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Shaco Build Guide by TnPimelnase

Jungle Shaco - The Demon Jester

Jungle Shaco - The Demon Jester

Updated on October 26, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TnPimelnase Build Guide By TnPimelnase 1,570 Views 1 Comments
1,570 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TnPimelnase Shaco Build Guide By TnPimelnase Updated on October 26, 2013
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Hey there!
This is my first Guide. I really love Shaco although his ranged on his spells got nerfed.

1. After the Core-Items
If you want, you can go more damage, (Hydra, Infinity Edge), or start to build tanky (Frozen Mallet). I personally always go more damage if the game comes this far, so you can kill the AdC/ApC easier.

2. Jungle Route
If you are at the purple side start blue, if blue side start red. Start to put boxes in the red/blue camp at the 0:58 mark. Maybe ask your teammates to attack the red/blue once or twice. After that go to the next buff and take it. You are now lvl 3 and can gank any lane.

3. Invading
Shaco is a very good invader. If the enemy jungler is someone with a lot of aoe spells (for example: Nautilus) always leave 1 creep there. If the enemy jungler is someone with single target spells (for example: Lee Sin) leave 2 or 3 creeps there. Always put some boxes in the bushes, so you can see if someone is coming near you. You can also wait for the enemy jungler in a bush and kill him. Try to steal their buffs and know when they respawn. (Buffs: 5 min, Dragon: 6 min, Baron: 7 min)

4. Mid-Lategame
If you see someone squishy alone, try to Deceive to him, use Youmuus and Botrk on them and stab them to death. If you are behind you can try to splitpush 24/7 , but always put some boxes in bushes, etc.
If a teamfight comes, Deceive to the AdC or ApC, activate Youmuus and Botrk + your Ultimate and try to assassinate them.

5. End
So this was my little Guide on Shaco.
- TN Pimelnase

Note: I main Shaco on another Account :3
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TnPimelnase
TnPimelnase Shaco Guide
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