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Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Who am I?
Now you might be asking yourself "Why the **** should I listen to a terrible bot laner with in bronze II when I want to learn how to use TF´s full potential in the jungle?"
Well, you really shouldn´t.
Twisted Fate is a jungler who is great for everyone and fun for the whole family.
(plz listen to some Jay-z while reading the rest of the guide)
First of all you really shouldn´t be talking to them but if you must I can give a few tips and tricks on how to make them stop being mad at you.
1. One way of doing this is to pick someone like cho´gath and just not like in untill the last second where you switch to TF. Remember that this will only buy you time for your team will still whine during the entire game.
2. You could just mute them all.
3. Tell them that you are a DiamondProx smurf (they wont belive you so just use step 2 instead)
1. One way of doing this is to pick someone like cho´gath and just not like in untill the last second where you switch to TF. Remember that this will only buy you time for your team will still whine during the entire game.
2. You could just mute them all.
3. Tell them that you are a DiamondProx smurf (they wont belive you so just use step 2 instead)
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