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Nautilus Build Guide by SennTherna

Middle SennTherna's FAMOUS nautilus MID

Middle SennTherna's FAMOUS nautilus MID

Updated on November 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SennTherna Build Guide By SennTherna 9,003 Views 0 Comments
9,003 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SennTherna Nautilus Build Guide By SennTherna Updated on November 6, 2024
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Runes: Grasp heartsteel Nautilus strategy

Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Second Wind

Nullifying Orb

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Most often taken
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

SennTherna's FAMOUS nautilus MID

By SennTherna
Introduction of who i am
So A bit of a introduction before we get into the swing of things:

Who am i: I'm SennTherna i used to be a very high ranked challenger MID player before i got permabanned(You mighta heard the story of the famous Nautilus that got banned 3 years ago)

Why do i love THIS particular champion~?
Well it's very simple actually:

1 I love finding WEIRD/Strange/out of the ordinary strategies in each game that i play
(Basically i wanna stand out lol)
2 Nautilus is slow but VERY F*CKING TANKY(People underestimate how much dmg i do alot)

3 In soloqueue it is a VERY strong pick due to the teams not being organised.

I mainly just enjoy BONKING people with stacks on Nautilus with
Do i like other champions?
1 Yes i'm NAUT a OTP by any means

2 I just really love Nautilus

3 But i do love other champs like i'm a 1 mill Katarina player for example

5 I've practically mained every champ up until the release of Hwei
Compositions that my strat is good inta
Pretty much anything that u'll see tbh, it barely has comps that are bad with my nautilus in there because YOU are the CC YOU ARE THEEEEE Nautilus
is a VERY good choice for this because of 2 reasons

1 Grasp of the stacks health and does more damage based on how much health u have

2 (your bread and butter for this working) does more damage the more health u have with helping out ALOT

those are the reasons lol
Summoner spells and why i take them
Is just important because its your only mobility spell(If you don't count your q sliding thingy)

is a good Summoner for Nautilus because of combing really well with the shield from proccing the damage from AND the survivability aswell

and are EXCELLENT Summoners for the matchups that u can fight early giving u a deceptive nice kill angle around level 4(Where your is level 2 and will do a deceptive amount of damage
General gameplay setup
So the laning phase is rather simple

With and you are VERY survivable in the early game with ALOT of health regen and keeping you nice and healthy

2 main rules: ANYTHING that is melee? Get's screwed over against you.
ANYTHING ranged Screws U over(Or makes u need to be a BIT more creative in lane)
You'll better get used to using your ALOT and timing it against those ranged attacks/pokes as it will decide if u get doven or not

Every trade is rather simple you'll either do this: walk up to the enemy + AA(Auto attack) OR

onto the enemy pop and AA + then walk away wait for cooldowns and do it again until u can kill ;3
This is where you want to start to get used to roaming ALOT

Once you have you'll want to find skirmishes/small fights AS MUCH AS YOU CAN(You will need those stacks)

You'll be roaming more against ranged matchups..

And less against melee(cuz u can stack your easier against melee)
You'll be trying to engage and peel the ones doing good on your team and depending on how many stacks u have? you might be the carry LMAO

Rules simple: Don't go too far into the enemy team without your team
EVEN if you are fed..

Remember that u are VERY TANKY but u don't do damage fast.. YOU DO ALOT OF DAMAGE but Slowly over time and also your HAS A VERY long CD so be carefull don't miss it.
What dragons are good for you?
1 OCEAN DRAKES help you because you are ALL about HEALING AND HEALTH

2 Infernals are ALWAYS good IMO

3 Chemtech drakes are sexy for your tankiness/healing aswell/cc

4 Mountain drakes are your best drake BY FAR Because of the INSANE tankiness u get from them ESPECIALLY THE SOUL
THAT'S IT(For now)
I will keep this guide updated when i find something new that i think is worth adding to this guide but for now

Since Nautilus is a very straightforward champ his combo is easy
he only has 3 combos and the last 2 are VERY situational

And i am also learning the game again after my LONG break (Currently SILVER-GOLD LMAO)
You wanna stay in contact?
I stream every monday/tuesday/wednesday over on my youtube channel :


Perhaps see you there :3
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