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LoL Best Shaco Middle Build Guides 2024

Build guides for Shaco Middle on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Shaco Middle builds. Create your own champion guide!

Season 5 Guides
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

[5.9] AP Shaco mid guide

Guide by JeanMoulin updated May 26, 2015
Season 5 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

AP Shaco Mid

Build by SpeedBoiz updated November 10, 2015
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Hit and Run

Build by CybranTheTroll updated October 30, 2015
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Hit and Run

Build by CybranTheTroll updated October 30, 2015
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Shaco... Joker of the mid lane

Build by Tumadu updated August 24, 2015
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Shaco mid with smite

Build by Gabre updated July 12, 2015
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Where Shaco go?

Build by lBeatz updated May 24, 2015
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

ARAM Shaco (AP)

Build by gb95 updated May 1, 2015
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

AP Shaco MID - Win lane - 1-Shot ADC

Build by TaylorCG5 updated March 31, 2015
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Just A fun way to hit lvl 30 Hybrid Shaco build Top/Mid

Build by Zortheon updated March 21, 2015
Season 4 Guides
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

AP Shaco w/ Mejai's: The Mid Lane Hyper Carry

Guide by TickleMe updated April 23, 2014
Season 4 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Shaco AP (800 ~ 1000

Build by RexSupreme updated July 6, 2014
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

AP Shaco PentaKill

Build by thexdutchx updated June 25, 2014
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Carry Yourself To High Elo With Shaco The Foras

Build by CrazyVeteran updated April 21, 2014
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Shaco: 1-Shotting Machine

Build by gspodliska updated January 14, 2014
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Ap Shaco Mid Patch 3.12

Build by Tigpe updated November 24, 2013
Season 3 Guides
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

AP Shaco Mid - Madness?

Guide by LittleRaiden updated June 4, 2013
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide


Guide by Karberus updated February 1, 2013
  • In-depth
Season 3 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

Shaco Champion Build

Build by Kolinoks updated November 13, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide
LoL Champion Shaco Build Guide

AD Shaco mid lane

Build by Luki bre updated August 7, 2013

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