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Senna Build Guide by Smaugyon

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Support Senna support

Updated on October 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Smaugyon Build Guide By Smaugyon 12 0 21,139 Views 0 Comments
12 0 21,139 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Smaugyon Senna Build Guide By Smaugyon Updated on October 6, 2024
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Runes: Aery

1 2 3 4
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Font of Life

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Senna support

By Smaugyon
About me
Hello i'm Smaugyon a regular scrub player that loves to play Senna.
My Goal witht this guide/build is just to have an up to date guide that can be used by everyone. I plan on testing some builds here and there so that you wont have to. I would also love to know what everyone is testing and what they are thinking about what i propose.
I would love any feedback and i apologize if i missed spell words here and there english isnt my native language ;)
Some tips about Senna
They are plenty of guides from people that are way better than me so i wont tell you anything new about Senna but i will put some tips here so that you dont have to check different guides when trying her out !
Q tips :
-Always try to align multiple champions when using it to get more value wether it is an ally or an enemies.
- It can collect souls so you can get some this way if they are very far. It can collect multiple souls at ones, it is sometimes a good idea to Q 2 or 3 souls in order to keep your momentum after a fight
-you can Q wards to extend your rang if nobody is in front of you. Pretty useful to apply the slow or snipe a low hp champion.
- The most basic combo with Senna is AA Q AA to harass and get a quick soul

W tips:
- it is a pretty straight forward ability just remember that it is a pretty slow projectile so hold dont try to max range W if you can walk up or use your Q to slow them down first.
- It is a pretty good bait and peel tool since the root isnt instant if you W when somone dashes in they will be stuck. Very useful in towers dives.
-Remember your soul prock is on AA and spells so fishing for W and Q from afar works well as a poke tool and a soul stacking trick
- when you fish for W try to hide it in terrain for a little bit of a surprise you can catch people of guard this way.
- You can use it as a zoning tool since most people dont wanna get roots

E tips :
-use it to get back to lane faster, and use it to speed up your adc.
-use it to gank with your jungle
-pop it in teamfights when they try to get to you , idealy with your adc in range for the extra kiting power

R tips:
-R is a buffer ability if you time it right you can R while cc'd, the timing is kinda tricky to get right tho
-You can flash in R animation to create space or chase down, it takes a lot of practice but it can turn fights
-Be on the look out when random fights happens to sneak in a kill or ***it. Also if you do have a fed carry that is getting ganked upon using your R just so he can survive is pretty good since you deny shutdown gold and sometimes they can turn the fight and reverse sweep !
-using R in your W
-If you need to burst somone down you have a few combos to do it but make sure you Q or W or both first to ensure your R hits
- You can use it for vision ! Using it that way doesnt happens often but keep it in mind.

Passive tips:
-Void grubs give 2 souls per so if you can go to them you can get 6 stacks per set (12 stacks for all 6)
-Drake gives 2 souls as well so dont forget them
-In general shadowing your jungler is a good way to get stacks since camps gives souls. Plus you can gank lanes as well
-Any 2 hits on chamions, wether it's abilitys or AA, gives you a soul
-dont overextend for souls it isnt worth it if you die for one
-try to aim for 80 stacks at 20 min (40 stacks every 10 min) quick disclaimer i am unsure about those numbers being accurate
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Smaugyon
Smaugyon Senna Guide
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Senna support

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