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Runes: Precision Tank Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Safe Spell
Ability Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
He dose true damage and he is very broken
Champion Build Guide
This is a guide I've wanted to make for a long time. I've played Sejuani support a few times but after a very fun game, I had to make it. This build can be a Oneshot machine or an immortal pig rider, either way, this is a very fun and powerful build.
Laning phase
Sejuani is only good in the support role at level 3, You can defend yourself at
level 2 but I would not fight. You can win most fights but still, be careful. Your
best combo in my opinion is [Q/auto/W/auto/E], pre level 6. When you get to level
6 you can add r to the start or end of this combo.
Abilites Order
1. Arctic Assault(Q)
this is your engage. When you use this you can also Flash to extend the range.
Your (W) works with it as well.
2. Winter's Wrath
This is very important to proking your (E) passive. This is also good if you need
to push wave for your lane.
3. Permafrost
This is your most important ability. This gives a lot of damage and CC. Your
teammates can charge your (E).
4. Glacial Prison
This is the only difficult skill shot in your kit. This can be used as damage in a
fight or a way to let your teammates get to you.
1. Aftershock
This gives a fair bit of damage and also some armor. One of the best runes for
tank supports.
2. Font of Life
The reason this is so good is that it works with everything in your kit. So your
ADC will heal off of everything you do.
3. Conditioning
Very helpful for later in the game. Adds a lot of armor and I think it even helps
You're passive.
4. Overgrowth
You will gain a lot of hp from this. Also when your going tank it's even better,
because it gives 3.5% max hp
5. Triumph
This is the best rune so running it one Sejuani is amazing. The health you
gain after killing is perfect.
6. Legend: Alacrity
Your (E) passive works off auto attacks. So having this rune is not bad at all.
Not necessary but helpful
Team Fighting
How you play team fights is dependant on what you built, Full AP or Tank. IF you build Full AP you are a one-shot god. Try to go for picks on the backline. There are very little thing can get not be one-shot [cant one-shot tanks]. If you go tank you are the frontline monster. On top of the armor, you have built your passive at the start of the team fight can give you 100 armor and like 70 magic resist. Also, the CC will help your teammates too.
In Conclusion
This is a very funny and good build. You can one-shot everyone or tank everything. Either way, you are going to have a good time. If you liked it or have any opinions leave a comment.
This is a guide I've wanted to make for a long time. I've played Sejuani support a few times but after a very fun game, I had to make it. This build can be a Oneshot machine or an immortal pig rider, either way, this is a very fun and powerful build.
Laning phase
Sejuani is only good in the support role at level 3, You can defend yourself at
level 2 but I would not fight. You can win most fights but still, be careful. Your
best combo in my opinion is [Q/auto/W/auto/E], pre level 6. When you get to level
6 you can add r to the start or end of this combo.
Abilites Order
1. Arctic Assault(Q)
this is your engage. When you use this you can also Flash to extend the range.
Your (W) works with it as well.
2. Winter's Wrath
This is very important to proking your (E) passive. This is also good if you need
to push wave for your lane.
3. Permafrost
This is your most important ability. This gives a lot of damage and CC. Your
teammates can charge your (E).
4. Glacial Prison
This is the only difficult skill shot in your kit. This can be used as damage in a
fight or a way to let your teammates get to you.
1. Aftershock
This gives a fair bit of damage and also some armor. One of the best runes for
tank supports.
2. Font of Life
The reason this is so good is that it works with everything in your kit. So your
ADC will heal off of everything you do.
3. Conditioning
Very helpful for later in the game. Adds a lot of armor and I think it even helps
You're passive.
4. Overgrowth
You will gain a lot of hp from this. Also when your going tank it's even better,
because it gives 3.5% max hp
5. Triumph
This is the best rune so running it one Sejuani is amazing. The health you
gain after killing is perfect.
6. Legend: Alacrity
Your (E) passive works off auto attacks. So having this rune is not bad at all.
Not necessary but helpful
Team Fighting
How you play team fights is dependant on what you built, Full AP or Tank. IF you build Full AP you are a one-shot god. Try to go for picks on the backline. There are very little thing can get not be one-shot [cant one-shot tanks]. If you go tank you are the frontline monster. On top of the armor, you have built your passive at the start of the team fight can give you 100 armor and like 70 magic resist. Also, the CC will help your teammates too.
In Conclusion
This is a very funny and good build. You can one-shot everyone or tank everything. Either way, you are going to have a good time. If you liked it or have any opinions leave a comment.
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