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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
Ridiculous attack speed
Proc'ing Stacked Deck for bonus damage
Unparalleled tower killing ability
Insane pushing power
Less viable as a build to kill players
No burst damage because of minimal AP stacking
Squishy by nature
characters with CC tend to make it a bit tougher
Greater Mark Of Magic Penetration : Insight Runes are essential to let us actually do damage early, these really chunk through base MR and any additional mr runes they may be using (glyphs).
Greater Seal Scaling Of Armor : Well we both know TF is squishy. real squishy. So get these in order to toughen him up a bit, so he can endure a bit more pain.
Greater Glyph Of Scalling AP : These Glyphs enable us to make sure that our damage is scaling throughout the game,your AP early does not really matter as you won't be killing anyone by yourself till probably level 9 or so, you will be killing people with other people's assistance before then though so we want our glyphs to kick in when they really matter which is later on for the scaling glyphs.
Greater Quintessence Of AP : Well we need AP somewhere so you can do some serious damage early on don't we? This is where we will start until the glyphs kick in.
Greater Seal Scaling Of Armor : Well we both know TF is squishy. real squishy. So get these in order to toughen him up a bit, so he can endure a bit more pain.
Greater Glyph Of Scalling AP : These Glyphs enable us to make sure that our damage is scaling throughout the game,your AP early does not really matter as you won't be killing anyone by yourself till probably level 9 or so, you will be killing people with other people's assistance before then though so we want our glyphs to kick in when they really matter which is later on for the scaling glyphs.
Greater Quintessence Of AP : Well we need AP somewhere so you can do some serious damage early on don't we? This is where we will start until the glyphs kick in.
Now then farming/harassing with AP Twisted Fate is much easier! This is because Wild Cards have a long range, and be used as an effective farming or harassing tool while you are safe behind your minions.
I am still advocating last hitting!
Though if you feel it is too dangerous, or risk to go ahead and last hit then use Wild Cards. Another option is to farm and harass with Wild Cards aim for your foe, and watch Wild Cards do some of the farming for you!
If you really need to clear a minion wave a combination of a red card, and Wild Cards often does the trick!
Now lets move into a little bit more detail about harassing your enemy. While Wild Cards will be your main harass
Now this does not mean go and forsake your Stacked Deck + Pick A Card harass!
Oh no, instead you can now stack add your Wild Cards to the burst! If you can close the distance with your foe attempt to hit them with a combnation of Stacked Deck, along with a gold card, or blue card (if you trust your aim enough). Then let them have it with Wild Cards and watch them retreat to lick their wounds, or you may be able to finish them.
I am still advocating last hitting!
Though if you feel it is too dangerous, or risk to go ahead and last hit then use Wild Cards. Another option is to farm and harass with Wild Cards aim for your foe, and watch Wild Cards do some of the farming for you!
If you really need to clear a minion wave a combination of a red card, and Wild Cards often does the trick!
Now lets move into a little bit more detail about harassing your enemy. While Wild Cards will be your main harass
Now this does not mean go and forsake your Stacked Deck + Pick A Card harass!
Oh no, instead you can now stack add your Wild Cards to the burst! If you can close the distance with your foe attempt to hit them with a combnation of Stacked Deck, along with a gold card, or blue card (if you trust your aim enough). Then let them have it with Wild Cards and watch them retreat to lick their wounds, or you may be able to finish them.
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