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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Runic Blade (PASSIVE)
Riven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He can build so much Armor and you will lose he has a defensiv passiv dat you cant destroy easy, and his slow and ult will make you suffer.
Riven the op mobile Bitch dat you cant catch or kill
She is a ***ing Trade Maschine and can duel most champions with ez.
She is a very high mobile and dmg champ with 1 weakness, when she is cc she can do ****.
This champ is hard to play and hard to master but when you master her she is a beast in the low or high elo.
Riven can carry you in the elo so easy becose no one knows what to do when riven is feed.
Specieli in the low elo she is realy good becose low elo players cant play against her.
She has whery high dmg and can trade easy.
She is a Early game beast and a late game monster.
She can duel many Champions and can suvive long fights.
She can chase for realy good.
She has a good DMG Sterioit with her ultimate.
She can kill low health champions easy.
She has a good gabcloser
She is a Early game beast and a late game monster.
She can duel many Champions and can suvive long fights.
She can chase for realy good.
She has a good DMG Sterioit with her ultimate.
She can kill low health champions easy.
She has a good gabcloser
She cant take advanteg of movmentspeed items because she is aimed at stacking ad; her ultimate says " Stack ad or else!"
She dosnt fit well with a Team she is more a solo fighter than a teamfight champ.
You dont have a tank in the top lane becose Riven is a bad tank and you play her as a high ad fighter and as a assasin, a tanki build woud be bad for her.
She dosnt fit well with a Team she is more a solo fighter than a teamfight champ.
You dont have a tank in the top lane becose Riven is a bad tank and you play her as a high ad fighter and as a assasin, a tanki build woud be bad for her.
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