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Runes: Page 1
Way to go summs
Ability Order Skill order
Pit Grit (PASSIVE)
Sett Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Just outkites you. Her E counters your E
Synergies with your early aggresion
Synergies with your early aggresion
Champion Build Guide
Im Levi and I really love to play Sett. This champion gives me real boss vibes and thats how he got designed. First I played him Top Lane although I was a Support/Jungle main. I had some fun and did pretty good but after about 50 games it got pretty boring. Then I started playing my normal mains and didnt thought alot about this Sett pick except some fun games once or twice a month. Then I saw Targamas playing Sett Support and hard carrying the game. I thought that I need to try that and it actually worked. I started playing him a lot on support and now I thought I should do a guide for everyone that wants to learn this pick. Some more personal things about me:
- my name is Levi as I said before
- I am 20 years old
- usually was an Lee Sin one trick
- Started playing Support at the start of S11 as a Pyke/Bard main
- Sett connoisseur
Im Levi and I really love to play Sett. This champion gives me real boss vibes and thats how he got designed. First I played him Top Lane although I was a Support/Jungle main. I had some fun and did pretty good but after about 50 games it got pretty boring. Then I started playing my normal mains and didnt thought alot about this Sett pick except some fun games once or twice a month. Then I saw Targamas playing Sett Support and hard carrying the game. I thought that I need to try that and it actually worked. I started playing him a lot on support and now I thought I should do a guide for everyone that wants to learn this pick. Some more personal things about me:
- my name is Levi as I said before
- I am 20 years old
- usually was an Lee Sin one trick
- Started playing Support at the start of S11 as a Pyke/Bard main
- Sett connoisseur

Knuckle Down is Setts Q ability. For Sett support you want to use it for the Movement Speed part because Sett doesnt have a real gap closer besides this small part of his kit.
You can also use this very great to take down wards because its a AA reset.

Haymaker is Setts W ability. In lane you want to tank every damage you can to deal damage over the true damage part of this ability.If its done correctly you cant lose any trade in any lane. Later on you want to tank as much as possible after you used your W ability.

Facebreaker is Setts E ability. There isnt much to say about this spell. In lane always use this spell with minions at the other side to stun the enemy.

The Show Stopper is Setts Ultimate Ability. Its your only gap closer so use it wisely. Its very easy to use if you play vs lots of tanks. Just take a tank and follow up with your E ability on the Carry to stun them. Dont be scared to tank a hook if you can use your R afterwards. If you dont play vs any tank try to "Insec" the Carry over a flank. Try to come behind the Carry and use this ability to pull the enemy Carry into your team
Sett Support is best vs. melee tank supports.He can tank every hook because of his W and can even reengage through his ultimate ability. As a Sett Support in lane tank EVERY damage so you can damage the AD Carry over your W ability. Sett hates long range lanes like Caitlyn or Ashe but he doesnt cares if their lane partner is any melee tank support. You shouldnt pick Sett into double range lanes because you ll get perma kited
Item guide

Rune explaination: Glacial Augment

Flashtraption saves the roaming options for Sett as he has very bad roaming at all.
Skin tierlist

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