Twitch is not a very strong ADC, especially early. He may be a problem if the enemy support is a Lulu or Yuumi and is a premade, but other than that you absolutely run this rat down! Make sure to W his E and you are golden.
Sivir is annoying but easy for Samira. As long as you dodge her Q you demolish her. Bait out her E spellshield and go in, you WILL kill her. Just make sure to W her ricochet basic attacks.
Karthus is good botlane against other ADC's that like to scale up early. Samira, however, can bully him out of lane very easily. You cannot W any of his abilities, so make sure to dodge his Q's and if he uses R try to use your built in lifesteal on the wave to heal.
Ezreal is a little bit more manageable than Varus, but is still really annoying. Play around the minion wave and dodge his W since it goes through minions. His ult is very telegraphed, so blocking it with W is easy.
Xayah is easy for Samira, however it is easy to mess up if you do not play it correctly. Pre level 6, make sure to harass her and bait out her E for all ins. Post 6, MAKE SURE her R is down before you engage or else you will lose the fight every time.
Jinx is rather easy for Samira due to her abysmal early game. However her E chompers can easily get you killed if she roots you with them, so bait them out before going in. She is super immobile, so if your supports lands CC go in and she will be very vulnerable. Just try to W her ult or W if you are low, since they are both telegraphed. Also try to end as fast as possible, since Jinx becomes a monster late game.
Kog'Maw is only a threat with a Lulu or sometimes a Yuumi, otherwise he is a piece of cake for Samira. You can easily dodge his ult and E since they are slow and telegraphed, and also his W may outrange you but is a long cooldown and his base attack range is 500 just like yours. However, he will demolish you late game to try to end as soon as possible and buy early armor penetration since Kog'Maw likes defensive items like Randuins
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is an easy matchup unless she gets a lead. However, if you play smart and do not stand directly behind minions you will be fine. Her Q does a lot of damage on the second bounce, so stay away from units she can bounce too. Also, do not waste your W on her Q, especially post 6 since her R does insane damage. She is immobile and has limited CC, so if you get on top of her without a support she is dead.
Seraphine has annoying poke, but her kill threat is low and she mostly just looks to scale with another enchanter support. Make sure to only go in when her positioning is bad and W her ult at all costs. Pre level 6, save your W for when she has empowered E.
Ashe has one of the most annoying passives out of any ADC. She will kite you as she has a huge range advantage and their is not much you can do about it. However, she does not have a lot of kill pressure without items, and her ult is telegraphed so it can easily be blocked with W. Make sure she is positioned poorly and away from her support before engaging.
Vayne is a skill matchup, but is in Samira's favor early. Her E is very hard to W but if you do she is very vulnerable to an all in. If you do go in, try to W her third auto since it deals a LOT of true damage. I would recommend an early Steelcaps into Vayne.
Swain is a mage, which means he is mostly spell based. I would recommend saving your W purely for when he goes in with an E, since it is fast and can be tricky to dodge. Try to NOT fight him in his R and go for an all in when it is down.
Akshan is short ranged just like Samira, but also has a lot of built in sustain with his passive. Make sure to bait out his E before going in, since it is an insane escape tool. I would also recommend saving your W for his ult, since similar to Caitlyn it is very telegraphed and deals a lot of damage. If you are near a tower, do not even worry about Blade Whirling it since your tower will block it for you!
Kai'Sa has been toned down a bit, which makes her a much easier matchup for Samira. Try to play around your minion wave so her Q does not entirely focus you, and dodge her W at all costs, since it deals a lot of damage, gives her free passive stacks, AND allows her to dash to you post 6. She has no crowd control, however, so if you can get on top of her when she is vulnerable you will destroy her with Inferno Trigger.
Draven is a huge lane bully, but you directly counter him with your W. It can block his E and his Q autos, which causes him to not be able to catch them. Use this to your advantage, and when you block an axe and bait out his E go for an all in and you will destroy him. However, if you mess up and give him even a small kill lead he will snowball out of control.
Heimerdinger is annoying but not too bad. If he does not have his grenade you can easily engage on him and kill him. However, try to destroy his Q turrets first since they deal a lot of damage.
Lucian is annoying to face, but he has shorter range which means engaging on him is not too bad. If you bait out his E and his support has no CC up, go for an all in. Even though Samira falls off, she is still way better late game than Lucian as well. Make sure to save your W for his ultimate and try to get out of his line of sight.
Kalista mostly depends on the elo which is why I put her as an even matchup for Samira. If she is played in low elo she is super easy since most low elo Kalista players are really bad and uncoordinated with their supports. However, high elo Kalista players are much better since she is super dependent on communication. Overall I would say just play safe early since similar to Lucian she falls off SUPER hard.
Varus is easy but very annoying to deal with for Samira. Make sure to save your W for his ult when it is up, and try to dodge his Q instead as if he lands his root, you are most likely dead. However, if you can dodge Varus' Q and W his ult the matchup is not that bad and you can still easily win.
Caitlyn outranges you so much it is funny. She has 150 more auto range than you, so trying to poke her back is futile. I would recommend not walking into bushes since if you step on a trap she will deal a LOT of damage with headshot. If she ults you or your adc, block it with W unless you are full health. However, if Caitlyn wastes her E and commits too hard, you can still easily kill her since once on top of her she cannot easily get you off of her.
Jhin is not impossible for Samira but is a very annoying matchup. His W's root lasts forever and his basic attacks hurt a lot. I would recommend an early Steelcaps against him and try to wait for him to waste his fourth shot. Also if he ults, try to get behind him if you can or out of his R cone, since the bullets are fast and hurt, especially the fourth one.
Yasuo is very annoying for Samira, since his W is much more effective at blocking projectiles than you! If he has tornado Q up DO NOT WALK NEAR HIM!!! He will kill you easily with an E-Q-Flash combo and with ult you will easily die to his absurd damage output. I would recommend playing the lane smart and try to bait out his W before going in. Also break his passive shield or else your damage will be negligible.
Similar to Syndra, Ziggs is super annoying to face as Samira. He outranges you by far with his Q poke and his disengage with his W is amazing. His Satchel Toss and passive allow him to push towers very quickly, and his ultimate can easily finish you off. I would get a lot of early magic resist and try to W his W since the knockback can be annoying.
Syndra is very annoying botlane since her Q poke is very good against Samira. The only thing you can really W is her E stun and her R, and with her support she can easily bait it out and kill you. Her E is also very useful against you since it can interrupt Wild Rush and your R. I would recommend early magic resist and waiting for her to miss her stun before going in.
Aphelios is very weak in solo queue due to all his nerfs from high elo and pros. However, he still outranges you, has more CC than you, and outscales you, which still makes him annoying to deal with. If he has Crescendum as one of his guns do not engage on him if he has plenty of chakrams built up. Try to punish him for getting caught out as he is immobile. Also dodge his sniper Q at all costs since if he hits it and has Gravitum it is a free long ranged root. Save Blade Whirl for his ult, especially if he currently has Infernum as his gun.
Tristana is a lane bully like Draven, but his 100x worse. She outranges you eventually, and her W is way more effective than your E since it is longer range AND it resets on both kills and her E bomb having full charge. I would stay away from her at level 2 and try to bait out her W. Make sure to not stand too close when she has her E bomb on you, and get away from your tower if she bombs it since the radius is increased!
Most scaling ADC's are an easy lane for Samira since she can bully them. However, Senna is a huge exception. The only thing you can block is her W and her ult, and the ladder travels VERY FAST. I would recommend trying to bait out her black mist since you wont be able to target her with your E if she uses it and save your Blade Whirl for when she wastes her W. However, Senna outranges you so if she is smart she will harass you with Q's and autos that you cannot block due to them not being projectiles. Similar to MF, I would also recommend not standing behind units since her Q extends its range.
Zeri is really annoying for Samira since she is very safe, and her E makes her very hard to punish. Make sure to only go for an engage if she uses her E as otherwise she gets a free escape. Also try to position behind minions so that her Q cannot hit you for free unless she E's.
Nilah is really strong into Samira as she can compete with her aggressiveness while also being save with her own W. Make sure to bait out her W before making any engage. She also has no projectiles, which means that you should save your W for the support instead at all times.
BY FAR the best support for Samira. I would argue that this combo is the best botlane combo in the game next to Lulu + Kog'Maw. Why? Because Rell and Samira compliment eachother perfectly. Samira E allows Rell to easily land her E stun, and Rell's knockups allow Samira to easy dash and extend the knockup from Daredevil Impulse. Also, Their ults are INSANE since Rell can easily clump enemies together for a deadly Inferno Trigger in a teamfight.
While not as good as Rell, Alistar is still an amazing support for Samira. His W-Q combo is point and click and allows Samira to extend the knockup, leading to an easy kill. His ultimate and E also allow him to stick to targets easily, So Samira can freely play aggressively.
Nautilus is as good as Alistar in my opinion. His Dredge Line has a stupidly wide hit box with allows you to easy engage with him, and his ult is a point and click knockup that makes engaging even easier. He is also beefy with his W so he can tank poke for you as well.
As you can tell Samira loves aggressive supports, so Leona is awesome for her. Her CC train lasts FOREVER allowing Samira to easily engage with Leona and pick up free kills early. However, if your Leo is bad and misses spells she is rather useless, and also her lack of a knockup makes her a little worse than say Alistar or Rell.
Pantheon support was nerfed a while back, but his point and click W stun still makes him decent with aggressive ADC's like Samira. He is not as good as other engage supports though since his W is his only impactful ability, however he still deals a lot of damage especially for a support.
Thresh is strong, but I would argue he is not as good of a hook support as Nautilus for Samira specifically. Thresh is hard to play so finding a good Thresh in the first place can be a rare sight. However, if your Thresh is good with landing hooks and flaying he is amazing with Samira, and his W provides a great escape or a follow up.
Samira usually SUCKS with enchanter since they like to scale and she likes to play aggressively. However, Nami is a huge exception! She has GREAT engage with her bubbles and her W provides great safety with the heal. Her E on-hit synergizes with your sword autos, and her R is a knockup!
Galio is not bad at all with Samira, but is a little worse than the other aggressive supports like Alistar or Leona. If your Galio can land his stun, it is a free lane and you will destroy them. His R and W also provides disruption for the entire enemy team, which makes Samira's R even deadlier.
Rakan is amazing with Samira due to how aggressively he can play. He is very mobile so disengaging with him is just as easy as engaging, plus the knockup from his W can hit multiple champions.
Pyke is pretty strong with Samira! Similar to any hook support, if he lands Bone Skewer you can easily kill the enemy carry or support. While Pyke may be squishy, he makes up for it with his insane damage and mobility, which works perfectly with Samira.
Sett is very good with Samira, especially with Hexflash! He has SUPER stong sticking power and engage, which are all things Samira loves. He also does insane damage.
Your passives compliment each other very well! If Swain can consistently land E's you will have a really strong laning phase especially with your ultimates, since the healing from Demonic Ascension and Inferno Trigger is broken, especially together, However, healing reduction heavily counters you both, so beware of that!
Blitzcrank is a simple champion. If he can land Rocket Grabs, the lane phase is over and you will destroy them, especially with his E knockup.
Amumu is not bad with Samira, however his Q is slow so if your Amumu is bad with skillshots he is useless. Definitely a weaker aggressive support for Samira.
Samira is usually weak with Enchanters, but Seraphine is not bad for her. She has long ranged spammable spells which allows Samira to play aggressively and also her ultimate extends if it hits allies, so if you go in when Sera has R it can lead to a pretty decent double kill
Zyra is pretty meh with Samira. Her E is useful but overall she is like a weaker Seraphine in terms of utility with a little more damage.
Cho'Gath is ONLY useful for his Q. For a tank he is very squishy early game, so unless the enemy botlane cannot dodge his Q he will not be much help to you.
Similar to Zyra. Brand has good damage but has limited CC and no disengage, so if the botlane focuses him you pretty much do not have a support. However, if he gets a lead he will DESTROY.
Braum is not awful, but also not that good. His E is a great tool for ADC's, but Samira already has a way to block projectiles, so it is not as useful. Also his knockup has a long cooldown and if it is dodged you have very limited kill pressure.
Tahm Kench
Tahm is not terrible with Samira especially now that he has a knockup, but the problem is that Kench is simply a waaaay better toplaner than a support.
Taric is similar to Braum. He has decent engage with his E since if you E in, he can easily land a stun. Plus, his invulnerability synergizes well with Inferno Trigger. However, it has a long cast time and cooldown.
Morgana is honestly not terrible with Samira. She is definitely not as good as a beefy engage support but her CC and her Black Shield are pretty good for Samira. Her ult is also good if she can get the stun off.
Trundle is not bad, but was way stronger before the nerfs aimed at his role as a support. He is overall like a worse Sett.
Bard is honestly not that useful. His ult is not good for engage since Samira does not want the enemy to be invulnerable, so unless he uses it to stop a jungle gank or to disrupt the enemy tower it is not that great for Samira. His stun is decent but if he misses he is pretty useless.
Yuumi can keep you alive with her E, but honestly you already have built in lifesteal so the heal is not crazy useful, especially since it is the only good thing about her. Yuumi is much better off with a scaling ADC like Twitch or Kog, so Samira is definitely not ideal.
Just like any enchanter, Soraka is pretty bad with Samira. Her heal is strong but is not crazy and you can only dash to the enemy if they stand in her E long enough for it to root. Soraka is a little better than Yuumi in my opinion though since her R removes healing reduction.
Similar to most enchanters, Lulu just is not that good with Samira.
Janna is not too bad, but her Q is easy to dodge and she is very squishy, so if the enemy engages on her you do not have a support. Her ult also knocks them away, so if you two are uncoordinated she can knock them away from your R, which will possibly lead to the enemy living.
Similar to Zyra and Brand. Good damage with ok utility, but she is still not that good with Samira. Lux also tends to steal kills, which halts your snowball as Samira.
Karma has amazing early poke, but that is about it. She has a decent shield but her engage is sloppy and she is better with poke botlane comps.
Zilean has a really decent ultimate and his Q stun is good, but is still not optimal with Samira since he prefers poke lanes.
Out of all the enchanters, I honestly think Sona is the worst. Sona is AMAZING with scaling ADC's, but Samira just does not synergize with her at all. She is like a weaker Seraphine to Samira.
Senna is just awful for Samira. Healing reduction counters you both hard, plus her only goal is to scale. If the enemy has an engage support and they focus Senna, she will die and you will be vulnerable.
BY FAR the best support for Samira. I would argue that this combo is the best botlane combo in the game next to Lulu + Kog'Maw. Why? Because Rell and Samira compliment eachother perfectly. Samira E allows Rell to easily land her E stun, and Rell's knockups allow Samira to easy dash and extend the knockup from Daredevil Impulse. Also, Their ults are INSANE since Rell can easily clump enemies together for a deadly Inferno Trigger in a teamfight.
While not as good as Rell, Alistar is still an amazing support for Samira. His W-Q combo is point and click and allows Samira to extend the knockup, leading to an easy kill. His ultimate and E also allow him to stick to targets easily, So Samira can freely play aggressively.
Nautilus is as good as Alistar in my opinion. His Dredge Line has a stupidly wide hit box with allows you to easy engage with him, and his ult is a point and click knockup that makes engaging even easier. He is also beefy with his W so he can tank poke for you as well.
As you can tell Samira loves aggressive supports, so Leona is awesome for her. Her CC train lasts FOREVER allowing Samira to easily engage with Leona and pick up free kills early. However, if your Leo is bad and misses spells she is rather useless, and also her lack of a knockup makes her a little worse than say Alistar or Rell.
Pantheon support was nerfed a while back, but his point and click W stun still makes him decent with aggressive ADC's like Samira. He is not as good as other engage supports though since his W is his only impactful ability, however he still deals a lot of damage especially for a support.
Thresh is strong, but I would argue he is not as good of a hook support as Nautilus for Samira specifically. Thresh is hard to play so finding a good Thresh in the first place can be a rare sight. However, if your Thresh is good with landing hooks and flaying he is amazing with Samira, and his W provides a great escape or a follow up.
Samira usually SUCKS with enchanter since they like to scale and she likes to play aggressively. However, Nami is a huge exception! She has GREAT engage with her bubbles and her W provides great safety with the heal. Her E on-hit synergizes with your sword autos, and her R is a knockup!
Galio is not bad at all with Samira, but is a little worse than the other aggressive supports like Alistar or Leona. If your Galio can land his stun, it is a free lane and you will destroy them. His R and W also provides disruption for the entire enemy team, which makes Samira's R even deadlier.
Rakan is amazing with Samira due to how aggressively he can play. He is very mobile so disengaging with him is just as easy as engaging, plus the knockup from his W can hit multiple champions.
Pyke is pretty strong with Samira! Similar to any hook support, if he lands Bone Skewer you can easily kill the enemy carry or support. While Pyke may be squishy, he makes up for it with his insane damage and mobility, which works perfectly with Samira.
Sett is very good with Samira, especially with Hexflash! He has SUPER stong sticking power and engage, which are all things Samira loves. He also does insane damage.
Your passives compliment each other very well! If Swain can consistently land E's you will have a really strong laning phase especially with your ultimates, since the healing from Demonic Ascension and Inferno Trigger is broken, especially together, However, healing reduction heavily counters you both, so beware of that!
Blitzcrank is a simple champion. If he can land Rocket Grabs, the lane phase is over and you will destroy them, especially with his E knockup.
Amumu is not bad with Samira, however his Q is slow so if your Amumu is bad with skillshots he is useless. Definitely a weaker aggressive support for Samira.
Samira is usually weak with Enchanters, but Seraphine is not bad for her. She has long ranged spammable spells which allows Samira to play aggressively and also her ultimate extends if it hits allies, so if you go in when Sera has R it can lead to a pretty decent double kill
Zyra is pretty meh with Samira. Her E is useful but overall she is like a weaker Seraphine in terms of utility with a little more damage.
Cho'Gath is ONLY useful for his Q. For a tank he is very squishy early game, so unless the enemy botlane cannot dodge his Q he will not be much help to you.
Similar to Zyra. Brand has good damage but has limited CC and no disengage, so if the botlane focuses him you pretty much do not have a support. However, if he gets a lead he will DESTROY.
Braum is not awful, but also not that good. His E is a great tool for ADC's, but Samira already has a way to block projectiles, so it is not as useful. Also his knockup has a long cooldown and if it is dodged you have very limited kill pressure.
Tahm Kench
Tahm is not terrible with Samira especially now that he has a knockup, but the problem is that Kench is simply a waaaay better toplaner than a support.
Taric is similar to Braum. He has decent engage with his E since if you E in, he can easily land a stun. Plus, his invulnerability synergizes well with Inferno Trigger. However, it has a long cast time and cooldown.
Morgana is honestly not terrible with Samira. She is definitely not as good as a beefy engage support but her CC and her Black Shield are pretty good for Samira. Her ult is also good if she can get the stun off.
Trundle is not bad, but was way stronger before the nerfs aimed at his role as a support. He is overall like a worse Sett.
Bard is honestly not that useful. His ult is not good for engage since Samira does not want the enemy to be invulnerable, so unless he uses it to stop a jungle gank or to disrupt the enemy tower it is not that great for Samira. His stun is decent but if he misses he is pretty useless.
Yuumi can keep you alive with her E, but honestly you already have built in lifesteal so the heal is not crazy useful, especially since it is the only good thing about her. Yuumi is much better off with a scaling ADC like Twitch or Kog, so Samira is definitely not ideal.
Just like any enchanter, Soraka is pretty bad with Samira. Her heal is strong but is not crazy and you can only dash to the enemy if they stand in her E long enough for it to root. Soraka is a little better than Yuumi in my opinion though since her R removes healing reduction.
Similar to most enchanters, Lulu just is not that good with Samira.
Janna is not too bad, but her Q is easy to dodge and she is very squishy, so if the enemy engages on her you do not have a support. Her ult also knocks them away, so if you two are uncoordinated she can knock them away from your R, which will possibly lead to the enemy living.
Similar to Zyra and Brand. Good damage with ok utility, but she is still not that good with Samira. Lux also tends to steal kills, which halts your snowball as Samira.
Karma has amazing early poke, but that is about it. She has a decent shield but her engage is sloppy and she is better with poke botlane comps.
Zilean has a really decent ultimate and his Q stun is good, but is still not optimal with Samira since he prefers poke lanes.
Out of all the enchanters, I honestly think Sona is the worst. Sona is AMAZING with scaling ADC's, but Samira just does not synergize with her at all. She is like a weaker Seraphine to Samira.
Senna is just awful for Samira. Healing reduction counters you both hard, plus her only goal is to scale. If the enemy has an engage support and they focus Senna, she will die and you will be vulnerable.
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