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Yasuo Build Guide by visodoigt

Top - Season 8 - Complete High Elo Guide

Top - Season 8 - Complete High Elo Guide

Updated on November 9, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author visodoigt Build Guide By visodoigt 183 19 4,214,288 Views 19 Comments
183 19 4,214,288 Views 19 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author visodoigt Yasuo Build Guide By visodoigt Updated on November 9, 2017
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DidactHal | February 28, 2018 2:43pm
This oughta be great for learning to main Yasuo... I have a feeling this'll be extremely useful now & in the future.
DarkKingBruh50 | September 6, 2017 3:02pm
Great Build homie im a yasuo main so this will help me think of new ways to try and build my favorite champion (yasuo of course) LOL. <3
RareDrops (3) | September 6, 2017 6:00am
Great guide!! and also.. I want to suggest to add gifs or animation for your combos. I found it hard to follow the combo you listed up there.(or is it just me..) anyways, adding gif would help us to fully understand on how to excecute the combo! :)
GodLord (34) | January 7, 2017 5:46pm
great build
Arashiiiiiiiiiii | January 2, 2017 1:42pm
You didn't explain airblade right tbh, there were alot of false things, in order to do airblade you will need to shave off your Q, by doing that you can e when your Q is about 0.6,0.5 seconds, your Q is immediately resetted, this way you can complete the Airblade, and you need about 1.8cd on Q to do it anyways.
xXColdSteelXx | December 14, 2016 2:36pm
Um 1st of all, "flashed airstrike" ?????. Its called a beyblade... and give it at least 3 stars.
Look: . Oh and one more thing. Include the keyblade in the tricks section: .
Retzl | November 25, 2016 10:12pm
I noticed in the masteries breakdown you said that battle trance "will deal 5% more dmg but only for 5 seconds so that's better for short fights." I just wanted to say that it actually increases 5% over a 5 second interval, so it would be better for longer fights not short ones. Thought I would let you know to fix or whatever.
visodoigt | November 26, 2016 3:34pm
yeah you're right thank you, some problem from the translation i did ! not so good with english :)
visodoigt | October 14, 2016 9:44am
Okay, if you could tell me if you have time if that work for you or any problem you feel about it, it would be really nice of you :)
i tested it myself and it's kinda strong but my own experience doesn't represent everyone's
BoomGamer21 | October 12, 2016 11:08am
i will test theorycrafted at a normal game if its good enough i will tested at ranked ;)
visodoigt | September 18, 2016 11:37am
no the total i recommend for the laning phase is 2 doran's blade and one doran shield, i know it isn't clear, sorry for that
LabMonkeyForDuty | September 16, 2016 11:21am
Question, when in the laning phase do I buy just a doran's blade and shield or do I buy 2 more Doran's blades and a shield for a total of 3 blades and 1 shield?
visodoigt | September 6, 2016 10:56am
Hey Thetacoboy ! I apologize for the fact i did the same build explanation. I looked at your build and i added in the end of mine a link to yours because you have a good explanation for the frozen mallet, and i think this might be interesting for those who would like to know more about it.
Furthermore, thank you for your comment and your greetings about my build. I worked many many many hours on it and i like to see that it's apreciated.
For your question, i would say that yasuo is better top lane fighting as a bruiser in the game.
Tank meta is gone, and we now have on top lane fighters / bruiser. Yasuo got a kit and a build optimisation that makes him being a beast against them.
In my opinion it's better to play yasuo top, and leave the mid lane for a strong mage.
BUT, i still think that yasuo can still be considered as a midlane assassin with a bruiser build.
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