important Combos.
Honestly, super hard intense combos aren't often as helpful as the basics. Mainly, I would reccomend you know how to:
- Cancel r1 with e (e - r)
- Basic doublecast (e - aa - w - q)
- Fast q (q - aa - movement command - repeat)
Simply open your search engine of choice and lookup how to fast q, or whatever combo you want to learn, and practice.
- Cancel r1 with e (e - r)
- Basic doublecast (e - aa - w - q)
- Fast q (q - aa - movement command - repeat)
Simply open your search engine of choice and lookup how to fast q, or whatever combo you want to learn, and practice.
The Laning Phase
Most laning phases are about the same. You can use q to farm on really low health minions instead of auto attacks, as it's a bit less time consuming than an auto animation. If you won't be able to kill the enemy in one combo, you can wait for their cc ability (e.g. Garen q) to be used, and then q - w - aa run away to poke them down. Once they're low, just *** blast em with a full combo.
What to do from behind?
Sometimes, you lose lane. But what's an 0/5 Riven to do? well, you know the "go tank" meme? it actually works. Go with the tanky build, maybe even more tanky, and just sit on your ad carry or ap carry.
I see streamers one shot their opponents at 6, how do I do that?
If you're trying to learn Riven, it's probably after seeing BoxBox or Adrian Riven's montages. That's because these players have a large amount of playtime in the game, and on their champs. With enough Riven gameplay, you'll learn how much you can take and dish out in each matchup better than I can tell you. Renekton, however beats you 9/10 times.
I win lane, but my team still loses?
Win lane lose game is often said, but is it really not your fault? Carrying doesn't take just getting good farm and a lot of kills. In fact, season 10 is looking to be a season where you tp for drags instead of a 25 minion wave. With the insane new elder dragon, you have to play around those objectives to really get ahead, because kills only help you, not your team. So use that big *** sword and slap some dragons!
Do I engage? or wait for engage?
If they have a heavy amount of cc, don't enage. Wait for your support or jungler to if they can. you don't want to start the combo you've been practicing just to get hooked or malz r'd. But if their team is full of squishies? go for it! Show them just how "braindead champ" Riven can be.
My OP.GG, so you know I'm as bad and low elo as I say
My Twitch Stream I'll be starting soon!
You can feel free to ask my any questions on the stream!
My Twitch Stream I'll be starting soon!
You can feel free to ask my any questions on the stream!
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