Kassadin counters all AP Assassin champions. It'll be difficult to solo-kill him pre-6 because of his Q magic shield. Once you hit level 6, you can find an angle to kill him if you hit your chain. Otherwise get ganks or look for roams.
If she has her fear up, you will never be able to kill her unless she really messes up. Wait or bait her fear. You win trade afterwards.
If Sylas lands his E and W you lose trade. He'll heal all the DMG you dealt to him back. Keep you distance and abuse your range.
You burst quicker than she does. Pre-6 as long as you land chain you win every single trade. Level 6 and up, she can actually kill you so just space well and abuse your quick combos and range.
You are just as mobile as her at level 6. Pre-6, land chain and dodge charm and you'll win every trade.
Respect his W. Dodge at least one of his W so he cannot trade with you. Save one dash in case of his all in at level 6. Always make sure one of his abilities is down before you can trade.
Land chain = win lane. Just be careful of her daggers.
Bully with range. Dodge his Q or stay behind minions. Hard to lose to. Save one dash in case he all-ins lvl 6.
Just be careful of him getting on top of you. He can do quite a lot of dmg. Dodge his ult or save your W to dash away from him. Land chain when his E is down.
Twisted Fate
Pick-A-Card down = Win Lane
Easy matchup just don't get stunned.
Play around his windwall. Abuse your range. Q+W him whenever he walks up to hit minions.
Pretty easy matchup. Don't get stunned. He is immobile. Just dodge his laser beam. Even better if you can bait his R with a fake all-in.
All skilshot. Rush Mercs and dodge his abilities.
Yone is pretty scary. He has good mobility and his W shield can block a little bit of your dmg and his lvl 6 is pretty strong. You have to dodge his knock and ult before his rectangle turns full red.
Very hard matchup. Most Akshan players will bring Bone Platting, so it's unlikely that you'll kill him so Just look for quick trades when you are able to. Get ganks, land your chain and follow up so he cannot swing away.
She has a lot of dashes to dodge your chain and can burst you just as quick so do be careful. Abuse your range and take quick trades. Land your chain to prevent her all-in
Good for everybody.
Lee Sin
Strong Engage
1v9 jungler
Jarvan IV
His ult comes in handy
Supports and tanks that can lock down an enemy is very good for LeBlanc to land her chain and start a CC chain.
Good for everybody.
Lee Sin
Strong Engage
1v9 jungler
Jarvan IV
His ult comes in handy
Supports and tanks that can lock down an enemy is very good for LeBlanc to land her chain and start a CC chain.
Feels like Riot has nerfed AD LeBlanc to the ground. I would only recommend playing AD LB if your teams need an AD and you can't play any AD mid champs. With that said, AD LeBlanc can still work... that's if you're BobqinXD.
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